May 21, 2010 00:59
I'm writing an essay about the use of language in fandom and I was wondering if you would mind suggesting some examples of general fandom-specific lingo (ex: fanon, WIP, /co/mrade) and maybe some of the reasons why the word(s) developed?
I've got two basic ideas so far.
a) language serves to connects fandom as a group outside of the generic masses (eg: using words like /b/tards to describe ourselves)
b) language serves to describe specialized items (eg: using words like drabble)
Do you think these classifications work? Should there be more detail to them and/or should there be more?
Also, does name squishing (eg: RoLo or Romy or Pepperony or what have you) count as a use of English or is it too specific?
I always love your opinions, guys :D