Pairing/Characters: The Comedian, OC
Length: 2800 words
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Author's fic tagWhy this must be read:
It is rare that you find OC fic in this fandom and even rarer that you find good OC fic. Finish focuses on Thanh, the illegitimate Vietnamese son of the Comedian. In fact, he's the son of the woman the Comedian killed in front of Dr. Manhattan, brought into the world by his aunts even as his mother lay dying. This is the story of his journey to New York to find his father and the growth he experiences along the way. The author summarizes it best: The Comedian is dead. Long live The Comedian?
The best thing about this what-if story is that could easily fit into the canon. The original characters are woven into gaps in the world of Watchmen and the Comedian, when he makes an appearance, is cynical and smarmy and strangely fatherly in a way that is perfectly in character.
Excerpt: “You’re not sorry, are you?”
“Hell, Thanh, the things I regret could fill the New York City phone book. You get to be my age, you realize the good old days when life was sweet have turned from sugar to shit. There’s nothing to look forward to, and it hurts too much to look back and see how many mistakes you made. Screwing up with women? That’s Staten Island.
"Let me give you a few life lessons," says the old man. "You know, to make up for all those wonderful father-son moments we never had. Number one, keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer, or better yet, don't bother with friends. They'll let you down every time---sometimes out a window. Two, don't buy into that whole, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' bullshit. Nine times out of ten, after they're through with your enemy, they'll come after you."
"What about the tenth time?"
The Comedian smirks. "Sometimes your mutual enemy gets lucky."