Experimenting with style. This needs a lot of polishing, but it's not bad, considering.
This is a day in the life of Mr. Miracle and Big Barda.
He wraps himself in chains and freefalls from the top of a twelve story building only to disappear mid-flight and reappear from a phone booth not two feet away.
She girds herself in her armour and flies with other birds of prey to right the world's wrongs and protect fellow warriors not gifted with the strength and stamina of the gods.
Later, the two heroes team up to smack villains around. He laughs as he ducks between soldiers in the air, dipping and whirling and flipping his cape as carelessly as a leaf on the wind. She simply snarls, brandishing her weapon and lashing out at her targets with the solid strength of a true warrior.
After, he offers her a hand pulling herself from whatever rubble she's managed to bury herself in. She rolls her eyes and heaves herself out with ease, but takes his hand anyway once she's on solid ground.
They go home.
This is a night in the life of Scott and Barda Free.
He pulls bits and bobs out of broken down cars and clocks and sewing machines and gently eases them back to life with his mechanical knowledge and his gift for machines. He's never going to manage to fix the toaster, but he'll give it another go anyway. There's never harm in trying.
She gingerly pokes a spoon at the food in the pan, keeping it from burning with sheer will and evil glaring. She will do this properly, even if she has to retry this recipe (and eat the outcome) for weeks. Retreat is a strategic necessity at times, but utter failure is not an option.
After dinner (he eats it all, she smiles, he thanks the powers that be that he's never had problems palming the salt shaker), they curl up together on the couch and watch a movie because that's what normal people do. Barda points out the flaws in the special effects, Scott munches on popcorn, and both of them gravitate towards each other over the course of the plot. By the time the hero's reached the final face off with his nemesis, Scott's in Barda's lap and neither of them really cares about what's happening on the screen. They don't make it to their bed, but it's okay.
They're home.