I need a hundred beers. Exactly.

Nov 12, 2008 03:43

Ugh. I'm having one of those days where damn near everything is frustrating the piss out of me. My computer's been freezing up like a motherfucker lately. I've run three different virus scans and I still can't figure out what the fuck's wrong with it. I'm just going to reformat once I find the rest of my software. Haven't decided yet if I'm going to reinstall Vista or switch back to XP. I kinda hate Vista, so there's that.

I've been playing Little Big Planet the last few days, and honestly? It kinda sucks. The only part I really like is being able to build my own levels, and even that is frustrating as fuck. The actual main storyline of the game is basically a souped up Super Mario Bros, except there aren't any fire flowers or tanuki suits. And if you run into any enemies or death traps, that's it. No health bar. No three-strikes. Nothing. Just fuckin'... dead. Start back at the checkpoint. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

So basically, I've been creating Hell. Literally. I'm making the level I'm working on as hard as fuckin' possible. I actually tried it out myself tonight and died before I even made it to the first checkpoint. Which means I did something right, I guess.

I still can't find a job, which is really starting to piss me off. I'm more than qualified for all the jobs I applied for, but I haven't gotten a single call back. And now there's a foot of fuckin' snow on the ground and my mother's trying to get me a job at PetZoo. In Wasilla. Because I really, really want to drive twenty miles to and from work every day in this shit. Ugh. Ugh.

I'm getting antsy to get the fuck out of here. I'm sick again because of the goddamn cold. The few friends I have around here seem like they're always busy. There's nothing to do. There are no jobs. It's cold and snowy and gross and I really fuckin' hate it but there's no way I'm going to be able to leave before January now. *sigh*

I dunno. I'm just bitching to bitch. Whatever. I'm gonna try to sleep.

EDIT: Oh, and I made a Metalocalypse moodtheme. ankhofbloodlust helped. I likes it.

blahhh, video games, work, insomnia

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