And how does it feel like to wake up in the sun?

Nov 20, 2006 15:14

Blah. I can't sleep, and my snake and cat were being cute...

So, of course, I took pictures!

Sebastian, pulling his "Pet me because I'm so cute" act. I'll admit, I gave in to it.

Still being cute, and probably getting annoyed that I keep blinding him with the camera flash.

Unfortunately, the one where he was reaching straight for the camera wound up being all off centered... But this one is just as cute. In a demon-kitty kinda way.

Of course, he had to get right up on the camera. (Jesus, do I look like shit. :p)

Kitty kisses!

Also unfortunate- All of the photos of Naga came out blurry, because I had to shut off the flash so it wouldn't reflect off of her tank. I would've just taken her out, but she looked so cute rubbing her face up on the glass.

She's explorerating the corner of her tank. It's interesting over there, I swear.

She's getting so big! It makes me all teary-eyed and stuff.

photos, pets

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