Salvage Run, Autumn 1952

Dec 04, 2009 16:00

WHO: Various NPCs, Alfons Heiderich, Kaylee Frye, Graham Spector, Mikalea Banes, Allelujah Haptism, Setsuna F. Seiei, Ironhide, Cielo, Jadzia Dax, Laharl, Neil Dylandy
WHEN: October 3-5th
WHAT: There's a Salvage Run. You guys are required to go get stuff for the city while the rest of us pray you don't ( Read more... )

mikalea banes, filter:closed.log, neil dylandy, ironhide, alfons heiderich, cielo, npc: patrol, setsuna f. seiei, npc: infected, filter:job.related, kaylee frye, rating:t.14+, jadzia dax, allelujah haptism, graham spector, laharl

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Where the water treatment plant is for the city df_official December 4 2009, 21:22:22 UTC
There's still running water from a river. Who knows if any of the workings in this plant is salvagable. If you can take it apart, it's yours!


mywrenchsaysyes December 7 2009, 05:39:14 UTC
     If he had a flag, he'd skewer the ground with it to claim turf. Bad enough he was getting anxious that the others had been heading out already, but here it seemed like there was still something yet to be checked out- or at least, he didn't see any of the others in the area. The place itself looked pretty impressive... for ruins, of course. To Graham, it just meant more stuff to break...

"Oh yeah. That looks like a fun place. Whaddya say?" he said, grinning over his shoulder.


show_my_cannons December 7 2009, 07:14:37 UTC
Once they were far enough away from the other observers, he'd transformed. Slowly. Gears and joints ground in painful protest to the movement. And, as usual, the process left him kneeling on the ground for a few moments, too drained to move. But then, he was back on his feet, limping along with them.

"Some sort of treatment facility," he rumbled. "Unable to tell if the water is safe for human consumption... keep away from it."


greasemunkygal December 9 2009, 02:38:02 UTC
"Looks good to me," she agreed, glancing up at Ironhide with the tiniest smile though she'd moved closer to rest a hand on his foot as she chewed on her lip in concern. But then, he'd been on his feet and she'd kept silent. She had little room to talk.

"It's probably pretty gross. Wasn't planning on drinking it..."


THANKS LJ, LUV YOU TOO *SMASH* mywrenchsaysyes December 9 2009, 08:25:43 UTC
     "Not a problem, I don't think I'd trust anything around this place. Heck, I don't even trust the water in Veles!" Graham looked from them and back towards the plant, then started forward towards it, twirling his wrench eagerly.


LJ NEEDS TO STOP FAILING. show_my_cannons December 9 2009, 08:53:01 UTC
He nudged Mikaela forward with a toe, before limping on ahead. The structure still stood, which increased the likelihood of there being salvageable metals inside. Metals which his systems ached for. One heavy hand absently prodded at the hole in his chest armor, before he forced it away.

"Need some scrap metal," he grumbled, prodding the door to the structure open. "We do not have to hand... everything we find over..."


what the HECK YES IT DOES /growl greasemunkygal December 9 2009, 14:31:22 UTC
She edged forward with Ironhide's bump, eyes sparkling. This was gonna be pretty fun. She caught Ironhide's absent prod and she narrowed her eyes, making a mental note to ask Graham about that later.

"Hmm...that's true." She walked right into the building when Ironhide opened the door, glancing around and looking for stuff to salvage.


mywrenchsaysyes December 9 2009, 19:49:27 UTC
     And here he had been all set to bash the thing in. He didn't bother to hide the frown of disappointment as Ironhide opened the way for them, almost sulking as he stepped into the building after Mikaela. The mood was gone in an instant as he was able to catch a glimpse of what they had to look forward to poking around.

"Have at it, 'hidey! Don't think you'll get another chance any time soon, otherwise. But if there's a machine or vehicle, I get dibs!" He glanced at Mikaela. "Oh, but I guess I could share."


show_my_cannons December 9 2009, 23:41:33 UTC
He had to crouch awkwardly to shuffle into the building. If they went in much further, he wouldn't be able to fit. He was simply built too large for human structures. And it would be far more difficult to protect them in his vehicle mode... which was also probably too large to fit in this place.

"Quit calling me that," he snarled, annoyed at both the nickname, and the pain in his joints from standing hunched like this. His helm knocked into an overhead beam and he growled a rather unprintable Cybertronian curse.

"Cannot... fit in here," he admitted, finally. "How much further are you two going?"


greasemunkygal December 10 2009, 01:51:46 UTC
She looked back at Ironhide and Graham, smiling lightly.

"'S just a nickname. You don't get mad when I call you 'Hide," she pointed out, grinning. She took a few more quick steps, looking around.

"How far you wanna go in, Graham?"


mywrenchsaysyes December 10 2009, 09:13:51 UTC
     Graham grinned at the Autobot as he watched him squeeze in. He was somewhat amazed Ironhide could get in at all. "No need to overwork yourself. I don't see why you're being so careful though- no one's using the place so what's a few walls and ceilings?" He shrugged, seeming to ignore the whole thing about nicknames.

"Hmm...." The place couldn't be that big, could it? "We can go down a few rooms that way and see if there's anything. Find something for 'hidey to snack on, we can bring it back to him."


show_my_cannons December 10 2009, 10:11:05 UTC
"Because that name... is not demeaning," he grumbled, hunching his huge shoulders. "His is." In response to Graham, he merely tapped the front of his helm, irritably. "Being careful because I do not want to get dented in here. Or would you rather I was not, and crushed you both by being careless, hmn?"

That said, he hunkered down, his cannons fully extended, but as dull and lifeless as the building they stood in. It left a bad feeling in his spark... "I will be within shouting distance," he told them. "Running scans for life signs... just in case."


greasemunkygal December 10 2009, 13:22:22 UTC
She just shakes her head, though she seems fairly amused at the exchange between Graham and Ironhide.

"Being smooshed by you doesn't sound fun," she admitted, running her fingers through her hair and nodded at Graham.

"Sounds good. Let's go see what we can find, huh?" She flashed a small grin back to Ironhide.

"Yell if anything shows up."


mywrenchsaysyes December 10 2009, 20:04:37 UTC
     "It's not demeaning!" Graham protested, but he decided he was tiring of the argument. He snorted, making wiggly gestures with his hands with Ironhide's complaining before throwing a grin at Mikaela. "He always like this?"

But they'd dawdled enough. The blond-haired mechanic hopped forward, pointing with his wrench. "Onward!"


show_my_cannons December 11 2009, 02:23:01 UTC
"Yes. It is."

He said nothing more on the subject, and nodded at Mikaela. If anything showed up, they'd hear him. No matter how far away they were. Battlefield vocals had their uses, he supposed.

Shifting in place, he expanded his sensors as far as he could, waiting for them to return, and keeping a close watch on their position.


greasemunkygal December 11 2009, 05:04:21 UTC
She shook her head, then laughed.

"Yeah, he is." She nodded, then trotted after Graham.

"Be careful, 'Hide. See ya soon."


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