[Stick in one hand, gun in the other, she's ready to face down the horde. She begins by attempting to pick off several of the zombies in front with headshots]
*bam, bam, and two fall, unmoving; the others are only nicked and keep moving forward, arms reaching; one of the ones that had been just barely hit lists to one side as it's head starts to tear away from its shoulders*
[Frustrated, she thrusts at them with the broken piece of wood, hoping to slow them down. She needs to reload, but she needs to get them out of her way before she can]
*the wood thunks against them and they stumble back a second, weaving in the air to try and keep their balance; one or two fail and there is a zombie domino effect*
[Pleased that she'll have a bit of time to reload, she takes a few steps back, effortlessly reloading her pistol. It's obvious she's had years of practice with it. Once she's done, she goes for picking off a couple of the ones that fell to the ground]
[All right, so they're crushing each other. She wonders if she could turn them against each other somehow, but that'd require a lot more energy than just shooting them, so she settles for more headshots, although she's starting to worry about her ammo situation]
[Right, it's time for the molotov cocktail. She'd thought about this from the time she'd heard the announcement about the zombies. Fire tended to handle things well. She pulls out the bottle of alcohol and stuffs the scrap of cloth she'd brought with her inside, lighting it. Holding it for a few moments, she waits until the zombies are as piled up as possible before she tosses it right into the center of them. Hopefully that'll deal with some of 'em]
*the bottle crashes and spills it's contents, which burst into flames; the moans almost seem frantic and the zombies are tumbling down the mound on fire, trying to drag themselves towards her still, but are 'dying' before they can reach her*
[She chuckles under her breath, not necessarily amused, but relieved. But with her ammo running out, she needs to get to a better vantage point. Taking advantage of the zombies that are 'dying' all around her, she decides to head back inside]
[Steadily aims right at that zombie's head. Because that's really gross. She pulls the trigger]
[Looking around wildly, she grabs a broken piece of wood, and attempts to beat the arms into submission]
[Frustrated, she thrusts at them with the broken piece of wood, hoping to slow them down. She needs to reload, but she needs to get them out of her way before she can]
[Pleased that she'll have a bit of time to reload, she takes a few steps back, effortlessly reloading her pistol. It's obvious she's had years of practice with it. Once she's done, she goes for picking off a couple of the ones that fell to the ground]
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