-=Standing outside, between Midgard and the Temple, in the snow, bundled up, hunting for any more walkers coming through the gate=-
Would happen when they can freeze to death after getting lost in a city no one seems to care about them in.
-=Mutters a curse in Klingon as she rubs gloved hands together=-
Of course.
-=He spots Jadzia and pastes his best "I'm a nice doctor" smile on his face. He raises an emphatic finger and calls to her like a man ordering a drink.=-
Excuse me! You there!
Don't be afraid. I'm a doctor.
You're a substitute.
I beg your pardon?
-=looks at him critically=-
Never thought I'd see one here. Especially functional.
-=starts to walk around the good Doctor=-
How long has your program been active? It might be useful for Al in emergencies...but where is a stable holomatrix coming from?
I can hear you, you know.
-=He turns as she walks around him.=-
What is your current assignment?
Ah, yes. You're a Trill. I've never seen one before. Hm. Fascinating.
-=He shakes himself out of it and finally replies to her question.=-
I'm the Emergency Medical Hologram assigned to the USS Voyager.
...Wherever they are.
-=doesn't seem bothered by the returned response=-
Voyager. Three years. Must have been activated before she was destroyed. How are you maintaining cohesion? You are solid?
-=pushes on a shoulder to be sure=-
Initiate your highest level self-diagnostic. Are there any indications of possible memory loss or data corruption in your matrix? The gate's never spit out a hologram before, and it has a way of interfering with some of the others who have come through it.
-=He pauses.=-
Three years? Destroyed? Voyager hasn't been destroyed.
Technology here is very basic and extremely antiquated; circa mid-twentieth century, on Earth. 1952, actually. The clinic we run has few amenities than the hospital, but it is not under governmental control, making the service and treatment more reliable.
Alphonse is in charge of the clinic, and might be in. I'll show you to him so he can set up any emergency procedures necessary.
-=He's choosing his words wisely. Obviously, he can't tell her what happened in those last four years, but there was some contact made with Starfleet thanks to a Romulan science vessel around Dax's time...=-
My program has been running continuously - and adapting - aboard Voyager for seven years.
Seven years. Your programming would have suffered significant degradation during that time. Your matrix should have decompiled, actually.
-=arches an eyebrow=-
And without a system of holoprojectors in place, you shouldn't even be here. So let's start with how you're standing in front of me.
-=He smiles smugly and turns slightly to show her the device on his arm.=-
I am equipped with a mobile holo-emitter. My program is downloaded into it, and I am as free to go where I please as any flesh and blood member of Starfleet.
This was acquired in the delta quadrant?
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