If you haven't been moved out of your old apartments by now, you will be 'assisted' by the military. *Nope. No preamble here*
It's rations day. Come get your food here in Victory Square from now until 1700 hours. In preparation for the colder winder months, there will be a Salvage run on the weekend of October 5th. All of Cid's employees are required to attend this mission. There is to be a volunteer of five soldiers accompanying the mission. And if you don't volunteer yourselves, we'll do the volunteering. *there's a smug sneer in that tone.* And other people who have some knowledge as to how a rifle functions will be placed into consideration.
The sign ups will be conducted by Maes Hughes, and further information will be presented to the team two days before you leave.
Good Luck.
Maes loves help! The first one to comment to the post is the person who is 'drafted' to help Maes with Rations. Please remember that the Rations can last all week, depending on what CR is happening in the threads. Before volunteering your muse, check with your schedules to see if you are able to interact with the personnel in your line at least until Friday. We want to make certain everyone has a chance to interact!
Rations. If you are new and unaware of how this works, or in need of reference for exactly what the Rations Book contains, please refer to
this section of the Guide for more details.
Sign ups for the Salvage Run will be conducted in the plotting post located
here. Happy hunting!]]