Good morning. It is Saturay, the 8th of September in the year 1952. Rations will be held at Victory Square from 1100 hours to 1800 hours today. Bear in mind that although we have had a good response in the return of our escaped livestock, we still have several dozen specimens missing and wish to have them returned as soon as possible. The Veterinarian will still be waiting at the Agricultural department for the safe and uninjured return of said livestock. Each specimen returned in a healthy, uninjured state will be reimbursed 10 credits.
Applications for alternate government housing will be accepted today, and new assignments will be issued the following week. If you did not receive an application last week, this will be your final week to obtain an application and turn it in.
A Salvage run has been scheduled for October 5th to October 7th. All Salvage and Demolitions personnel are required to attend, as well as City patrols and any other volunteers. Further information will be dispersed the closer we get to this time.
Lt. Maes Hughes will be your assistant today for any and all questions.
Good day.
Maes loves help! The first one to comment to the post is the person who is 'drafted' to help Maes with Rations. Please remember that the Rations can last all week, depending on what CR is happening in the threads. Before volunteering your muse, check with your schedules to see if you are able to interact with the personnel in your line at least until Friday. We want to make certain everyone has a chance to interact!
Rations. If you are new and unaware of how this works, or in need of reference for exactly what the Rations Book contains, please refer to
this section of the Guide for more details. You should all be aware that today's rations coupons will have the meat product reduced to 1/2 pound instead of 1 and 1/3 pounds.
Instead of putting your applications on this post, please 'hand them in'
here. New housing assignments will be given out next Rations.
As you post into rations, please add your tag.