Greetings. This is General Ivan Melnikov. Today is Saturday August 11 at 11 00 hours. Solanum levels are low today, and all appears quiet on the outer Wall. We expect this low level activity to continue for the rest of the week.
In other announcements, Officer Elena Vahn wished to have me inform you of the Midsummer's Dance which will be held at Cid's warehouse on August 16th. Formal dress and an appropriate escort is required to attend. The event will begin at 1900 hours and curfew that evening will be withheld until 0200 hours.
Today, however, is Rations Allocation Day. All Gatewalkers are required to attend this if they desire to eat healthy. Please bring your ID with you. You will not be served if you do not have your issued identification. You will instead be detained and questioned for your ineptitude. If you choose to forgo your priveledge to obtain rations, you had better not be stealing them, because we will catch you.
Officer Vahn's assistant, Maes Hughes will be your servant today, and there are additional questions he will need to ask you in regards to government matters. Your compliance without delay is required. Refusal to answer these questions will mean detainment for additional questioning. That is all.
Maes loves help! The first one to comment to the post is the person who is 'drafted' to help Maes with Rations. Please remember that the Rations can last all week, depending on what CR is happening in the threads. Before volunteering your muse, check with your schedules to see if you are able to interact with the personnel in your line at least until Friday. We want to make certain everyone has a chance to interact!
Rations. If you are new and unaware of how this works, or in need of reference for exactly what the Rations Book contains, please refer to
this section of the Guide for more details.
Added note, as you post into rations, please add your tag.
And yes, the questions Maes must ask is in regards to the Temple 'murder.' The one who will be helping Maes, please contact me so you know which questions are being asked. My AIM is graficmemory.