[The PA screeches feedback into the speakers, causing ear aches and people voicing their discomfort. One person in particular happens to be an unusually grumpy Lt. Maes Hughes.]
"--ammit! I told you not to crank that thing so high! When you start out with these things--GIMMIE THAT!"
[There are sounds of a wrestling over the mic and Maes' voice comes in more clearly]
"It is May 4th, 1952. A beautifully chilly Saturday morning at 11 am. And now.... The News."
[Cue in the rustling of paper and then Maes' voice change. Speaking isn't as smooth and animated as usual. It sounds like he's reading badly off a cue card.]
"The parade held on May 1st was a compete success, and the following need to see me for their prizes: Edward Elric, Lina Inverse, and Kururu Sumeragi. The grand prize for having the most... uh...attention getting float are a pair of vouchers to the ritziest place around here! That's a pair per person and let me tell you! When they say meat on the menu, it really is meat! Like pig or chicken or horse, not rat or.. well it's fresh meat!
"As for the physicals...There are people returning injured." Maes' voice is Quite Serious, now. "The reason this is happening is because people are resisting. The government stresses the need for these health care exams for all new arrivals to Veles in order to protect the person's constitution. Resistance will only hurt everyone involved."
[There's a bit of silence as paper rustles again.]
"For those of you who have just arrived, welcome. If you have any questions about protocols and Veles in general, there are a pluthera of assistants in Social Services who will be able to help you.
"Upcoming fun things to do this week? MOVIE NIGHT! Yes, ladies and gents, it's back with a vengence, to be held May 8th in the cafeteria. The preview shows will begin at 7 pm and end somewhere around 10:30, 11 pm. This viewing is free to the pubic and the main feature will not be revealed until the night of the show. It's a mystery~ Feel free to place some suggestions into the pot here as to what you want to see and stuff. Maybe they'll listen to us, this time.
"Today, Sasuke Uchiha will be helping out with Rations. Rations will be held in Victory Square from now until 10 pm today ONLY. The Temple's nearly finished, so keep away from construction sites or the guards will get a little... cranky.
"Now for rations instructions! First you find a Rations Buddy and never let them go! Then come up to the line and one of us will call you forward. You must present your ID bracelet in order to receive a rations book. That's right, folks, YOUR ID. Not Harry's, not Gerties, YOUR OWN. If you can't find it, then you will be escorted to Tower Four for questioning and re-issuement of your Identification. Any hanky panky up here will not be tolerated especially if you decide to try to shoot me, like the last guy and the Guards will detain you. I don't want to see anyone hurt, okay?
Only two more days until I get my new glasses
[[Yep, that's right. Maes is far sighted, so his line is going to move exceptionally slow since he has no glasses to see small print with.]]
Notes: If you are new or have lost your memory and just can't reckon' what this here 'rations' is,
read the description in our Guide.
If you do not know what the 'physicals' are,
please refer to this post.
Your Rations providers today are Maes and Sasuke! And be aware that the Guards will be watching you. Feel free to mix it up, cause trouble, but know that they will come and stop it, and not be nice about it. <3
ADDED REMINDER: Don't forget about the
Activity Check, okay?