Plane at Infinity.
homin, pg-13
2,588 words
Relationships are hard enough without being stuck in each other's space every hour of the day. Fights are inescapable. But Changmin isn’t fighting on Yunho’s terms, not this time.
They’re flying someplace. Changmin doesn’t know where, except that he does, and he’d rather just pretend that he didn’t. )
Anyway, HoMin psychology should be a major. I would love to study them for a living. I'm really bad at giving my own thoughts on fics, it takes me a really long time to come up with a good reply haha.
What I love about HoMin is they have a certain level of respect for each other. They both rely on each other a lot and even though their relationship isn't always fluffy and lovey dovey, they still find a way to forgive each other and to embrace the thoughts of the other. And since they're both guys, they don't have someone who leads the other. Yunho may be the leader but there are times when he knows it's best to listen to what his dongsaeng says. Changmin may have a certain level of control over Yunho, but he himself knows that he doesn't have the capability of carrying the burden of their name DBSK and making decisions for the both of them. That is why I think that they match each other so well. They know each other inside out, so even if one is mad at the other, they both know that their relationship is built on respect for the other, so in the end they kiss and make up ♥.
Blahh I have no idea what I'm saying haha.
I guess that's what builds a good relationship. Fighting always brings them closer together rather than further apart. I have so much love for HoMin right now ;~;. When do I not have love for HoMin?
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