Citrus Splash - 005

May 24, 2010 19:56



Layout: "Citrus Splash" by Dystopia Guns (Ace Long)
Please do not steal, edit or claim as your own.

----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

body {

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background-repeat: repeat-x;
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/* Header, Footer, Header Links, Footer Links, Title, Subtitle */

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clear: both;


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/* Sidebar, Sidebar Links */

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/* Entries, Userpics, Separators */

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margin: 0px;


/* Currents, Comments, Tags */

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/* Userpic, Friend Userpic */

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padding: 40px;


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ul.year {

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textarea.textbox {

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color: #777777;


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background-color: #FFFFFF;
padding: 5px;
margin: 12px;


.commentinfo {

margin-top: 10px;
width: 100%;


how to install the css

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comment and credit please

yellow, medium, black, green

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