Feb 28, 2007 01:33
Disclaimer: J.K.R owns Harry Potter, not me. That's why she's making the big bucks, and I'm deciding between paying for books and buying food.
Warning: This is a Slash Story. That means boy/boy lovin'.
:Master? Who is this human?:
:Shh, Nagini, you'll wake him.:
:Too late, Tom.: Harry yawned and sat up. :Hullo, Nagini:
The snake looked at her master, shocked. :He speaks!:
Tom nodded. :Yes, he does. Nagini, this is Harry. Harry, Nagini.:
:Harry? As in, Harry Potter? The boy you always complained about?: Harry snickered, and Tom glared at the serpent.
:Yes, Nagini, Harry Potter. Obviously, things have changed:
:Obviously. Hello, Harry. Master, you have not been near lately. Where did you go? I missed you.:
:To Hogsmeade, my dear. To be near Harry. You wouldn't have liked it- you would have had to stay hidden.:
:I understand. Still, I wish you would visit more often.:
:I'll be able to soon, I promise.:
:You better.: Tom snorted at the snake's tone.
:I will! Now, go away and let us sleep, you pest.:
:I love you too, Master.: The snake hissed with no little sarcasm as she slithered away.
Tom yawned. "Sorry about that, love. I haven't been around much lately."
Harry shook his head. "No, that's alright." Suddenly, a thought struck him. "As a matter of fact, she just gave me an idea." The sat in silence for a minute.
"Well? Are you going to tell me, or what?"
"Just a second, Tom, I'm just trying to figure out the details." Harry frowned. "Alright. So, if you're locked away in battle with me, we need someone to keep casualties down outside, and, quite possibly, take out Death Eaters before they can any real damage, right? And Nagini's a smart creature. So, if she were to see the tide of the war changing against Lord Voldemort, would she stand by his side, or would she switch to save her own skin, and help The-Boy-Who-Lived? Especially if she found out that he was a Parselmouth..." Tom's eyes went wide.
"You know, I think that will work. I'll talk to her about it later." Tom pulled Harry back down. "Now, though, I need sleep."
"Aw, did I wear you out last night?" Harry teased. Tom grunted.
"Not all of us are able to function on-" He cast a quick tempus, "- four hours of sleep a night." Harry snorted, but snuggled up in the older man's arms, and was soon dozing comfortably. Tom sighed. "Brat" He muttered, kissing the boy's forehead, before nuzzling into his neck and falling back to sleep.
Harry was sitting in the Hogwarts library with most of the sixth year Gryffindors, as well as Ginny, Luna, Draco and Blaise.
"Hey, Harry, we need to talk to you."
Harry turned around, groaning. Ron and Hermione were standing behind him, wearing unreadable expressions.
He turned back to his friends, sighing. "I'll be back in a few minutes." He got up and slowly followed his ex-friends, who lead him to an empty classroom.
"Look, Harry, we've been worried about you-" Hermione started. Harry cut her off.
"If this is another one of your rants about my choice in friends or my orientation, I'm leaving now." Hermione quickly shook her head.
"No, Harry. We just want to talk. I know we over reacted, but-" Harry snorted. "-We really want to try again."
While Hermione was talking, Ron had pulled three bottles of butterbeer out of his bag. He opened one, handed the second to his girlfriend, and offered the third to Harry, who took it warily. He opened it, and took a cautious sip.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" Harry sat down, leaning back.
"We just wanted to see how you were doing. So, who are you dating?"
"T-The new Honeydukes clerk." Harry barely managed to avoid blurting out Tom Riddle. His eyes went wide.
"You- you fucking arseholes! You put fucking veritaserum in my drink!"
Draco and Ginny exchanged glances. They didn't like this turn of events, and they most certainly didn't trust those two.
"I think I'm going to go talk to Professor Snape about this essay of his." Ginny got up. Draco and Blaise both followed her.
Once they were out of the library, Ginny turned to Draco. "You get Snape. We'll find Harry." Draco nodded and took off for the dungeons. Ginny sighed. "Where's the nearest empty classroom?"
"I think it's down this hallway." Blaise started, with Ginny on his heels. "Yeah, here it is." They stopped in front of a closed door.
"It's locked- and warded?" They exchanged looks. "I think we've found them."
Hermione sighed.
"We had to, Harry. We have to know what's going on. We really are worried, Harry. Dumbledore said-"
"Fuck Dumbledore! Dumbledore said that Voldemort couldn't cross the blood wards, either, but he did!"
"Harry, everyone makes mistakes. We're trying to keep you from making a big one. Why are you and Draco friends?"
"We started getting along after making the truce." Hermione nodded.
"And why did he make the truce?"
"He was afraid- he knew that I wasn't going to lose." Harry ground out.
"I see. What do you plan on doing after you win?"
"I'm not sure. I was thinking of just leaving, finding a tropical island away from everyone." Harry was slightly more relaxed now, having gained a bit more control.
"And how are you so sure you'll win?" Oh, shit.
"I have a plan."
"What is your plan?" Oh, Double shit.
"Practice. With Snape." That was close.
"What are you practicing?"
"Dueling. Stronger curses. Anything that will help." Please, don't get any more specific!
Hermione thought this over for a moment, and started nodding. It was time to change the direction of the questions.
"Harry, do you trust Dumbledore?" Fuck! I need to derail this!
"Not anymore." Shit!
"Why not?"
"He's been too dishonest with me. He knew the prophecy, and that Voldemort was after it, but didn't tell me anything. He's almost gotten all of us killed on multiple occasions. He said that the Dursleys were safe- that I was safe."
"Did you give that information to Rita Skeeter?"
"No." Not technically, anyways.
"Harry, are you going Dark?"
"Professor! He's in here!"
"Alright. Move out of the way, I need to disassemble the wards."
"Well? Answer the question!"
"I don't think so."
"Have you been considering siding with Voldemort?"
"No." Not Voldemort, and not considering any more. Come on, please, let that be enough!
"Alright, one more question. Harry have you-" Hermione was interrupted as the door opened.
"Potter, there is a reason why I asked you to come to my office at this time. Weasley, Granger, I would appreciate it if, next time you wished to barricade Potter in an empty classroom and interrogate him, you did it at a time when he wasn't expected in my office. 20 points from Gryffindor. Mister Potter, if you will?" Harry scrambled up, relieved.
Snape started toward his office, followed by Harry. Ginny, Draco and Blaise had already left, making a detour to the library to get Neville.
Finally, the six of them were settled in Snape's office. "Alright, Harry. What was that about?"
"They said they wanted to talk. They offered me a butterbeer- they all took one, so I thought it was safe. It had veritaserum in it. They didn't find out much, but they know I don't trust Dumbledore. They know that I'm dating Tom, but not who he is. And they know I'm going to be training with you. I didn't let anything else slip." The Potions Master pursed his lips.
"I see. I'll inform Tom- it would be best if he took the week off sick. As for the rest, it doesn't seem to be anything more than the headmaster expected anyways. I expect they were planning on altering your memory afterwards, so I'd make sure to deposit it in your pensieve before doing anything else- and be careful, and for heaven's sake, do not go anywhere alone. I mean it- don't even use the lavatory alone." Harry nodded.
"Now, tell me-what else did they ask?" Harry quickly went over the entire experience. Severus nodded as he spoke. "Alright. All of you need to be careful. This time, Harry was lucky- most of the questions were worded in ways that left him room. Next time, though, you may not be so lucky. Do not eat anything that those two have been near. Don't let yourself be caught alone. And, most important, do not let on that you know. From now on, be careful about talking. Don't seek out me or Lupin outside of class without a good excuse. Longbottom, avoid me- you're supposed to be afraid of me, for Salazar's sake, and you most certainly aren't supposed to want to speak to me." Satisfied, Severus nodded at the students.
"Alright, get out now. I have things to do thanks to those nosy little-" He stopped himself. "Well? What are you waiting for- an engraved invitation?" The students quickly scrambled out of the room. Severus sighed. Damn the headmaster and his bloody minions. Well, only a month left before they could get rid of them. He only hoped they could last that long.
"Sir, We questioned Potter like you asked."
"Thank you, Hermione. What did the two of you find out?"
"He doesn't trust you any more, but we already expected that. Other than that, thought, there isn't much to be worried about. But, there was a problem, sir."
"Professor Snape interrupted us and pulled Potter away before we could obliviate him." The headmaster swore.
"Alright, then. I'll talk to Professor Snape and explain the... circumstances to him. Now, what else happened?"
Hermione and Ron explained how he had answered the questions. Dumbledore nodded, eyes twinkling.
"Alright, then. You are good friends, despite what he may think right now. I'm sure that once he figures that out, you will get everything you deserve. Now, run along while I speak to Professor Snape."
Sirius was furious when he found out what Harry had been subjected to.
"Those little brats! I'll strangle them!" He paced across the kitchen. "Little traitors. I'll-"
"Siri, enough! Harry's fine now, and we'll take care of everything. The memory's safe in his pensieve. Better yet, he's safe. Severus talked to the old coot, and told him that he obliviated Harry. It's only another month, anyways."
Sirius stopped pacing. "Why would they betray him like that, anyways? They were his best friends for years!" Remus shrugged.
"Dumbledore can be convincing. He played on their fears and desires- said that Harry could become the next dark lord, and that if they prevented that, they'd be heroes. He promised prestige to Ron and an interesting research subject to Hermione." Sirius scowled.
"Bloody traitors. I swear, if they lay one hand on Harry-"
"-You'll be the first in line to throttle them. I know. Now, come on. You won't help Harry by sitting here fuming, we need to deal with the logistics of getting fifty or so Death Eaters into Hogwarts while avoiding students."
Sirius took a deep breath and started. "The shrieking shack. We can fit a good twenty people into the tunnel. Plus, once they're out, they won't know how to get back- and if we need to, we can toss up a ward."
Remus looked at his boyfriend, amazed. "How do you always do that?"
The animagus laughed. "I'm just that good, babe."
"Again!" Snape screamed at Harry. Harry took a deep breath, and threw a stupefy at the Potions Master silently. Severus tossed up a shield, blocking the spell.
"Much better. Remember, there is no way you can defeat Lord Voldemort if he always knows what to expect. Now, I expect you to practice- next time, I expect more than simple stunners and body binds." Harry nodded.
He had been practicing with Snape for two weeks so far. The man had been teaching him to duel wordlessly, as well as helping his Occlumency- a far easier task when they didn't hate each other. He had also been teaching Harry the evasto curse- the same explosive curse Wormtail had cast years ago when he faked his own death.
Tom had stopped coming to work, claiming that he had come down with a nasty virus. This gave him plenty of time to practice his part in the fight. He was currently preparing his Death Eaters to raid Hogwarts, informing them that, under no circumstances should they hit any student with anything lethal or permanently debilitating- it would be much easier to convince them to join his cause willingly if they didn't see their classmates cut down. Nagini, for her part, was enthusiastic about her role, considering it a great chance to let loose on some of the more irritating of her Master's human servants.
Ron and Hermione, for their part, did their best to stalk Harry, but found themselves getting waylaid more and more often by the Slytherins, most of whom knew only that they were pestering Harry. Harry did his best to pretend that he had no idea what happened that day, but made sure that he was never alone, just in case.
Finally, the Polyjuice potion was finished. Now, all that was left was to pick the day.
"Alright. First of all, we need to keep students out of this as much as possible. During class would be best, I think- they could lock themselves in their classrooms." Harry mused. He was sitting at Sirius' kitchen table, along with Draco, Blaise, Neville, and Ginny, as well as Tom, Severus, Remus and Sirius. It was the first of March, and while most of the third-years and up were busy wandering around Hogsmeade, the group was plotting the downfall of Dumbledore- and, of course, Voldemort, although that seemed more like an afterthought to most of them.
Tom was nodding. "I say we do it first thing Monday morning. We'll catch everyone off guard. Ginny, you're going to have to skip whatever class you have, but I'm sure you can work around that. Lupin, if you can arrange an outdoors practical lesson that day that's close by, but not too close... perfect. Alright, we have two days. Severus, tell them what their jobs are."
Severus smiled. "Draco, Blaise, you two are responsible for crowd control. Push the students away from the fighting- get Crabbe and Goyle to help you, and it shouldn't be a problem. Longbottom, Ginevra, you two hex anyone who comes near the students. Tom's ordered the Death Eaters to only use stunners around students, but they may get over excited. Lupin and Black will be helping you- they aren't to get too close to the battle, just in case. I can't fight, as I'm supposed to be the Order's spy, so I'll be helping Madam Pomphrey. I was planning on getting my seventh years to brew healing potions anyways, so I'll get them started on that during that class."
Harry nodded. "The attack will start once I get away from the group. The Death Eaters were ordered not to touch me- I'm Tom's. This is going to be dangerous, so be careful. Ginny, if you have to stun Ron and Hermione to keep them away, do it. You two-" He looked at the Slytherins. "-try to direct students to the stands- it will keep them from getting too close, but they'll have a great show."
Tom snorted. "You'd make a great director, Harry. This production belongs in the West End." Harry smirked, while the rest of the group just looked confused. "I can see it now- "Dumbledore's Death- the musical!" It would be a hit!" Harry was shaking with laughter.
Ginny cut in. "Anyways, not to change the subject here, but I'm changing the subject." Blaise rolled his eyes. "What do we do until the Order shows up?"
Remus smiled. "Has anyone ever told you why the Whomping Willow was originally planted?"
"Hey, Ginny, wait up a second!" It was Sunday morning, and Ginny was just leaving breakfast when Harry caught up with her. "Hey, I need to go to Hagrid's hut. Come with?"
"Yeah, no problem. What's going on?" Harry smiled.
"You'll see." Harry started out toward the hut, Ginny following close behind her. When he got to the hut, he knocked loudly. "Hagrid, you there?" The half-giant opened the door.
"Harry! Well, ain't this a nice surprise. An' Ginny! How've yeh been? Well, come in! No sense in freezing yerself ter death." Hagrid stepped out of the way, letting the two students pass.
"Yeh want some tea?" Harry and Ginny both nodded. "So, what brings yeh out my way?"
"Oh, I wanted to introduce Gin to the runespoor." Hagrid nodded.
"Thought so. 'S somewhere 'round here- why don' you call her? She'll come fer yeh, I reckon."
"Yeah, alright." Switching over into parseltongue, Harry started hissing. :Speranza? Satya? Zahina? Where are you, little one?:
:Hello, Harry.: Hissed Satya.
:How can we help you, Speaker?: Hissed Speranza.
:I need your help. Tomorrow, there will be a battle. I need you to protect students and those who fight for our side. Can you help?:
:Certainly. What do you wish us to do?:
:Protect the students. If anyone in a black robe and a white mask tries to hex them, bite them. Try not to kill anyone, though- we'll try to do this without causing any more bloodshed than necessary.:
:Oh, we can certainly help you there, Speaker.: Zahina hissed, a gleam in her eyes.
:Perfect. This is Ginny. She will come and fetch you- when she comes by the hut, follow her. She'll take you to the battle. Stay hidden until the fighting starts, if you can.: He switched back to English. "Ginny, this is Satya, Speranza, and Zahina." Ginny eyed the snake.
"They're- or is it she?- beautiful." Harry quickly translated, earning a hiss of pleasure from Satya, a thoughtful nod from Speranza, and a snort from Zahina. The two students spent a few more minutes chatting with the runespoor, before Harry mentioned that he still had an assignment to finish for Transfiguration, and he wanted to get it out of the way. Saying farewell to Hagrid, the two made their way back to the school.
"Alright, Harry, what was that about?" Harry grinned.
"Those three are going to help you tomorrow. All you have to do is come by here, they'll be waiting for you, and they'll follow you out. Nagini's also going to be around, but she'll be protecting the Order." Ginny nodded.
"So, you ready?" Harry grinned.
"Ginny, dear, I was born ready."
"Alright. the Contego charm brings up a much stronger shield than the Protego, however, it is far more draining. It still won't protect against unforgivables, but it will be less likely to shatter. It is not generally used in dueling, but is extremely helpful if you need to shield others- younger siblings, for example. Spells that ricochet off of it can travel much farther than those that hit a Protego, and can rebound on their caster with far more strength, which is why we're practicing it out here, where we can spread apart. Harry, can you help me demonstrate? Your goal is to protect that chest over there." Harry nodded and walked over to the chest, which was a good twenty meters away from the students. "Yes, that's right. On the count of three, I'll throw a stunner."
"One!" There was a sudden flash of movement from near the Whomping Willow- Tom.
"Two!" Draco and Blaise moved into position, ready to push the students toward the quidditch stands and away from the fighting.
"Three! Stupefy!" Harry's shout of Contego was drowned out by a much shriller scream from Lavender Brown.
"Death Eaters!"
At that cry, the world went to hell. About half a dozen masked Death Eaters had come out of the tunnel under the roots of the Whomping Willow, with Lord Voldemort standing at their head. More were emerging from the tunnel, but they were hindered by the wildly swinging branches of the tree, which was knocking them down even as they piled out. Only half of those which got out of the tunnel were fit to fight, the rest having been thrown by the tree's large branches, and either unconscious or nursing large gashes and broken bones.
Draco and Blaise had started pulling students away from the fight, with the help of Neville. Other students saw what they were doing, and followed, pulling along their friends. Only Ron and Hermione remained standing where they were- at least, until they were hit by stunners from behind the stand. Sighing, Ginny cast a mobilicorpus on her brother and his girlfriend, moving them to the stands.
Lupin was following the students, cursing any Death Eater that came close. Only minutes passed before Professor Dumbledore rushed out to the quidditch pitch, Professor McGonagall on his heels. Aurors were Apparating to the front gates of the school.
And at the center stood Harry and Voldemort.
Tom waited for Dumbledore to get close before throwing up a powerful ward surrounding the three of them- no one would be able to pass through it until Voldemort died, or removed it himself. And now, it was time for the final act to begin.
"So, Harry, you're all grown up. It's a pity I have to kill you, you know. You could have been great."
"Yeah, I've seen you're idea of great, Riddle. I think I'd have to pass."
Dumbledore watched the two circle, frowning. There was something off in the way Voldemort was moving.
"Well, that's too bad. I suppose I'll just have to kill you then. Crucio!" Harry dodged out of the way, tossing a silent stupefy at Voldemort, which he blocked. He returned with a barrage of silent spells. Harry managed to dodge all but one, a cutting hex which clipped his shoulder, opening a wide gash. He threw an expelliarmus at the Dark Lord, throwing himself away from the bright green curse which flew in his direction.
"What the hell is he doing? Why isn't he helping Harry?" Dean cried, seeing Dumbledore simply standing there, throwing up a shield when necessary, but otherwise not moving.
Dumbledore was watching the duel unfold before him, growing more anxious at each passing second. There was something very wrong with the way Voldemort was fighting. At first, Albus thought he was toying with the boy, but that wasn't quite it. It was almost as if he didn't want to hurt him...
The two were still battling, getting more and more exuberant. Harry was casting silently all the time now, although none of his curses were more advanced than stunners and body binds- it was all for appearances, after all.
Then suddenly- there! Over by the trunk! A flash of skin, a pale blue eye, and Dumbledore knew.
"Harry! That's not Voldemort! He's behind you- invisible! That's a fake!" Harry turned, glaring at the Headmaster, before turning back to the battle.
"Fake? You'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Old Man? Fake, like that personality your friends Westhover and Zephyrwilde implanted in Tom? Fake, like your concern for me- oh yeah, you were watching out for me, weren't you? Tell me, was it all part of your master plan when that fat fuck beat me? What about when he raped me? Your fake villain and fake hero- all that bought you real power, eh?"
Harry dodged another curse and returned it to Wormtail- who, with polyjuice and a few glamours, made a very convincing Dark Lord.
"You know something, old man? I'm sick of dealing with fakes. It's time to do something real. How does that sound to you, Tom?" Wormtail nodded, and suddenly turned to cast Avada Kevadra at the Headmaster. The old man, still shocked, didn't move- at least, until he fell to the ground.
Everyone, save the two or three Death Eaters still fighting, froze as Dumbledore crumpled to the ground, dead.
"No..." Minerva McGonagall whispered. Still the two men within the wards circled, ignoring the body of the headmaster.
"So, Tom, feel like ending this?" Wormtail smirked. "That's what I thought. Evasto!" A pulse of blinding light flew from Harry's wand, hitting Wormtail squarely in the chest, and blowing him into a myriad of charred pieces. His wand exploded, with each splinter of wood flaming for a moment, before burning away.
Harry collapsed to the ground in an ungainly heap.
The field was silent. Everyone waited for some sign from their savior. All except one person, anyways.
Tom, who was under Harry's invisibility cloak, pulled down the wards and made his way to Ginny, who was waiting for a sign of a different kind. Tom tapped her on her elbow, and she made her move.
That one word was all that was needed to start a stampede. "Out of the way! Let us through!" Remus pushed his way through the crowd, Professor McGonagall in tow. "Someone! Go get Madam Pomphrey! Hurry!"
The crowd backed up a few steps as the new Headmistress shouted orders. A few people went to go get the nurse, but most stayed to watch the Boy-Who-Lived.
As Madam Pomphrey approached, Harry opened an eye, sluggishly. The fight may have been staged, but that final curse left him exhausted. "How'd I do?" He mumbled.
"You were fantastic." The boy nodded, and promptly fainted.
So, here's the Final Battle! Only one chapter left, and possibly an epilogue.
This is officially the longest thing I have every written- 110 pages at last count, not including Author's notes. My wrists are aching just thinking about it. All of a sudden, I have a new respect for all of those writers out there with epic fics.
So, just a few little notes here:
The West End is London's equivalent to Broadway. Except that, while it's "On Broadway", it seems to be "In the West End". I have no idea why this is, but it had me really confused for a bit.
I made an error when naming the runespoor- can anyone tell me what I did wrong? The first person to answer correctly gets a one-shot written just for them!
evasto- Devastate, lit. To lay waste
Contego- Shield
And, finally, I know some of you will probably think that I let Dumbledore off too lightly, but come on, I mean, he got killed by Wormtail of all people. Wormtail! I find that perfectly suitable for him.
Next chapter- Counting casualties, and speaking ill of the dead. Oh, and probably some citrus, just because.