Everyone please think positive thoughts for
the Cat - he was in hospital from Monday until today with severe kidney problems, either a bad infection or he got into something toxic. He's home now with us, doing much better, but certainly not out of the woods yet - they sent us home with 3 different medicines and we have to administer sub-q fluids to him as well. But he's eating and purring and was a very good boy when we gave him his medicines (giving pills to animals is no easy feat).
As for what he may have gotten into to poison himself, I have no idea - maybe I spilled some cleaner and he licked it. Nothing in the cupboards seems to have spilled or leaked that he may have gotten into, and I've never seen him attempt to eat silly things. I'm not entirely unconvinced that it's not a particular bag of food that I had just opened before he got sick - I would leave out a handful of kibbles of a dental formula that only Dieter usually eats, and me putting it out coincides with him feeling sick, getting better, and getting sick again. If it is the food, then thank god that not all three cats got sick. However, there's been no recalls, but after that whole awful pet food thing last year, who knows. I believe the vet is still waiting on one more test to see if it's an infection (I think).
I'm exhausted from worrying and stressing about the whole ordeal - I just hope he gets over this - as the vet said, the fact that he is young is on his side.