Twilight Big Bang Fic: Sanctuary, Part 4/5 Emmett/Edward, NC-17

Sep 27, 2009 05:23

Title: Sanctuary
Author: Dysnomia
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Emmett/Edward
Word Count: ~ 47,000
Warnings: angst, language, slight D/s undertones, AU, m/m relationships, some slightly kinky sex.
Summary: Edward can’t control his killer instincts when he’s around Bella. He doesn’t want to have to leave Forks, but sooner or later he’s bound to kill her. Emmett decided it was up to him to help his brother, no matter what it takes to keep Edward with him. Things get even more complicated when James and his coven start feeding around the home the Cullen’s have made in Forks.
Author’s Note: So this fic turned into a monster. I’ve never written anything so long before. And to think at first I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get past 20,000 words. In the end I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep it under 50,000.
On another note, I’ve made slight modifications to Edward’s mind reading powers. It is now able to be blocked by the members of his family, since they’ve had so many years to practice doing such a thing.
There are also a couple of parts taken from Twilight, and from Midnight Sun. They have been used only because they were so perfect, and no infringement was meant. There are only three different parts borrowed from the books.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3


Overnight, all the rain from yesterday had frozen solid, clinging to everything in jagged but beautiful little crystals. Snow had fallen early in the morning, was still falling lightly, and now there was a thin layer of white covering the road and grass. Driving still wasn't a problem, but to make it look more normal, Edward slowed down considerably from how he usually drove, wanting to make it look like he was being careful. When he pulled into the parking lot, Rosalie and Alice made a break for the buildings right away, neither wanting to get snow in their hair or on their clothes. Jasper of course followed Alice, holding one of her tiny hands in his. Edward however, was in no particular rush to get inside to class, and as per what was starting to become a habit, Emmett was staying close to him, ready to keep an eye out.

The relative quiet of the morning was shattered by the arrival of Bella's truck, which parked four spots away from him. He could tell that she hadn't seen him yet as she carefully climbed out of the truck. Clinging to the side she made her way towards the back, staring intently at the tires, at the silver of the chains wrapped around them.

As soon as Edward heard the high pitched screech of tires resisting the effects of brakes and sliding on the ice, his head snapped up, focusing on the dark blue van, at the look of panic and hopelessness on Tyler's face as he tried desperately to gain control. Edward figured out immediately where the van was going to come to a stop, and he stared at Bella with something akin to horror. There was no way the human was going to be able to get out of the way before she was hit. There was no time to think about it, it was a knee jerk reaction, Edward found himself running, almost too fast to follow.

Slamming into Bella hard enough to probably bruise, Edward pushed her out of the way, throwing them behind the next car. He winced in sympathy as her head smacked against the pavement when he landed on top of her, pinning her with his body. The glass shattering, metal crunching sound followed the moment after he knocked into her, as the van crashed into the back of the truck bed, right where she had been standing not a second earlier.

He realized the van wasn't done yet, after wrapping itself around the truck it continued to slide, coming at them once again. “For fuck's sake.” The swear slipped from his mouth, when it was apparent he wouldn't be able to move them a second time.

His arms shot out, throwing them up into the path of the oncoming van. He grunted slightly at the impact, his hands shoving deep dents into the metal as the van shuddered to a stop. Bella still wasn't out of harms way though, the van hadn't settled yet, and her legs were still in the way. His other hand swept her legs to the side, pushing them out of the way easily, before letting the van drop with one last creaking groan of metal in protest.

The yelling around them had gone up in pitch, no one could really see them in the position they were in, and their worried shouts and thoughts assaulted him. Knowing he'd been a little rough on her, he turned to Bella, to check on her. “Bella? Are you alright?” His hands hovered over her, not wanting to touch her again, but needing to know if he'd hurt her.

“I'm fine.” She sounded odd, voice strained with shock.

She tried to get up then, too fast, so he pressed a hand against her shoulder, holding her down easily. “Be careful.” He warned her as she still struggled against him. “I think you hit your head pretty hard.”

It looked like she hadn't even felt it until he said something. She let out a surprised sounding. “Ow.”

“That's what I thought.” He had to clamp down on the laughter that wanted to escape. In lieu of all the frustration she's caused him lately, he felt slightly vindicated for giving her a possible concussion.

Her next words erased any traces of humor from his system. “How in the...” She trailed off, obviously trying to gather her thoughts. “How did you get over here so fast?”

Edward hoped desperately that she had been so disorientated that she hadn't really noticed where he'd been standing before. “I was standing right next to you Bella.” He tried to inject as much seriousness into his voice as possible, to get her to believe him.

She tried to get up again, and this time he let her, since she was sitting up slower this time. She was staring at him, a mixture of confusion and uncertainty on her face. He wished he could read her thoughts, needing to know what was going through her head. People were moving around the van in a flurry of activity. She went to stand, but Edward pushed down on her shoulder. “Just stay put for now.”

She scowled at him, resentful of the fact that it seemed to take no effort to keep her down. Her eyes flickered down the line of cars before turning back to Edward. “You were over there.” Bella still sounded dazed. “You were by your car.” She accused.

“No, I wasn't.” His voice was firm, demanding.

She ignored the implied threat in his voice. “I saw you.”

His jaw clenched in anger, his patience gone, couldn't she just be grateful that he'd saved her life. “Bella, I was standing with you, and I pulled you out of the way.” His eyes were pleading with her, begging her to believe him.


Edward almost screamed in frustration, unable to believe how set on this she was. He didn't get the chance to say anything more because the EMT's and teachers were swarming around then, and he didn't want anyone to listen to them. They wouldn't let him get out of going to the hospital, but he was determined to do it on his own terms. He assured them he was fine, that he didn't need to sit in the back, but maybe they should be careful with Bella since she hit her head pretty hard. He felt a stab of pleasure when they put her in the neck brace and loaded her onto the gurney. If she was going to be so difficult with him, then he would be just as bad back.

It was while he was sitting in the front seat of the ambulance that it occurred to Edward just how pissed off Emmett was going to be. If it wouldn't alarm the EMT's, Edward would probably groan and put his head in his hands. If he was lucky, Emmett would stay at school, giving him a few more hours of peace at least before all hell broke loose. Although he doubted he'd get even that small reprieve, chances are he'd be waiting for him when they got to the hospital.

The coast was clear when he climbed out of the ambulance and walked through the doors and into the emergency ward. It was safe to wander away, no one was paying him any attention. He didn't get very far though before Emmett showed up behind him. Steel like fingers curled over his upper arm, steering him down the hallway. His brother was silent, not saying a word as they walked. Edward risked a glance over his shoulder, to gauge Emmett's mood. It didn't look like he was going to be able to talk his way out of this one easy. Emmett's face was set in hard, angry lines, lips pressed tightly together, eyes dark with the unspoken promise of violence.

When they were in a quiet part of the hospital, away from the bustle of the emergency room and surrounding area, Emmett all but tossed him into an empty room. Even though he'd been expecting the move, known it was coming, the force behind the push still sent him stumbling forward into the room, having to catch himself on the bed. Edward didn't even get the chance to turn around before Emmett grabbed him again, whirling him around to face him.

His face was thunderous, his fury evident now that there was no chance of them passing anybody. He had the fleeting, incredulous thought of, No chance of any witnesses, before shaking himself of the ridiculous thought. Emmett wouldn't hurt him, he was probably about to get screamed at, but he didn't think Emmett would actually hit him. He proved himself right about the yelling a moment later.

“How could you have been so monumentally stupid? There were witnesses Edward! A lot of them, a lot of people to watch as you pulled your stupid stunt.” Emmett's voice was icy cold, but the heat of his anger lurked behind the words.

His voice was meeker then he would have liked when he answered. “Nobody saw me though.”

That did nothing to lessen the burning accusation of his brother's gaze. “They could have, easily enough.” He snarled out the words.

“But they didn't!” Edward stressed the point, absolutely positive about that fact. “Everyone was too occupied staring at Bella to be watching me.”

Bringing up the human who was the center of the problem turned out to be a bad idea on Edward's part. The iciness of Emmett's voice melted away when faced with his white hot rage. “Why Edward? Why risk exposing us to the world just to save a human? Especially this particular human. Letting her die would have solved your problem, it would have all been over, gone back to normal.”

Edward wasn't about to admit that was the reason he hadn't let her be killed, that what he shared with Emmett would be done as well. “I just couldn't.” The response sounded lame, even to his own ears, it wasn't actually a reason, was only a roundabout way of avoiding the question.

“You just couldn't?” His disgust couldn't have been more obvious. For a moment Edward actually thought Emmett was going to hit him. He'd balled his hand into a fist, the muscles in his arm tensed to strike. He restrained himself last minute though, relaxing his arm. “That's crap Edward, and you know it. You've always been noble, but not at the risk to your family. What's the real reason?”

He couldn't give any non answers anymore, he'd already pushed Emmett's temper past its breaking point. However, the prospect of telling the truth had Edward's stomach twisting into nervous knots. So he'd go with the half truths that he'd been spewing since this mess all started last week. His voice was soft, his eyes focused on the wall to the right of Emmett's head, unable to lie to his face, even if it was only partially. “At the time, all I could think about was saving her. I wasn't really justifying it with a why. But, I guess it was...Emmett I was being selfish. I couldn't have let the van crush her.”

He flicked his gaze to Emmett in time to catch the tail end of the hurt flickering in his eyes, even though his face was still stern, unimpressed. Hoping he wasn't just seeing what he wanted to in Emmett's expression, Edward finished up his explanation. “I couldn't just give you up, and I'd have to, if Bella died. So it was for my own sake that I saved her. I didn't even figure out my reasoning behind why I ran to knock her out of the way until it was already done and over.”

Watching how fast Emmett's look changed from unbridled fury to complete and utter confusion and shock was almost funny. “You...couldn't...give me...what? Edward what the hell are you talking about?”

Edward's answer wasn't going to be a lie, not really, he'd just leave some of the more feeling intensive information out. So it would only be a lie through omission. He focused on Emmett's mouth as he talked, needing to concentrate on something else other then the words he was about to say. “I just...I need you now. Since we had sex that first’s like I need it, but not only to satisfy and curb my blood lust, but for me as well.”

“Guess this is what happens when you're a hundred year old virgin who's just discovered how awesome sex can be.” The words came out monotone, sounded forced, and Emmett failed in his attempt to quirk his lips into a smile.

Edward's answering smile seemed a little strained, and he still wouldn't meet Emmett's eyes. “I guess so.”

Emmett was not only surprised, but more then a little bit hurt as well, it seemed like all he was to Edward was a body that was willing to fuck him, to get the urge out of his system. It sounded like it didn't matter who it was that was bedding Edward, now that he knew what sex was like it was almost like he was going to try and make up for all the time he'd missed.
Which would explain why he was so eager every time Emmett touched him, explain why he'd keep the problematic human alive.

Edward could see the misery suddenly sweeping over his brother, recognized it as the same misery reflected in his eyes every time he realized just how unattainable Emmett was. The guilt hit him then, and at that point Edward would have rather felt the punch of his brother's fist then the guilt currently tearing through him. What he'd said had sounded bad, had made it sound like he was only using Emmett, that he cared nothing for him. He had to do something, had to make things better, wipe that look off Emmett's face.

He stepped forward, finally moving from the spot against the bed that Emmett had originally tossed him to when they'd entered. He reached out to lay an uncertain hand on Emmett's chest, palm splaying flat over his heart. Emmett flinched at the touch, but didn't move away, so it was with a little more confidence that Edward stroked his index finger in random little patterns, coming close to brushing Emmett's nipple, which he was relieved to note was stiffened into a hard nub under his shirt.

The anguish was still showing in Emmett's eyes, even if he'd managed to school his face into an impassive mask. That deep sadness cut at Edward, and in a desperate bid to get rid of it, fill those eyes with desire at least if he couldn't manage to make him happy, Edward moved closer, pressing himself full length against his brother. He craned his neck up, reaching those few extra inches until he was able to take Emmett's lips in a kiss. He started off tentative, just a gentle pressure, waiting to see if he would be pushed away. He wasn't, but Emmett also made no move to embrace him, his arms still hanging at his sides. He wasn't kissing him back either, lips unresponsive beneath his.

He gave a little lick to Emmett's bottom lip, followed by a light nip, trying to coax him into returning the kiss. Finally, he got a reaction, Emmett gave a small sigh before opening his mouth, chasing Edward's tongue back into his mouth. He wouldn't move his arms though, so Edward needed to go farther with things. He shifted his leg, wedging it between both of Emmett's, grinding his thigh into his brother's half hard dick, which stiffened further with the extra stimulation.

Emmett let himself enjoy the feel of his brother's lithe body pressed against him for a bit, almost letting himself get carried away before he remembered that he was supposed to be mad at Edward, not giving in to him. His arms came up then, not to hold him, but to shove him away. “No, Edward. Don't.”

The smaller of the two stumbled back a couple steps, not because Emmett had pushed him hard, but more out of surprise, not having expected the rejection, not after he'd started to respond. Edward's mind was set though, his goal was to get rid of that sadness, and if he had to piss Emmett off in order to do that, he would. Relentless, Edward stepped back into Emmett's personal space, cupping his crotch, squeezing slightly. “Come on Emmett, you can't lie to me. Your body says you want me.”

His hand was slapped away, Emmett the one to take a step back this time. “Don't touch me Edward, I'm serious. I'm way too irritated with you right now.”

Emmett sounded deadly serious, and Edward almost backed off, if something in Emmett's eyes didn't seem like it was belying his words. He'd just have to up the ante, make it so Emmett wasn't even able to resist him. He didn't move any closer, knowing Emmett would only back away again. Instead, Edward dropped to his knees, looking up at his brother through lowered lashes. “Are you sure you don't want me Emmett? You can use my mouth to get off. Want to watch me suck you? Watch my lips stretched tight around your thick cock, trying to take you all in. You'd be the first Emmett, my first taste of cock. So what do you say, will you let me taste you?"

Emmett's resolve shattered, there was no way he could ignore an offer like that, especially when he was looking down at the man making the offer, looking at those sinful lips and clearly imagining what they would look like wrapped around him. He gave a soft moan of anticipation, reaching out to tangle in auburn locks, tugging forward. Edward shuffled closer, repressing his victorious smirk as he reached for Emmett's fly, working his pants open quickly, freeing his already erect cock. He got as far as wrapping a hand around the base, holding him steady, before Edward froze. He might have talked big, but now that he was faced with this, he wasn't quite sure what to do. All he had to go on was what Emmett had done for him, and to be honest, he hadn't been paying attention to technique at the time. He looked up at Emmett, licking his lips, pretty much waiting for his brother to tell him what to do.

Emmett was trying to stay mad, really he was, but the sight of Edward on his knees, licking his lips as he looked up at him, with that lost and unsure expression, it ruined him, the anger and hurt fading away. He couldn't deny that he'd fantasized about this, and the knowledge that his mouth was virginal was an even bigger turn on. That tempting mouth was close, just not close enough yet. His hips gave a little jerk without his conscious approval, the head of his cock bumping against Edward's cheek, leaving a trail of shiny precome smeared there. To Edward's credit, all he did was give a few startled blinks, not moving away from the touch. Clearing his throat a few times to try and find the words, Emmett finally spoke. “Open up Edward, open those pretty lips.” Along with the words, Emmett bumped his cock against his lips this time, almost daring him.

Edward did as he was asked, parting his lips, the movement of his jaw letting him feel the slight pull on his skin from the now sticky precome on his cheek. Slowly, he lowered his mouth over the tip, sucking gently as an experiment, gratified by the hiss of pleasure Emmett gave. Edward slid the length in deeper, enjoying the heavy weight of it pressing along his tongue. The bitter taste of his brother wasn't quite what he was expecting either. He'd kissed Emmett after he'd given him a blow job, but Emmett's precome had more of a bitter, musky taste to it then his own had. He wasn't complaining though, far from it, Edward relished the taste, could easily find himself addicted.

Edward inhaled through his nose, was surprised by the jolt of lust that tore through him as Emmett's scent hit his senses. His eyes fluttered closed, not even noticing as his mouth pulled away from Emmett's cock, leaving only his hand on him, which was starting to jerk him slowly. Without thought, Edward's head ducked lower, nosing along Emmett's balls, where the musky, sheer manliness of his scent was the strongest. He laved the heavy sac with his tongue, trying to ingrain that smell into his brain forever. “Come on baby, you're killing me here.”

Edward blinked back into awareness, realizing that the alluring scent had been distracting him from his task. He smiled apologetically up at his brother, wondering how long he'd spent just sniffing him. In apology, he trailed his tongue along the shaft from root to tip, following the vein along the underside. Lapping at the fluid collected on the head, Edward licked delicately, before wrapping his lips around the crown. He sucked lightly, getting used to the idea of having Emmett in his mouth. Gaining confidence from every gasp, every small noise from Emmett, Edward slid steadily down his length, until finally he nudged against the back of his throat. It was the strangest feeling as he worked the muscles in his throat, swallowing around the thickness. Feeling as his body tried, and failed, to pull in a breath, his air cut off.

He pulled back enough so that he'd be able to breathe through his nose again, not wanting to cut himself off from that intoxicating smell for even a moment. Edward started to bob his head up and down on Emmett's shaft, tongue swirling around the tip on every upwards pull. His hand moved back to grip the base, finding it easier to move when Emmett was still. His other hand wandered down his own body, almost tearing his jeans in his haste to get them down.
Edward moaned as he wrapped a hand around himself, jerking himself off quickly.

When Edward moaned, the vibrations shot through his dick and up his spine, and Emmett thrust forward into the feeling, pushing deeper into Edward's mouth, a shuddering groan escaping from his tightly clenched teeth. Edward must have noticed his reaction, because he started humming, Emmett's fists tugging at the silken strands under his fingers. “Oh Edward. Your mouth is just sinful. How in the fuck are you this good? This is insane, I'm gonna come soon baby, you're that good.” Emmett wasn't sure if that was actually true, he knew he'd had better blowjobs, since Edward was inexperienced. He had a feeling it was only because it was Edward that he was going to come faster then he has since he was a damn human teenager.

Edward shuddered at the words, his hand working faster, pumping hard, bringing his orgasm ever closer. The hand that had been merely bracing Emmett now started moving as well, tugging up as his mouth receded, stroking down whenever his mouth plunged back to encase the throbbing length. Emmett was so hard now that the silkiness of his flesh was even more apparent as he slid along Edward's lips and tongue, the soft skin stretched tightly over the steely shaft. Edward had been careful with his teeth up to this point, not sure how Emmett was going to react to having something so sharp playing around in so sensitive an area. Being ever so careful, Edward grazed his teeth along the shaft the next time he moved down on Emmett. He shouldn't have worried about his brother's reaction though, as the effect was instantaneous.

Emmett gave a choked cry, one hand slapping over his mouth to stifle his yell. Having those dangerously sharp teeth brushing so closely along his cock sent him over the edge. He spilled into Edward's mouth, almost embarrassed by how quickly this was over. Edward wasn't prepared, had no warning to get himself ready to swallow, so the excess spilled from the corner of his mouth, dripping down his chin. The sight made Emmett jerk his hips again, still pulsing in his brother's mouth as he tried to swallow all his come.

Edward tried to swallow as much of Emmett's release as he could, but it had been too much without any warning. He savored the taste, the way Emmett's cock jumped and twitched in his mouth with every spurt. As soon as he'd first tasted the thick spunk that hit the back of his throat, Edward's own orgasm tore through him, spilling over his hand and on to the tile of the floor.

Emmett stumbled back a couple of steps, slipping out of Edward's mouth, lowering himself shakily onto one of the chairs against the wall behind him. He was glad he was already sitting when he chanced a look at Edward, because guaranteed his knees would have buckled at the sight if he'd still been standing. On his knees still, Edward was panting, hand messy and wet with his come and still wrapped around his spent cock. He really would have fallen when Edward, realizing there was nothing to wipe himself with nearby, simply started to lick his hand clean.

He had to look away from the nearly obscene sight. Instead, Emmett focused on tucking himself away, tugging his pants back up and refastening them so he wasn't sitting almost bare assed in a hospital chair. By the time he looked up, Edward had made himself presentable again, although he hadn't gotten up yet, was still kneeling in the center of the room. He stared at his brother's earnest face, he looked like he was truly sorry that he'd pulled such a dumb stunt.

Edward didn't move as Emmett searched his face, instead he tried to look as contrite as possible, to look like he'd learned his lesson. He was happy to see that the sorrow from earlier was now missing from his brother's eyes. Finally, Emmett was the first to make a move, pushing himself out of the chair, at the same time saying, “I'm still mad at you, don't think you're off the hook.” Although he didn't look or sound mad at all, in fact he looked like he was fighting a smile.

Edward however, had less luck containing his own grin as he answered. “I know.”

Getting to his feet, Edward brushed against his brother as he moved past him to open the door, letting his hand linger pointedly on his groin, rubbing gently, before slipping into the hallway and walking quickly away. He wasn't too far away however, to hear Emmett mutter, “Brat.”

He was sure Emmett could hear the answer that slipped out, the answer he would have given before they started sleeping together. “You know you love me anyway.” The silence coming from the room behind him didn't register with Edward.

Emmett knew his brother had only been teasing, didn't mean anything by the words, but he couldn't force out a sarcastic response. Instead, he waited until he was sure Edward was out of hearing range before whispering. “I do love you. That's the problem.”


On Friday that week, after a couple days of Edward simply ignoring Bella, Emmett wanted to go hunting again, although this time they were going to stay in the forest surrounding Forks. They had gone a little further then they would have normally, since both weren't in the mood for deer, but the mountain lions that were north of Forks. The both of them had already fed, but were now keeping an eye out for anything else just for fun.

For the last few minutes Emmett had been persistent in trying to get Edward to talk about the situation with Bella. “So you're telling me that she hasn't said a word to anyone about what happened.”

“For the last time, yes. I don't know why, but for whatever reason she's kept quiet, lying to people when they ask what happened.”

“Even after arguing with you about it, the human's repeating the excuse you gave her for how she was saved, she's saying that you were next to her when it happened.”

Edward shot his brother a disgusted look for just how repetitive he's been, and refused to answer again, this was only going to keep going around in a vicious circle otherwise. He changed the subject instead, needing to get out of this conversation. They had found another body the other day, drained again, and this time even closer to Forks then the last. “What do you think these other vampires are doing, why do you think they're still in the area?”

Emmett didn't even blink at the subject change, not missing a beat as he answered. “I don't know what they're in town for, but I do know that Alice was pissed that she didn't see it coming.”

That was definitely true, the tiny brunette had spent the entire day after that pouting, trying desperately to see something else, but getting almost nothing. All she'd managed to find out was that there were three of them, two men and a woman, Alice hadn't been able to see what their intentions were and that frustrated her to no end. That was the other reason they had left the house, her sulky, snippy behavior was starting to get on their nerves. “Since she hasn't seen anything more about them I'm about ready to believe that they're either already gone or leaving soon. They probably stuck around so long because they could tell we were here, that there was already a coven living here.”

Emmett could almost believe that as well, but something just wasn't sitting right with him. “Yeah, but if they know we're here, why not come see us, especially since they've been hunting in our territory? I don't like it, something’s up, I just can't figure out what.”

Edward shrugged, agreeing with Emmett but not wanting to voice his worries. That was when he heard it, the whispering voice that slithered through his head, before disappearing again just as fast. He jerked to a stop, Emmett stilling his own walk when he noticed Edward's face. “Wha-?” Emmett started before Edward silenced him with a look.

Edward's eyes were darting around, searching, and scenting the air, unable to shake the feeling of being watched. The voice was still drifting in and out of his mind, far enough away that he couldn't hear actual words, but the intent behind them was clear enough, the menace, the lust that colored the thoughts, before they disappeared again. He was concentrating so hard that the sound of Emmett's cell phone ringing startled him, and he lost the feeling of being observed. Emmett answered quickly, snapping the phone open. Before he was even able to bring it to his ear though, they both heard Alice's panicked voice. “Get back to the house right now! You two are in danger! Emmett don't even think of doing anything stupid, you'll never see him coming, he's a tracker and he's caught your scents. He won't come to the house though, not yet, so get home.”

Alice hung up on them then, without waiting for a response, assuming that they were going to listen to her. Emmett was confused for only a moment before Edward's actions a moment ago combined with Alice's phone call clicked in his head. They were being stalked by the other vampires, and judging by how frantic Alice sounded, they had better get moving before things got ugly. His head snapped to the side to glance at Edward, who looked like he was attempting to find their thoughts again, standing frozen in place. Emmett knew better then to ignore one of Alice's warnings though, and grabbed Edward's arm, tugging him around in the direction of home. “Come on Edward, let's go. We don't have time to waste.”

When his brother didn't start moving immediately, Emmett's protectiveness kicked in, and he grabbed Edward's hand before pulling him along as he started to run, leaving Edward no choice but to run as well or risk being dragged. He didn't let go at any point, even when it became apparent that Edward was cooperating with him. It wasn't until they were across the stream and almost at the house that Emmett slowed down, finally letting go of Edward's hand. Everyone was already outside waiting for them to get back, brows furrowed in worry.

Edward's face was twisted in a petulant scowl, probably at the treatment he'd just endured, but Emmett could care less how he felt about being led back, it was for his safety. “Alice! What the hell is going on?” He barked out the question, irrational anger coursing through him. It wasn't her fault she hadn't seen this coming sooner, but Emmett wanted to place the blame somewhere, and his sister was an easy target.

“They were leaving, like I thought, but then one of them caught Edward's and your scent out in the woods. Like I mentioned, he's a tracker so that's why you didn't know he was there, didn't know how close he was, that he knew where you two were. I'm not sure what he wants, but I know it revolves around the both of you. Although we're going to get our answers soon, because we're going to have guests in a couple of minutes.”

Edward was careful to hide his reaction, masking the flinch he gave as a natural movement. He had an inkling about what the other vampire wanted, but hoped he was wrong, that he'd been reading those dark thoughts incorrectly. Emmett turned to look at him when he moved, giving him a questioning quirk of an eyebrow. Edward shook his head minutely, not wanting to get into this if his hunch was wrong. It looked like Emmett was about to press the issue anyway, but never got the chance as Alice announced, “They're coming.” at the same time turning to face the woods to the side of their house, the opposite direction from where Emmett and Edward had just come.

All of the Cullens turned in the same direction, forming a united front against whoever was about to show up on their doorstep uninvited. They could hear them then, their barely there footfalls as they ran, two of them, and they all tensed in anticipation. Carlisle looked at his eldest son. “Edward?”

The meaning behind the question was obvious, and almost reluctantly he focused on the intruders thoughts, sighing with relief at what he found. “It's okay I think, they don't mean to come here as a threat, they only want to talk.”

Everyone but Jasper and Emmett relaxed at that, relieved, knowing the newcomers wouldn't be able to hide their intentions from Edward, not when he was looking for answers. Jasper didn't trust anyone who wasn't family, and the concealed panic he was getting from Alice still, as well as Edward's unsettling feelings, had him on edge, knowing that despite what they were saying Alice and Edward were both anxious about something. Emmett wasn't about to relax until the threat to Edward was gone for good, until he knew for sure that nothing was going to happen to his brother.

They emerged from the woods a moment later, walking now to show they meant the least amount of malcontent as possible. It was a man and a woman, their hands joined. The male was tall, his skin dark, hair done in long dreadlocks tied off behind his head. The woman was slim, pale, and freckled with wild red hair. Both were dirty, barefoot, leaves and twigs trapped in their hair, and both had the crimson eyes of a blood drinker who did not restrict their diet to only animals. The man glanced over the gathered Cullens, giving everyone a glancing look, focusing on Edward for a longer moment, before he slid his gaze back to Carlisle, easily picking out the head of their family. He nodded his head in greeting, keeping a respectful distance away. “My name is Laurent, and this is my mate Victoria.”

“I'm Carlisle, and this is my family. I don't wish to sound rude, but may I ask what it is you are doing here? Minus one member of your coven might I add.”

“Ah, so you are a man who gets straight to the point. Very well then, we've come to give you a warning. While I'd like to know how you knew there were originally three of us, we unfortunately don't have a lot of time for questions. You were correct in the fact that our group used to be three, but James has always been a bit of a tag along, following us only out of a need for companionship. And now he has found something else that he wants instead of us.”

Laurent paused here, and Carlisle took the moment to interject. “And what exactly, is it that this James seems to be after?”

Laurent didn't respond right away, but he didn't need to, because at the same time as Carlisle asked the question, Victoria's eyes flicked over to Edward, studying him intently. Wanting his assumption to be wrong, Carlisle allowed Laurent to finish. “James is now after that one there. He is a tracker and will not stop.” He delivered the news with a wave of his hand in Edward's direction.

Carlisle frowned, pursing his lips in an attempt to keep the protective snarl from escaping. Carlisle asked his next question reluctantly, not sure he wanted to know the answer. “Is he hunting...or is it something else?”

Laurent was silent, not giving any indication that he'd listened to the question, and was instead staring at Edward with an almost confused expression on his face. Edward heard his thoughts though, heard the unspoken confirmation of his fears. “He's not hunting.” Edward whispered the sentence.

Surprise flitted across both strangers faces, even as their confusion continued to escalate. “The boy is right, James wants something vastly different then a kill, he wants to own.”

Esme gasped from her place at Carlisle's side, and Jasper could feel his own shock echoed in every single member of his family, except for Edward, who must have picked up the other vampire's thoughts back in the woods. Emmett only just managed to reign in the urge to tuck Edward behind him to hide him away, even if the threat wasn't currently in front of them. Laurent noticed his aborted movement though, as did Carlisle, although his father was not about to mention it. Laurent had no such problem, finally speaking up about what has confused him since they first entered the clearing. He turned to Emmett, addressing him alone. “Might I ask you a question?” He had his head cocked to the side curiously.

Wary, Emmett nodded. “Go ahead.”

It was obvious from how long it took for him to form the question that the vampire was trying to find a way to ask what he wanted tactfully. Laurent finally just had to go ahead, and hope he didn't set the larger man off if he decided to take offense. “I apologize if you take this the wrong way, but...” He trailed off before continuing. “Does he not belong to you?”

Emmett jerked back, startled, his first instinct was to agree, but he managed to catch himself before he let it slip out, proud of himself when he muttered instead. “What?”

“He doesn't wear your mark, but he wears your scent.”

If it was possible, both Edward and Emmett would be blushing, as it was they were both cringing as they snuck a look at the rest of their family. No one looked surprised though, and it hit Emmett then that of course they all would have been able to smell the fact that they had been together, that they couldn't possibly have hid it from them.

“You should mark him, show James that he belongs to you.” Laurent seemed adamant about that fact.

Emmett would love to do just that, but it wasn't his decision to make, and ownership wasn't something Edward wanted from him, only sex. All he managed to get out of his mouth was some inarticulate stammering, so Laurent took pity on him, realizing how flustered this conversation was getting him. “Since, for whatever reason, you seem reluctant to mark him, it would help if you reaffirmed your scent at least.” Laurent inhaled, obviously sniffing towards Edward. “Your scent is fading, nearly washed away, so you need to stake your claim once more. James might back off if confronted with tangible proof that the boy isn't free to take as his own.”

Emmett was still reeling from the revelation that his entire family was aware that he was fucking Edward, and hadn't brought it up. He was barely following along with what was going on, emotions fluctuating between embarrassment at being outed like this, and an all encompassing anger that another was trying to claim what rightfully belonged to him.

Laurent's words were affecting more then just him as well. Edward wasn't sure what to think about everything else that was going on, his mind was fixated on only one thing. All he could concentrate on was his longing, his desire to have Emmett claim him officially. He wanted nothing more then to have Emmett sink his teeth into his neck, marking Edward as his property. He would wear the mark proudly, right now his neck was itching, yearning for the feeling of Emmett's sharp teeth digging into his flesh.

Carlisle's voice snapped both men back into what was going on. “Backing off is an option that he could choose, but there is another alternative as well. He could decide he still wants Edward, and if that is the case, Emmett will simply be an obstacle that he needs to get rid of.”

Laurent frowned, “Yes, that is unfortunately another option, and might be the one more likely to occur. James does have quite the temper, he is also a very talented fighter,” He turned to Emmett, sizing him up silently. “Although you look like you can take care of yourself as well. Let's hope those muscles of yours are for more then just show.”

Emmett growled, cracking his knuckles. “Let him come for us. I'll be ready. I'll take him on.”

Victoria was shifting her weight from foot to foot, clearly uncomfortable with being around so many other vampires. Laurent's keen eyes picked up on this right away, and he gave her hand a slight squeeze, since she was still clutching onto him as a lifeline. “I wish you luck with handling James, but we cannot stay any longer. I only came to warn you because I disagree with what he is going to do. It is wrong to try and steal another's mate, and so I came to you out of a hope that someone would have the courtesy to do the same for me, if our positions were reversed.”

“Farewell Laurent, Victoria. Before you leave though, I do have one request to make of you. I need to ask you two not to hunt in this area. Our residence here is permanent, and we don't need humans turning up dead to make our lives more difficult. So I'm asking for you to abstain until you are out of the state preferably.”

They looked surprised at the knowledge that they had a permanent home, something neither of them has had for hundreds of years. At first it looked like Laurent was going to have a few more questions, but managed to refrain last minute, saying instead. “That can be arranged. We've already eaten anyways, so we will be fine. We apologize for hunting too close to your home, we weren't aware of your situation before.”

Carlisle waved off the apology. “There is no need for apologies, you didn't know, you said that much yourself. We don't usually get very many visitors traveling this close by, it’s not usually a problem.”

They slunk back into the trees then, back the way the came, leaving the clearing silent, an awkward silence where no one knew quite what to say. Carlisle finally turned to face his sons, needing to reassure them that everything was fine between them. He could understand why they hadn't said anything, knowing about his own father and his upbringing. “Boys, you should know that you don't have to hide anything from me at all, that I will accept and love you regardless of what you choose to do with your lives. Don't feel like you have to hide part of yourselves from me, it's not necessary.”

Emmett still wasn't fully capable of words, so Edward took over. “I know that, we know that, it just didn't occur to us to say anything.” It was with a somewhat bitter twist of his lips and tint to his voice, that Carlisle didn't fail to notice, that Edward continued. “Besides, Emmett's just helping me with a temporary problem with my control, nothing more.”

The hurt that flashed in both his son's eyes at that comment didn't escape Carlisle's notice either. He wondered how much more pain they were going to cause each other before coming clean with their true feelings. He wasn't oblivious like they seemed to think, he'd watched as their feelings for each other grew, changed from the love between brothers to something else, something more forever like his love for Esme. Maybe he could try and throw them together, hope that this situation with the other vampire would bring them closer. “I'm not sure if you two want to hear this, but I believe you should take Laurent's advice.”

They blinked at him, eyes wide with shock, and Carlisle realized they were misunderstanding which part of advice he wanted them to follow. He sighed, exasperated with their denial when he knew it was what both wanted. “I didn't mean that you should mark him, I only meant that he was right about having Emmett's scent on you.”

Their expressions didn't change, both horrified that their father was all but telling them to have sex. Noticing their lingering reluctance mixed in with growing want, Carlisle offered them one last incentive, trying not to smile as he said. “We'll even let you two have the house to yourselves, the rest of us will stay out of range to give you some semblance of privacy.” Neither made the slightest move in the direction of the house though, so shaking his head, Carlisle prompted them further. “Now go, we don't know for sure when James is going to make his move. We'll work on that part of the problem while you're gone.”

Alice spoke up then, sounding slightly irritated. “I’m not sure about when but I can see the clearing we use to play baseball, I know everything is going to take place there, that seems to be the one thing James is certain on.”

Carlisle nodded, pleased that they knew that much at least. “Good, at least that is something to work with. When you two are done, meet us there as soon as possible.”

Before they turned to leave, they stole another glance at Alice, whose eyes were far away, focusing her sight. Judging by the frustrated scowl creasing her brow, she wasn't having much luck in her search. Emmett started moving up towards the house, going now before Carlisle said anything else sex related, because then there would be no way he'd be able to get it up, even if he was staring at Edward. At a run, they were only a couple of minutes away from the house, but right now the trip seemed much longer then normal, Emmett’s nerves almost getting the best of him before he beat them down.

Emmett led the way inside, heading up to the second floor, towards his bedroom. While he knew Edward would probably be more comfortable in his own room, there was no way he was going to try and maneuver a way to have sex on that stupid lounger of Edward's. That thing was not made with comfort in mind. Besides, why waste the bed he had in his own room. He might not sleep, but that didn't mean he was going to settle for uncomfortable furniture.

Once Edward had followed him in, Emmett shut the door, hoping the sense of privacy, no matter how false, would relax his brother. Edward was standing awkwardly next to the dresser, almost pressing himself back against the wood, clearly nervous. Emmett wondered how long the case of nerves was going to last. If he'd have to coax Edward into relaxing and letting go again, like their first time, or if once they got started Edward would lose his inhibitions again.

Emmett perched himself at the foot of the bed, sitting with his feet flat on the floor. He didn't bother taking off any clothing, or even his shoes, wanting to wait until he got Edward in the mood first. He was ashamed to admit that he was already half hard. Despite the way they were being forced into this, Emmett's body was reacting with the knowledge that he would get to have Edward again. He leaned back on his hands, cocking his head in Edward's direction, not able to stop the sarcastic remark from coming out of his mouth. “You know this would work better if you weren't across the room, and we were actually touching.”

Edward scowled at him, eyes flicking to the bulge that was visible in the front of his jeans. “I don't know how you could be turned on right now. We pretty much just had a pep talk about sex from our father, and all of our family knows what we're up here about to do. I'm sorry if that freaks me out a bit. You don't find anything wrong with that?”

Emmett was about to reply in the negative, but then thought better of it. “Alright, I'll admit that it's kind of weird, but you should know I'm good to go at every available opportunity.”

Edward rolled his eyes, but the teasing seemed to be putting him at ease with its normality. “Yeah, I'm starting to come to that conclusion as well. I'm not sure if that's a good thing though Emmett. Just makes you look like a horn dog.”

Emmett chuckled. “I think I can live with that.”

Edward had stepped away from the dresser during their banter, but was still hovering just out of arms reach. Emmett crooked his fingers, beckoning his brother forward. “Come here Edward.”

His brother took another step forward, but then stopped again, but at least this time he was close enough to touch. Emmett reached out slowly, his intentions clear, giving Edward time to back away if he really didn't want to do this. He didn't move though, so Emmett's fingers encircled both of Edward's wrists. He tugged him closer until Edward's legs were bumping against his knees. About to spread his legs to make room for the smaller man, Emmett had a better idea. He kept pulling Edward, not relenting until his brother figured out what he wanted him to do.

Edward shifted until Emmett's legs were between his own, but if left him in an awkward position, towering too high over Emmett to be able to kiss him and not have to contort his body. Edward knew the plan Emmett had the whole time, knew that it was going to come down to this. Reluctantly, Edward lowered himself to straddle Emmett's lap, bringing their bodies into contact, their faces only inches apart. Emmett leaned marginally closer, until their lips were nearly touching. The brunette thought it was probably safe to assume that since Edward was seated in his lap, he was giving his consent, but he wanted to make sure, wanted to hear the words. “Tell me that this is okay Edward. Let me know, because all this is your call, everything that I do will be with your permission.”

Edward nodded, before whispering, “It's okay. I want this, I want you.” before closing the remaining distance between them, lips meeting in a firm kiss, Edward trying to convey just how much he really wanted this without words. Emmett released his hold on Edward's wrists, one hand shifting to the small of his back, pushing his shirt up so he could touch bare skin. His other hand trailed up Edward's arm, over his shoulder, up his neck, before sliding through auburn hair, Emmett's large hand cupping the back of his head, fingertips barely brushing against his ear.

Edward shivered at the touch, but it wasn't enough, they weren't nearly close enough yet, Edward needed to feel Emmett's naked flesh against him. Not breaking their kiss, teeth nipping at Emmett's bottom lip, Edward groped blindly for his brother's shirt, growling in annoyance when he remembered Emmett was dressed in layers today. With normally nimble fingers, Edward fumbled to undue the tiny buttons of his button down shirt, only managing to get one open before he accidentally snapped the second one off. Figuring since he'd already popped one off, he wrote the entire shirt off as a lost cause and simply tore it open instead. Small buttons went flying in all directions, falling against the wooden floor with little pings, all of which were ignored.

Although Edward wrecking the shirt seemed to be some sort of unspoken signal. They both broke the kiss at the same time, pulling away panting, frantic hands grabbing at their shirt hems, tugging them over their heads. Emmett had a bit of trouble with his own, struggling to get the sleeves of his over shirt untangled as his two shirts twisted around each other.

Edward was already finished with his own shirt before Emmett had managed to get his over his head. Deciding to use Emmett's distraction to his advantage, Edward stroked his fingers across Emmett's stomach, tracing his abs, watching fascinated as the muscles beneath the pale flesh quivered and twitched. He heard Emmett's breath hitch as his fingers slid higher, smiled at the breathy, “Sonova.” Emmett let loose when Edward softly rubbed a nipple under his hand.

Emmett still couldn't get the shirt off, his mind was way too occupied with what Edward was doing to devote enough higher brain power to getting undressed. He wasn't able to stop the moan as Edward dipped his head, wet mouth latching onto the nipple he wasn't currently playing with. His tongue gave a few timid swipes before swirling around the nub, feeling it turn into a hard little peak.

That was it, Emmett needed to feel him now, needed to see and touch that tempting form. With no regard to salvaging his t-shirt at least, Emmett simply pulled with his arms, shredding the fabric around him. He tossed the shredded bits of clothing to the ground, before tearing at Edward's jeans, not bothering with the zipper at all, he just grabbed the denim in his fists and ripped it, destroying the waist of the jeans. Grabbing hold of Edward's hips, Emmett tipped himself backwards, falling onto the mattress, Edward forced to follow. His brother had to throw his arms out to catch himself, or else their foreheads would have knocked together.

Emmett didn't give him time to get settled before they were rolling across the king sized mattress, until Emmett could successfully pin him. Edward stared up at his brother, pupils dilated with his increasing arousal. The brunette's hands never stopped moving, stroking over his chest and down his sides, before grabbing hold of his jeans. The torn denim was loosened, just barely covering his ass, so it didn't take any effort to yank the pants off, Edward's shoes coming with them. He dropped everything off the side of the bed.

Emmett leaned back far enough that he could take in the sight of his brother. Edward's cock was already hard, arching up towards his stomach, thick and heavy. He was panting softly, chest rising and falling quickly with every hitched breath. There was only a ring of gold visible in Edward's eyes, his nearly black gaze racking over Emmett impatiently.

Emmett's chest clenched, his heart constricting painfully as he looked down at Edward. Emmett swallowed, there was no way he was going to be able to do it like this, face to face was going to be too overwhelming. His expression would give him away, right now all he could think about when he looked at Edward was how much he loved him. That love would be written all over his face right now, easy for Edward to read. So he was going to have to improvise. Pushing gently against Edward's side, Emmett shuffled backwards enough to get out of the way, ridding himself of his jeans while he was at it. “Come on Edward, roll over.” He bent close to murmur into Edward's ear. “I want you on your hands and knees.”

Edward moaned at not just the words his brother spoke but the pitch with which he said them. His cock hardened even further as he obediently rolled over onto his stomach, before getting his knees under himself, pushing himself up into the position Emmett desired. Emmett had seen all of him before, there wasn't anything the other man hadn't seen yet, but Edward still felt horribly exposed this way, ass in the air practically on display. The sense of vulnerability that washed over him was a turn on though, and he pushed backwards trying to find Emmett's hands.

Not willing to disappoint, Emmett reached out, cupping the pale globes in front of him, squeezing gently, thumbs dipping into the crease to ghost over the tight pucker. Edward thrust back when he felt the touch to his opening, his need to have Emmett inside him almost overwhelming. Edward knew though, that Emmett would try and drag this out, so he needed to plead his case early. “Please Emmett, no teasing, I just want you to fuck me.”

Emmett's thumb pressing more firmly was the only answer he got, but Edward assumed it was an acquiescence. Instead of waiting for Emmett this time, it was Edward who looked around the room, stretching a hand out to tug open a drawer on the nightstand, searching until his hand closed around the now familiar little bottle. He offered the bottle to Emmett, who snatched it from him right away, not going to waste any time just like he'd asked.

A moment later the cool slickness of two of Emmett's fingers pushed inside him, his brother not bothering to start with one finger only. Edward's body quickly adjusted to the intrusion though, now recognizing what was about to happen. Emmett twisted his fingers, corkscrewing them sharply, trying to loosen him up as fast as possible. After not nearly long enough, a third digit was added, pushing in as deep as he could reach. Edward grunted at the burn, but there wasn't any pain, he was only slightly uncomfortable. Edward whimpered, forehead dropping down onto the bed when a fourth finger joined the others in his ass. Emmett didn't wait long though, pulling all four out after only a few thrusts inside, his hands shifting to grasp Edward's hips instead.

He pushed inside with one smooth movement, until his hips were flush against Edward's ass, his balls pressing against his thighs. Edward was still impossibly tight, muscles gripping him like a vice, threatening his tenuous control. He pulled nearly all the way out before making a few shallow thrusts, eyes rolling back in his head at the feeling of Edward surrounding him. He wasn't going to last long, so he had to make this as good as he could manage for Edward before he lost it. Emmett took a few more cautious thrusts, adjusting his angle each time until Edward cried out beneath him, letting him know he got it right. He sped up his thrusts, making sure he was brushing Edward's prostate on every stroke.

He draped himself over Edward's back, his weight forcing Edward's upper body into the mattress, one arm folded under his head, the other gripping tightly to the metal headboard, because otherwise each of Emmett's thrusts would have sent him skidding forward. His cock was swaying between his legs, leaking pre-come even without being touched. He ached for some sort of friction, trying to move the hand from under his head to touch himself. Emmett's harsh growl stopped him in his tracks, all movements freezing. He whined lowly at the denial, wanting to let Emmett know what he needed.

“Just stay put Edward. I'll take care of you, don't worry baby, I won't leave you like this for long.” He made the promise, knowing that it was definitely true as he could already feel his balls starting to draw up towards his body.

He nuzzled the back of Edward's throat, brushing his nose down the side of his neck, then moving over to the other side. His hands had left Edward's hips, roaming over as much of the lean form beneath him as he could reach, trying to leave as much of his own scent behind as he could. When he licked the tender spot behind Edward's left ear, his brother jerked hard, clenching around him even tighter. That was all it took for Emmett, groaning as he spilled inside the tight little channel.

He continued to move, sliding in his own come as it was milked from him, wringing his cock dry. Emmett ignored Edward's frustrated growl when he pulled out completely, pressing one hand down hard on Edward's back when he started to twist around. “Stay there. I'm not done with you yet.”

The sarcastic remark Edward was going to give about Emmett being done was forgotten at the push of two fingers back into his ass, stroking along his prostate. He gasped instead, hips jerking in surprise at the feeling. Emmett had replaced his cock with his fingers so fast there had been no time for his come to have leaked from the used hole yet. They slid inside easily using the mess Emmett's come had left. Edward moaned brokenly, hiding his face in the sheets as the obscene, almost filthy squishing wet sound of Emmett's come being worked into his ass reached his ears.

Emmett was transfixed by the pink, spread open hole, by the easy slide of his fingers into the loosened channel. His hungry eyes followed the slow leak of his come down the crack of Edward’s ass, licking his lips. Without a thought to how Edward was going to react, Emmett leaned in, swiping the milky white fluid up with his tongue. Edward gave a short yelp at the action, and at first Emmett was scared he’d grossed his brother out, but then he felt the shudders that ran through him, the tiny moans he let slip, letting Emmett know he was more then okay with this.

Encouraged, his fingers slipped free, hands moving to spread his cheeks even further apart. Emmett pressed his mouth against the used ring of muscle, sealing his lips over it. He flicked his tongue out, pressing inside, flicking and rubbing against the inner walls of Edward’s body, trying to get as deep as he could manage. He ate his own come out of Edward’s ass, lapping up the thick fluid, swallowing it down. Emmett slipped one finger back into Edward alongside his tongue, seeking out his prostate, massaging the little nub.

Edward was shaking now, so close to his own climax, but still needing just a little bit more to get him off. Cautiously, in case Emmett tried to stop him again, Edward snaked a hand between his legs, grabbing his stiffened dick with a grateful moan. He started jerking himself in hard, fast strokes, needing to come so badly he was nearly vibrating with arousal. Emmett’s tongue was still wriggling inside him, the sensation like nothing he could have ever imagined. Emmett’s tongue and finger working his opening, combined with his own hand sent Edward into a tailspin. A scream tore from his throat as his climax hit, his vision going white as he came, seed spurting over his fist and onto the covers. His knees couldn’t hold him up any longer, and he slumped to the bed, landing on his stomach in the mess he’d just made, but not caring in the least. His change in position was enough to pull Emmett out of him, and he gave a soft moan at the empty feeling he was left with.

Edward wanted to stay where he was, preferably with Emmett curled up next to him, holding him. He knew realistically however, that they had to leave, that they had to get back to the clearing, back to the rest of their family to wait for James. Apparently Emmett was also aware of what had to be done, because without a word to him, he felt Emmett get off the bed, moving towards the closet. Edward turned his head, which had been pressed face down, to the side, watching as Emmett dug around for a fresh shirt, since his jeans were still wearable. Without turning around, Emmett pulled a new shirt back on, while he started talking. “I’d lend you a pair of my jeans, but there’d be no way that they would fit. You’ll have to make a pit stop in your room first before we go. And, uh, it’d probably be better if you didn’t clean up either…you know, so my scent is stronger and all.”

He sounded embarrassed about the last part, and a flash of worry hit Edward then. He wondered if it was bugging Emmett that with his scent covering Edward, that their family was going to act differently around them, or that maybe it bothered Emmett that he smelled like his brother now, their scents mingled. He didn’t have the time to worry about such things right now though, because they had their hands full dealing with another bigger problem. He’d worry about it later, once the threat looming over their family was gone.

Emmett still wouldn’t turn around, he still hadn’t gotten his emotions under control, his face was still an open book, would still show Edward everything. So he didn’t move until after he’d heard Edward get up and leave the room with a soft, “I’ll meet you outside Emmett.”

It was easier once Edward was no longer in the room, Emmett was able to school his features back into his normal look of nonchalance, and he could only hope that he could manage to keep it that way for the next little while. He stayed in his room longer then was really necessary, not moving to leave until he heard Edward exit through the front door, then he turned to scoop up his discarded jeans from the floor. He regretted his hesitation a moment later, when Edward’s pain filled shout of his name ripped through the air.

Continue To Part 5
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