2 ficlets for the slashfic40 table

Jul 31, 2007 12:51

Title: Half Year Anniversary
Pairing: Perry Cox/John Dorian
Prompt: 24: Coffee Mug
Word Count: 589
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none

Dr. Cox spotted the package the moment he walked through the door. The small, seemingly innocent box, sat atop the coffee table, its true purpose there given away by the little blue bow perched on top. Perry groaned mentally, even though he’d been expecting something like this, to have the evidence in front of him was something else altogether. He should have known better, should have known JD would do something like this.

It was their six month anniversary, a date he wouldn’t have even been aware of if it hadn’t been for JD’s constant reminding. He’d thought he’d made it crystal clear that he didn’t want any sort of celebrating done, didn’t even really want to acknowledge the day any further then making sure he came home in time for dinner.

Perry approached the coffee table slowly, almost reluctantly. He glanced around the room before picking up the box, wondering briefly why he hadn’t been ambushed by Newbie yet. But of course, JD wasn’t going to appear until after he’d opened the gift, most likely to avoid an argument. Perry picked up the box, it had a bit of weight to it, and so his initial guess of some sort of girlish jewelry was squashed. Relief swept through him, accompanied by the smallest amount of disappointment. He wouldn’t have minded a new watch, had in fact, been hinting at such a gift for his birthday next month.

He was curious now. What had Newbie given him? Pulling the top off the box, Perry stared down at its contents, blinking rapidly. It was a mug, just a simple black coffee mug. But wait, he could just see the edges of writing on the other side. Plucking the mug from the box, he shifted it in his hand until he could make out the words.

His lips twitched as he took in the white lettering. He heard shuffling coming from the hallway, and turned towards the noise. Standing framed in the doorway was a nervous looking JD, and before Perry could say anything, the younger man’s explanation tumbled out of his mouth. “I know you said I wasn’t supposed to buy you a present, but I saw this and I thought it fit, that it was so you, that I just had to get it, so I hope you’re not mad.” JD stopped his rambling when he caught sight of the grin that was crossing his lover’s face.

Perry looked down at the mug again, chucking as he once again read the statement printed across it. He put the mug carefully down on the table, before beckoning JD forward. Reassured by Perry’s smile, JD came eagerly, stopping just before him. He reached out the remaining distance, pulling the unresisting young man into his arms. “Newbie, I know I might have said no gifts, but this, this one was just perfect. Thank you.”

He pulled JD close enough to seal their mouths together, Perry trying to convey through his kiss how thankful he really was, how much he really did love the gift. The whole time they stayed locked together, Perry could see the mug from the corner of his eye, the message still amusing. ‘If I wanted your monkey brained opinion, I’d ask for it.’ Despite the distraction facing him, Perry was vaguely wondering whether he’d be able to use the line anytime soon. Knowing JD, it wouldn’t be long, and he was looking forward to the moment. Until then, he was going to enjoy having his coffee tomorrow morning.

Title: Baby Steps
Pairing: Perry Cox/John Dorian
Prompt: 27: Patience
Word Count: 477
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none

Dr. Perry Cox was not the most patient of men, and that might just be the understatement of the century. Therefore, it came as a bit of a shock to everyone at Sacred Heart when they first heard he’d started sleeping with JD. For the most part, people didn’t believe it, but slowly, they started seeing signs that the rumor had to actually be truth. The two doctors would be seen together much more often, the elder seemingly enjoying the younger’s company. There was less tension when JD was around; it seemed to everyone that Dr. Cox was finally happy about something.

The most profound change however, the real cincher that their relationship was actually real, was the fact that there was a lot less yelling, a lot less mocking tones and insults. Sure, they were still there, but there was no real malice in the words any longer. And this change, more then anything else, was what confused people the most. The fact that Perry Cox was sleeping with someone so many years his junior was understandable, even believable; there were whispers of a mid-life crisis. Even the fact that JD was a man most people could get past, who were they to judge what two grown men did behind closed doors. Besides, those who knew Jordan could sympathize and understand why he might be scared off of women, and JD’s preference came as no surprise due to his character and obvious man-crush on Dr. Cox.

No, it was the lack of yelling that had people the most confused. How was it possible that Dr. Cox’s favorite source of a human punching bag could suddenly be cut off, and after several months, still not have a replacement. Bets were being taken as to when he was going to explode, but he had yet to even shout properly at Nervous Guy lately. Doug seemed to be under the impression that Dr. Cox was only biding his time, and as a result had started to avoid him more then usual.

Perry Cox might not have been the most patient man in the world, but even he knows when things have to be taken slowly, when you have to take baby steps. His relationship with JD is proof of that. No matter how willing JD’d been to have Perry kiss him, they’d gotten into bed at the pace of a slow crawl. That boy was skittish, not wanting a repeat of the whole Elliot problem. So Perry had had to exercise some patience, it very nearly drove him crazy, but in the end he’d managed to get JD into his bed. He’d found that for once in his life, being patient had actually paid off, and that maybe, just maybe, it was worth being patient once in a while, if it led to things as good as having JD.

scrubs, table, slash

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