One of my oldest and dearest LJ friends,
bizetsy, is going through some major health (and thus, financial) problems right now. She has several severe, incurable diseases that have rendered her unable to work (much of the time, in fact, they render her unable to stand up or maintain consciousness), and her disability payments are taking their sweet time to come through -- in fact, she hasn't received any money from it yet, even though she clearly qualifies and is in need. Although she is srsly one of the thriftiest ppl I know, her medical expenses are piling up and she now finds herself in an enormous amount of debt.
Betsy is a wonderful, amazing person. She deals with levels of pain and disability that I can't even begin to imagine, and she does it with a sense of grace and hopefulness that is truly awe-inspiring. Despite all that she is going through, she remains a supportive friend (and not just to me) and a funny, thoughtful person. When I think about how irritable and impossible I can be just over minor illnesses, I am really humbled by her demeanor.
She is not a person to ask for money, but at this point in her life, she really has no choice. I encourage all of you to go
read her entry detailing more about her situation, and donate.
One of the best things about the internet is its potential to foster connections that might otherwise not exist. It's brought ppl like Betsy into my life. And it's brought groups of ppl together -- groups of strangers, sometimes -- to contribute to a greater good and help those in need. I've seen it happen, and it reminds me of all that is good about humanity. I believe we can all make it happen again, right now.