So apparently, Urban Outfitters likes to make fun of Mexico, Jewish people, and voting. I have a really good (read: often times incredibly vulgar and inappropriate) sense of humor, but come the fuck on. Teenagers buy and see these shirts, and to risk sounding like an Old, Grumpy Person, they do not need any more opportunities to be racist, exclusive, or to bash voting. No one does. Like I said, I am fully capable of taking a joke, and smart enough to understand things like insinuation and irony, and I think these shirts are way out of line and not even funny.
While we're linking to annoying articles:
The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty. I have nothing particularly intelligent to say about this, except that people have once again disappointed me. I think the idea behind the whole thing is nice, if hypocritical ("love yourself just the way you are, except buy our products to look better"), but I think it's incredibly frustrating that the campaign is supposed to be challenging and shocking, and that the reactions it's getting indicates that it apparently is both of these things. B/c it's so UNCOMFORTABLE and UNBELIEVABLE to have to look at a GIANT MEGA-FATTY SIZE 8 WOMAN. Please.
I have never found the haggard size 0 look attractive, and I guess I've always assumed that b/c the jutting pelvic bones of models make me want to puke (now THAT shit is challenging and shocking), they made everyone else want to puke too, and the popularity of this look was not actually based on real people's opinions, but just some weird, undefined trend, or possibly aliens. So it's always so disheartening to be reminded that no, this is real, and a lot of people are truly disgusted by having to look at women who weigh more than 100 pounds. It's bad enough that women are judged so heavily on appearance, but to be held up to outrageous, unhealthy standards? I know I'm not saying anything new here, but fuck. It's enough to make a person hate people.