... I haven't written this much in ages. *wry grin* But apparently my travel journal was with the lost luggage (they don't know where it is, but "maybe it will come in on the same flight you arrived on today, and then we'll deliver it to you" - reassuring), so it's all typing for now
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The attention we got - me in particular (I'm blonder, so I think that was why) - was very unusual compared to how men are here. I don't get complimented or flirted with here, so getting it there ... actually, it was kind of nice. I was wary too, though; I know the vendors who compliment me are trying to make a sale, and the other men ... well, I know what Egyptian men think of Western women. So I had a hard time deciding whether they were actually complimenting me because they think I'm attractive, or because they want me to buy something or think I'm easy. I think a lot of that is because really, I _don't_ get attention here at home. So ... I don't think I'm that attractive. When I was there, though ... well, it made me feel more confident and prettier. It was nice.
The driving is also _nothing_ like it is at home. We actually have lanes and _drive_ in them. *grin* I just let the taxi drivers / our tour bus driver deal with the driving and watched the people after a while. We didn't get hit, except almost once, when our driver to Sinai pulled out to pass two trucks and a jeep was coming straight towards us on this tiny, skinny road.
Mis, I miss Egypt!! ... and by the way, I want to come and visit you someday. I'm going to be a world traveller by the end of it all! *grin*
Mmmm, coffee ...
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