Sorry guys, this is menstrual related TMI. Not so much gross, but I imagine that ya'll don't care, so I'll put it behind a little cut.
I just bought a Diva Cup, a reusable, silicone menstrual cup and used it for this first cycle. I'm in love.
For your reading pleasure, a list of why I love my Diva Cup
1. I don't feel it at all.
2. Unlike tampons, I don't have any dryness issues, pain, or irritating gross strings
3. No yucky pads
4. It's reusable, which saves me money and minimizes my impact on the enviornment
5. I can keep it in for up to 12 hours without worry (except the first really heavy day)
I haven't had any leaking issues and it went in easy the first time. Basically it's awesome!
If ya'll are interested, I bought mine at Whole Foods for $32, but you might get it cheaper on Ebay.