Oct 10, 2006 07:06
I'll be honest, I lost alot of love for the things I use to take part in. Such as photography, graphics, web sites and writting which includes here on livejournal (not just lyrics and such) Not like I wanted to let all that go. It slowly faded away. Its coming back though...here and there. I've always loved the idea of having a creative mind. I was proud of most my work. I'm trying to take time out to do those things. I'm buying a domain shortly to rebuild my peronal site. Due to the lack of time and the fact that I don't want to dedicate a lot of time for nothing like I use to with a big works on it, Its gonna be a small simple yet creative site.
anyways back to life. I've tried time and time again to post a entry on here but things cross my mind. "where should I start?" and the fact that I've gone so long, what if people have forgotten me, deleted me, or just skip this entry. But then again I suppose the creation of a journal wasnt meant to ever has comment sin inputs but a way to hold memories through words. Comments are always nice though, For a public one atleast. It shows the interest in someone.
~Ok I has less than a hour to spill a few months out at you guys, I'm headed to work at 11. So I guess thats where I could start off with. I'm still @ walgreens (1 year and counting) I left the 3rd shift scene with a $1.55 raise and a promotion as ainventory coorinator...and as they like to call it (SIMS) At the moment I have no plans to leave but the money at star tec with over time sounds pretty damn orgasmic.
So to move on with things, my job status hasnt changed like my realationship staus hasnt. Katie and I are on our 4 months together. In order to make our realationship more fulfilling she is moving down here after school. Sound slike a big step, meet and girl she moves down here...but its not exactly like that. People don't realize we had a 6 year frienship prior to this. That makes some difference yes, Confindence in a realationship does to and I'm full of it. I had bad picks for girlfriends but I think it ends here.
And well I may just end this short and sweet and let you guys know I ha d abirthday. Big 19.. I have much more to update on though it 40 mins till 11:00 and I'm sitting here in sesame street boxers... So I'm get ready and update more later...damn its crazy when I finally get the mood to type things out I got to go to work. son of a bitch