Lack of update, I apologize. I'm in the progress of changing that. More time online, I'm never on anymore.
To start off what was missed, few weeks ago I had strip throat for about 2 and half weeks I believe I got sick from going to the show. A crowd of people, someone there had to have some type of sickness...I was right up front for the Fall of Troy, the singer was sick..hmm, dreamy! Well anyways that leads me to miss two days of work. Damn what a difference that made.Aswell what big of a difference it makes when the people at the bank fuck up. I take $200 out of the day I got paid and put $100 in my savings in order to save for bills @ the end of the month. Days go by and I realize the $100 isn’t deposit in there yet. So I go to the bank and come to find out the bastard had put it back into my checking account. So about a $300 dollar check almost spent. I'm working with about 50 bucks until Friday which won't be spent but put in the saving....I'll make sure of it.
-Joseph began living here with me 2 weeks lack of update he is now moved out into his own nice little place. It’s interesting and fun to live with your best friend you've pretty much grown up with past 8 years of your life. No arguments of anything of that nature. It went smooth and I even miss sharing the room with him.
-I cut my hair. I didn't chicken out for once. It was to my belly button and now goes above my nipple. I got 6 years worth of trim and told the hair dresser "cut as much as you need off" and just hoped it wasn’t going to look bad. Now I wish an inch more was taken off. I'm not headed down the road to get my hair shirt or shaved, nothing like that. Just from my belly button to my nipple...too long didn't look as good as it does now. For once I've been keeping it all brushed out and I for once am happy with the way it looks. No more poofy-ness because I use one those big ass combs so I suppose brush adds static? None the less I am satisfied with it. Also got few pictures of it before and after shots and braids. Also got my eyebrows waxed..finally - Woo
-March 20th I'm starting driver's Ed for 18 days. So sometime in April or the start of May I'll have my driver's licenses. What a fucking wait.
So all in all I've had a good time as of late. I'm hoping to get out more, spend the night @ Joseph’s new place, and go the movies and all that fun stuff. But right now I'm getting some sleep for work. So goodnight...morning, afternoon...which the fuck ever.
before & after