(no subject)

Oct 02, 2005 23:50

haha...Dane Cook rocks
Those who have read my recent enteries, they know I've gone through those ups and downs. Year 2005 honestly had little feeling to it. And when there was it was morely on the negative side. I was single, friends lost, I had no job, nothign to do. Here we are at the ending '05 and heres the news
  • To give you guys a update on my rat. He's slowy but surely getting better. He is back to his hyped up self yet still shows signs of being sick. Hes gotten alot rest and many grapes to eat on so I guess thi sis helping. Hes at an old age now so anything can be expected I suppose.

    -Yesturday I went to the only thing you can look foward to in this town, The October Fest. Each year it get smaller and smaller though but noneless I got some cool free anti drug stickers and such! \m/ Went to see the Corpse Bride. Awsome movie, was without Liz but hey I offered, and she had other things she had to do. oh well

    -I've met a pretty gal. Carly

    She is everything. She is sober, hot, funny, talkitive. I've been talking to her for few days now and its awsome. For once a person to talk to non stop. As in there is never a dull moment. None of these 5 minute pauses and then having little to say. Sometime I wonder how we get into conversations about tears in hot sacue.
    Anyways, I'm going to a homecoming with this beautiful gal. Least this is a maybe. I need to figure out my ride and money and such. Hmmm. I really wanna go!

    -I'm turning 18...you know that awsome DVD I wanted you guys to buy me. I'm getitng it, come watch it with me. As well I'm getting a card from my kick ass friend Rhi. She is awsome. Well 18th birthday, hmmm I dunno what I'ma do.

    -I turned in my application @ Claire's today. Knowing the manger and being told they needed help... I may just be the first boi I know that has worked there. Hopefully I'll get this damn job! If not turning 18 might open more choices for me to decide from. As well if this goes on, I'm leaving this f'in GED high school crap and aiming for my classes at the community college here.

    -Halloween will be celebrated this year. Least I think it is. I'm hopefully going to Chapelhill? with Tony and Jill. Yeah, this bad ass straight edge kid here is going as Hunter S. Thompson. \m/ Thats gonna be awsome. As well I'm deciden...18 + job = tatto maybe. I'm going to get some kinda of thompson tatto! wicked.

    Well Theres nothing left to update... I'm tired so sorry for breaking the news down so crappy and.....crappy. hehe Anyways I'm off to bed... I leave you with my pimp face..

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