hey, here's a pixture.
So I've learned in the past few days that letting out your thought on someone your getting sick and tired of is a great relief off your chest. Not so much getting sick and tired of them but their actions. I've also learned that life will give you a years worth of feeling like complete shit up until you say enough is enough. I have gotten tired of feeling this way and I was pretty much doing it to myself because I kept quite and never spoke my mind. And because of being what I think, a very swell guy, even maybe nicer then others, to those who have taken advantage of that...its over. And I think that helped my emo streak die out...least a little bit of it.
So here's how its been. I took Friday off of school to goto Danville and see Tracy. That was rather awsome. Anytime her and myself get together its just a great time. We had great conversations about anything you can imagien. I was really nice seeing her again. I'm not too big on the Danville thing as I use to be a year or so ago. I mean I know of 2 people in my head I love there and I'll be willing to see whenever I get the chance. Tracy & Michelle. but thats enough to keep me going whenever I have a chance. But yes, Friday was one the best days I've had this year. And with those conversations and walks we had it kinda made me realize that I need to worry more about people like this rather then people that ditch me. I need to speak my mind to whom deserve to be told straight up how I feel. so after a long day of hanging out with Tracy, wacthing The Wall, Bully, listening to music, saving baby kittens and having many conversations with jokes, I got home around 4:00. Before falling asleep with my big ass new elmo she bought me, I decided to give Carrie a straight foward statement of her actions. Felt good to get out what I need to. I'm doing this more often with the people who just seem to forget about my feelings and only worry about them selves and such. so Blah and yAy for me yo.
And now, here I am in martinsville again...isnt so bad. I'm happy for once. Minus love but hey, right now I say...fuck love. Iv'e sene one my best friends afer a years worth of absent. I cut my finger yesturday pretty deep, so no more keyboarding this week..haha while I'm in this school, I'm going to be a lazy ass up until my 18th birthday. Well. anyway I would type more but honestly my finger is killing me so I'ma lay down and watch f.r.i.e.n.d.s Peace out!