one nation under chicken fries

Aug 23, 2005 00:32

~My computer won't even come on now so.. you'll catch a entry from me here and there. I'm hoping on having a job soon. I had one at Papa Johns until aloy mess with the manger went down. Total asshole and a young manger thats completely full of himself. It was all about him. Interveiw went much like "iv'e been in the pizza buisness 14 years, no one can touch me, i use to be in the miltary, blah blah" then finally after all his talk about himself, he gives me the job and tells me to come monday morning 9:00 to fill out the papers. I'm there, hes not until 9:10. And i was there from 8:55 (around there) until 9:30. No anwser and such, knocked whatever...and then i get back home to call and he said i didn't come to the door etc.. so I say fuck it, i don't need to work with a big headed asshole that claims he had saw me outside and didn't hear me bang on both doors.. and he didn't have the brain to chose to unlock the door or maybe come outside to let me know he was there. Anyway I guess I got a kick in the ass to try harder on getting s job now. I'm trying more then ever.

Sorry for fans who get offended but...they f'in deserve all the laughs towards them that come out of my mouth...
-After changing their music to shit filled noise and their mask to something I can't quiet explain...I thought Slipknot couldn't get any more humiliating as a band. But I was wrong. Recently they have sued Burger King...

"Earlier this month, Slipknot ordered its minions in the legal department to fire off a cease and desist letter to Burger King executives and their advertising agency, threatening a trademark-infringement lawsuit over a series of ads hawking the chain's new Chicken Fries and featuring a band bearing a remarkable resemblance to the Grammy-nominated outfit.",1,17176,00.html

I was looking foward to the come back of slipknot, now I can't wait until they die out again. ...I don't see how its possible for this band to get anymore ignorant than they already are...but leave it to them to pull it off!

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