Misty Blue 6/3/03 - 9/23/10

Sep 23, 2010 16:24

Today was officially one of the worst days of my adult life. I lost one of the constant unconditional love that I've had in my life. Misty, my loving puppy of seven years, ruptured a disk in her spine and I could not afford the surgery. It would be cruel and selfish to have her hang on until I could. So instead, I held her until she took her last breath with minimal suffering. These were my last moments with her today...



And the very last moment before she went to sleep:

It felt like she looked at me with understanding eyes. While there was some comfort in that, it was still heartbreaking

She left us with many wonderful memories... (6yrs ago):

This post was mainly to commemorate Misty, and let all my friends know.

She is gone but never forgotten.
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