(no subject)

Feb 28, 2007 00:54

These days, I hardly ever get to see daylight. A glimpse in the morning, another short peek around lunchtime, and that's pretty much it. It's twilight by the time i leave the client's place, so what little Vit D i make is negligible from 7pm onwards.

I was just wondering... how would you translate the local slang term "cannot make it" into proper Queen's English?

Had cheap nasi padang for lunch today, yay! Rendang, curry veg, and sambal egg for only $2.50.

Rant ahead -->

I'm so pissed off with the client. I'm at their office for a whole week, and when do they decide to pass me the documents that i need?! The freaking day before i pull out, that's when. So right now i'm trying to make sense of it all so that tmr i can shoot them back. Sian. Those are documents that are expected to be made available on the first day of every audit. I asked for them on the first and second days and was told that maybe i could get it on the 4th day. No sign of them on the 4th day. Then lo and behold, they pass them to me at 5pm on day 5, just before they close for the day. And when is my last day? Day 6, of course. Blardy heow, man. And the worst part? Having to be nice to them.

<-- End rant

rant, nonsense, work

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