(no subject)

Feb 10, 2007 01:46

I'm home! Before 4am! Haha... This is a change, since this week I got home around 1am on Mon, 2am on Tue, 3am on Wed, and 4am on Thurs. If the trend had continued, by next week i won't have to go home at all. Anyway, today's my last day at this client's place. My job next week has been changed. I've never heard of it before, but it sounds like a manufacturing/logistics company.

Cabbie this morning thought i was from Hong Kong. Huh? He said i don't look "local", whatever that means.

I need to zap copies of all my expense claims. Maybe i can bribe my sis with $2 to do it for me... ;p Is $2 worth anything to a 22yo these days?

I'm hoping to get about 30 hours of OT from this job. If i do, then i'd have accumulated 30hr + 10hr = 5 days of extra leave! Yay!

Utterly random and probably TMI, i've found that wearing undies give me ingrown pubic hairs. Yeah, you didn't need to know that. Haha...

Think i'll go get myself a cheap watch. The strap on my watch stinks to high heaven... and it's metal, which makes it no mean feat. The cost of getting a new strap will probably be as much if not more than just getting one of those $10 watches. Are there sales going on now? Or will it be better to wait until after CNY?

nonsense, work

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