Jan 07, 2003 12:11
it really is weird how platonic some people can be. just thinking about some people as my friends and nothing more. especially since its the exact opposite with other people. you can be friends with them for only some time before it starts turning into a relationship. you promise yourself itll never happen again, and by doing so, you think its safe to get back into the friendship only to fall back into where you were before - Deep shit. Maybe I shouldnt worry about it, or think about it even. But its hard not to. It's just so weird how every male and female that become even friends has the slightest attraction for at least a day. It's almost depressing, because we're all basically built that way. and to think and to imagine that life can take a whole 360º just by having the slightest attraction, even when youre married. no matter how much you love someone, your emotions take over and you throw your whole relationship away because youre so confused inside. it's so typical, its so.. perfect. it describes everybody because i know for sure everybody would do it if given the "chance", if you'd like to call it. a chance to change, to broaden their horizons... to make the perfect mistake.
and its funny, this kind of mistake is probably the only mistake that seems unforgiveable. because emotions are the most important thing... and if you toy with them, it'll either be a hell of a long time before trust is gained again, or it'll be never.
there's something to think about.