Title: Filling a Void
luvscharliePairing: George Weasley/Angelina Johnson
Rating: R
Word Count: 1037
Prompt: 35. Sometimes she thinks it's a little fucked up she married his twin.
Content Information/Warnings: language, depressive tone, pregnancy, 2nd person POV
Summary: Angelina always thought she'd marry Fred Weasley, but when Fred was no longer
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Comments 12
It makes perfect sense to see you explore this relationship and how with real (in depth and human) characters such a thing would likely pan out.
Perfect start for this fest! I loved how Angelina just sort of fell into the trap and how you used the 2nd person POV to tell the story. Very effective!
Love it. Love it.
I was gripped by your truly interesting, emotional and believable story, dear MA.
That Angelina and George would find each other this way and understand each others pain makes sense and that it would be difficult not to get caught in such a relation is believable as well for me.
Two 'scenes' I really found touching and making this fic even more special:
There are times you hate him and times you know he hates you-- you are the replacement, just as he is, and the replacement never measures up.
Then one day you realise that you really don't grieve anymore. The months have lessened the pain. You wish Fred had made it, but it doesn't hurt you like it hurts George. You didn't have as long to love him. For George the wound is still fresh, with no scar tissue to make the days easier. For you, time has lessened the hurt and formed a thin barrier across it.
The ray of hope in the end I loved!
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