Title: Turn Around, Bright Eyes
ldymusycPairing: Bellatrix Lestrange/Draco Malfoy
Rating: R
Prompt: #95 - We shut our eyes and turn away.
Warnings: Incest, crossgen, BDSM, minor in sexual situations.
Summary: Narcissa knows what Bellatrix is doing to her son.
Turn Around, Bright Eyes )
Such powerful emotions expressed in just two paragraphs. I've never had much interest in Draco or Narcissa as characters, but this story has absolutely caught my interest. That is a devastating thing for a mother to find on her son!
There are bruises on his shoulders, purple, green, yellow, bruises on top of bruises in layers that tell of weeks.
Oh my. This is one of those statements that makes a reader suck in air quickly through her teeth. I can't imagine being fully in Narcissa's mind right now.
Her sister's laugh floats through the closed door and Narcissa stumbles away, wiping her eyes.
The ending of this piece. My goodness. The idea of seeing this done to one's child is heart-breaking, but the idea of knowing that one's kid sister is behind it is just...something else. I can completely understand Narcissa's heartbreak as she witnesses this; I feel you have gifted a little to the reader as well, just enough to enrich the storytelling.
Beautiful and haunting, so well written in so few words. Each sentence packs just the right amount of punch and join together for paragraphs that work well on their own, but join together to create a terrible tapestry of a hard period in a mother/daughter relationship. The characterisation makes it just-so as well. So incredibly well done!
We put the 'fun' in dysfunctional.
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