FIC: Little White Lie

Feb 23, 2013 11:44

Title: Little White Lie

Author: ???

Pairing: Remus/Sirius

Rating: R

Prompt: 131: Remus and Sirius shagged a few times during the first war, a friends-with-benefits thing, no strings attached, at least on Sirius' end, but Azkaban screws his memories enough that he comes out believing they were actually together. His false memories of their 'relationship' are happy, so he tries to pick things up where he thinks they left off.

Optional Extras: Remus never tells him what really happened, because he'd wanted a relationship with Sirius back then, only Sirius had made it clear it wasn't going to happen.

Content Information/Warnings: Embarrassingly short description of a sexual scene. Also a bit of emotional baggage.

Summary: 'Remus would forever be grateful to Azkaban for ruining Sirius's memory; just enough that they could finally be happy.'

Word Count: 1080

It was pouring rain when Sirius first moved back to the insane asylum, as he fondly referred to his childhood prison. Big, soppy crocodile tears, almost as bad as the snivelling tears of some tart he'd dumped after a quick shag. He smirked at the all-too-frequent teenaged scenario that popped into his mind.

The halls of the old Black estate were not quite as lavish as when it was lived in, but then again, nothing about the place could really be called lavish. Severed house-elf heads stared unseeing back at him as his lip curled in disgust. He tried to avoid touching any part of the house that he didn't strictly need to. The stairs were just as creaky as he remembered; the portraits peppered here and there scowled in disgust at him, to which he cheerfully offered two fingers; dust cluttered up his nostrils and he sneezed no less than twenty times by the time he reached the second floor.

'Bloody awful place,' he muttered to himself. The faint reverberation of his foot steps over the dark lacquered wood sounded like the rattling of cages back in hell - Azkaban, some might call it, but it was nothing short of living hell for Sirius. And here he was, thrust into yet another pit of despair, just like the chained dog he was.

'It's not that terrible,' came a voice from the floor below.

With an inelegant snort, Sirius propped his head on the handrail and looked down at Remus. 'You say that now, but wait until night falls. Doxy mating cries sound like a banshee in heat.'

As Sirius turned back to the family rooms, Remus shook his head fondly but he followed close behind. The miniaturised trunk in his pocket weighed a little heavier on his mind now that they were here. Its only contents, the meagre possessions he collected from his parents' old home, but they would be enough. Number 12 Grimmauld Place had plenty to offer where furnishings were concerned.

If only the memories the place held were as luxurious.

'Anyway,' Sirius continued disjointedly, as though from a conversation in his own head, 'it isn't as though we won't be preoccupied at night.' He backtracked out of a room and planted a firm kiss on Remus's cheek, followed by a radiant smile.

Remus could only smile back, although it fell a little flat. A niggling voice at the back of his mind kept reminding him how wrong this was, but he steadfastly ignored it and followed Sirius into a bedroom decked out in reds and golds.

'Drove Wally up a wall,' Sirius said with a grin, a hand running over the nearest Muggle poster. 'I'm surprised she didn't set this room ablaze.'

His hands and eyes continued to rove the place, as though soaking up the only positive reminders of his youth. Remus stood quietly in the doorway, a mere observer in a part of his friend's life that, judging by Sirius's comments, he was better off not having experienced.

In truth, he was grateful for any part of Sirius that he could have. The second he realised that his old friend wasn't the traitor, a floodgate had been opened in his mind, and worse still, in his heart. All of the old feelings he dragged around like a shameful pile of luggage were vindicated, and he really couldn't help himself when, seeing his ragged friend again in the Shack, he answered Sirius's hug with his own emotion-filled embrace.

Things had only gone downhill since then. Or uphill, depending upon how one looked at it.

When Sirius came to live with him at the end of Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts, everything seemed relatively normal, considering their turbid history. Until that night, when Sirius crawled in bed with him and curled up like he always belonged there. Remus felt so shocked, that all he could do was hug the man close, protectively, as though he really did belong. Since then, although their sleeping arrangements had been chaste, he couldn't help but let his feelings run away with him. Sirius was giving him everything he'd ever wanted without realising that they'd been down this road before.

'Moony?' The soft tone of voice snapped Remus out of his thoughts, and he merely smiled in acknowledgement.

'I'm not that boring, am I?' Sirius cracked a grin, but Remus hadn't missed the lack of confidence in his tone.

Stepping past the doorway and into Sirius's old bedroom, Remus looked around and saw everything Sirius must have, because his own answering smile lit up Sirius's eyes. His heart hammered in his chest when he felt the brush of fingers against his hand, lightly clasping in an unspoken question.

'You're not boring,' Remus finally answered. 'A bit daft, but not boring.' He just barely avoided the swat aimed for his head.


The rest of the afternoon passed without much fuss. The two men managed to clean up just enough to deem the place livable, and the trunk Remus brought had been emptied out into a wardrobe and a few drawers.

They had curry takeaway that evening. Sirius tried to argue that he wouldn't be recognised in the streets as Padfoot, but Remus wasn't having any of it. Maybe it should have been a little more disconcerting that Sirius obeyed his stern tone when he told him 'no', but he again brushed that doubting voice away.

That night, with Sirius curled up in his arms, there was nothing chaste about it.

The scant light reflecting in Sirius's pale eyes reminded him of the moon in all of its cursed glory, before they closed in ecstasy as Remus wrapped his lips around Sirius's erection.


'I love you,' came Sirius's whisper in the dark. 'I was just too stupid to say it before.'

Remus felt his heart clench with his warring emotions, but he held Sirius close as they drifted off to sleep. The last thought he had was that, no matter the outcome, he wouldn't tell Sirius the truth about their 'relationship' before Azkaban. Drunken fumblings in seventh year that led to a regular standing fling, leaving his heart cracked and bleeding with the knowledge that there would never be more.

He vowed to let them both bask in a little white lie. Remus would forever be grateful to Azkaban for ruining Sirius's memory; just enough that they could finally be happy.

fic, pairing: remus/sirius, 2013, character: sirius black, character: remus lupin, slash

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