Title: Fuck you, Rita
lash_laruePairing: Arthur Weasley/Rita Skeeter
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: She is nothing like Molly, that’s what keeps him coming back, even though he hates himself after.
Warnings: Explicit het sex, language, infidelity
Summary: His temper isn’t the only thing rising.
Author’s Notes: Extras: Infidelity, Stockings, Rough Sex. I
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Make him wait fifteen minutes, then send the weasel in and take off. Vintage Rita.
Tiffany headed to lunch; she had a sudden yearning for lobster. That girl is born to make her fortune.
There could exist no greater contrast than that between the carefully potioned and spelled, expensively arranged golden curls that covered Rita’s head and the riot of black hair that covered her sex. May I add my cheers to the choir?
And perfectly tied-in with canon events. Great one!
This means, however, that you'll have to hand in your membership card of the one-woman I can't write, but I admire all of you club.
You're now an official member of the We know we wrote good stories, but that was then, and this is now, and now I'm crippled by Writer's Insecurity coven. Welcome to our little group!
*points at icon which is second review*
Sorry, Lash!
But you are spot-on. All through the thing she was telling me how she could write well enough, but had no imagination.
I wouldn't have come up with this, would you?
I love her enough to get me in trouble, but the dear lass severely underates herself.
ps: Even the work she does requires imagination. I surely cannot wrap my head around that stuff.
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