
Mar 08, 2012 15:21

Here, once again, is the masterlist for Dysfuncentine 2012, now with author names attached!

Can I once again say yay for the character-diversity of this fest? Last year, we had fewer works and one pairing overlap. This year, we have more works, and more with multiple and background pairings, but according to my little list of the 'main pairing' for each story, not a single overlap except in the multi-pairing stories :). This makes me very happy indeed - a little dysfunction for everyone!

Thanks so much to everyone who wrote, drew and commented (seriously, commenters, we love you!). Special thanks to lash_larue, cabepfir and snapelike, all of whom submitted multiple works. You are awesome!

Now, without further ado, the reveals!

alley_skywalker wrote The Most Frustrating Thing (Blaise/Pansy/Draco | Blaise has been infatuated with Pansy forever, but she is far too in love with Draco to even notice. | PG)

ashiiblack wrote Shards of Me (Harry Potter/Severus Snape | After the war, Harry gets a bit unstable and - through his dreams, falls for a dead man. | R)

cabepfir drew You Disgust Me (Snape/Dumbledore | Bad habits are hard to break | PG/WS)

cabepfir wrote A Slice of Lemon (Minerva/Albus | One love I had in my life, and it was denied me. PG-13)

cerberusia wrote Cochineal (Narcissa Malfoy/Rita Skeeter | They meet at a ball, of course. | R)

coffee_n_cocoa wrote Like Incendio (Harry and Neville gen, background Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny, one-sided Neville/Ginny | Some things probably shouldn’t be spoken aloud. | PG-13)

cranky__crocus wrote Out With the Bathwater Part 1 and Part 2 (Minerva/Augusta/Frank Sr.; Minerva/Augusta; Minerva/Frank; Minerva/Rolanda | One history of Minerva McGonagall’s pre-Headmistress life, which she would prefer to keep out of any and all biographies (comment especially applicable to any writing of one Rita Skeeter). | NC-17)

crazyparakiss wrote Surfacing (Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley | She feels more alive when almost drowning. | R)

dexstarrwrote The Secrecy of Numbers - (Septima Vector/? | Relationships are for other people. | PG-13)

entrenous88 wrote Borrowing Trouble (Ron Weasley/Draco Malfoy | A typical research session for Ronald Weasley in the Ministry Library -- supervised, of course, by Librarian Draco Malfoy. | NC-17)

featherxquill wrote Never Hearts and Flowers (Rita Skeeter | Rita Skeeter loves flowers, but no one has ever sent her any. | R)

florahart wrote Tingle (Petunia/Sirius | When Lily's around, no one pays much attention to Petunia. | PG-13)

icicle33 wrote A Million Ways to be Cruel Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 (Harry/Draco, Harry/Ginny, Ginny/Draco, Pansy/Blaise, Pansy/Ginny, Luna/Neville (unrequited), Ron/Hermione | Revenge is a dish best served cold, and as Harry and Ginny find out the hard way, you should never cross a poisonous snake. Harry breaks Draco’s heart, and with Pansy’s help, they decide to implement a twisted revenge scheme to break Potter’s heart. Of course, as always, things are more complicated than they seem, and no one ever escapes a revenge ploy unscathed. | NC-17)

igrockspock wrote Variation on a One-Night Stand (Snape/Narcissa | Shortly after the events of Half-Blood Prince, Narcissa comes to Snape looking for a one-night stand and finds something else instead. | PG-13)

kellychambliss wrote Never (Minerva McGonagall/Severus Snape | Their affair has been going on for two years now, and Severus and Minerva believe that they understand each other completely. | R)

Kerplankia wrote Love; or How it Leaves (Minerva/Wilhelmina | Love. It comes and goes. When it leaves, only broken hearts can follow. | PG-13)

Lash_Larue wrote Passion is Passion (Ginny/Pansy | There’s a fine line between them | NC-17)

lash_larue wrote Am I Here? (Aberforth/Minerva | The shadow of Albus is always between them. | PG-13)

lash_larue wrote What is Offered (Fleur/Gabrielle | Who teaches whom, and what? | R)

lyras wrote The Survivors (Severus Snape/Petunia Dursley | In the aftermath of Lily's death, Petunia's life is falling apart -- until Severus Snape turns up offering help. But Severus has his own reasons, and Petunia has never understood magic. | NC-17)

queen_bellatrix wrote Comes Out Of Darkness Morn (Ron/Hermione, background Kingsley/Hermione | Infidelity was one line in the sand Hermione Granger would never cross, no matter how awful her marriage became. She’d always promised herself that, and she’d held to it, Merlin help her. But sometimes, she believes it would have been so much easier than this. | PG-13)

scarletladyy wrote Bleeding Love (Draco/Astoria, unrequited Pansy/Astoria | As innocent as Astoria's hand might look to anyone else, brushing lightly across Pansy's shoulder, Draco knows better. | PG-13)

snapelike wrote In Silence from My Shore (Kingsley Shacklebolt/Percy Weasley | Percy is longing for freedom. Caught in a dead marriage, duty keeps him in his place, although he betrays his wife and his heart in the process. Kingsley realises that the only escape from this dead water is yet another betrayal. | Strong R)

snapelike wrote Onion Tears (Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood, implied Oliver/Charlie and Oliver/Katie | There is always a point in a ruined relationship when one just knows it is over, when one knows that there are no remains of love left to salvage. | PG-13)

squibstress wrote Heart's Desire (Minerva/Amelia | It takes sixty years, but Minerva finally comes to understand the truth of George Bernard Shaw's pronouncement on tragedy. | PG-13)

themirrorofsin wrote And It Ends With Her Alone (Walburga/Orion | However much she tried to write it, her play kept being edited by other hands, leaving a bitter taste in her mouth as she recalled words said in the unwanted scenes she replayed in her head. | T)

therealsnape wrote Half-Term Saturday (Minerva McGonagall/Narcissa Malfoy | 1950s AU, magical or not. Prim schoolmarm and upper-class mother get together in a constellation worthy of a lesbian pulp novel. Throw a taboo-less Quidditch or lacrosse player into the party or Lucius into the swimming pool for added drama. In short: give us the penetrating story of a scandalous affair, told with unblushing honesty!
| NC-17)

twisted_twister and jean_doe_27 wrote Late.Again. (Arthur/Molly | “You’re late, again!” | PG)

wintervixen86 wrote Nothing Else Matters (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy | “What exactly is it that you like so much? You haven’t said a kind word to each other in six years.” “I don’t think it’s him,” Harry admits softly. “I think it’s the idea of what he could be.” | NC-17)

xylodemon wrote The Sin in Your Grin (and the Shape of Your Mouth) Part 1 and Part 2 (Sirius/Snape, Remus/Sirius, implied James/Sirius | The Order needed Sirius, but he doubted they'd mourn him very long when he finally disappeared. | NC-17)

!mod post, 2012, masterlist

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