FIC: A Million Ways to be Cruel - Part 2

Mar 02, 2012 00:16

Title: A Million Ways to be Cruel
Author: icicle33
Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Ginny, Ginny/Draco, Pansy/Blaise, Pansy/Ginny, Luna/Neville (unrequited), Ron/Hermione (and perhaps a couple surprise pairings that I don’t want to give away)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Revenge is a dish best served cold, and as Harry and Ginny find out the hard way, you should never cross a poisonous snake. Harry breaks Draco’s heart, and with Pansy’s help, they decide to implement a twisted revenge scheme to break Potter’s heart. Of course, as always, things are more complicated than they seem, and no one ever escapes a revenge ploy unscathed.

Part 1


15 September 1999, evening

“Ginny, it’s so kind to walk me to my dormitory,” Luna said with a wide, dreamy grin, as she skipped by Ginny’s side. “But I don’t want you to get in trouble since it’s after curfew and all.” She stopped skipping for a second and her two long braids smacked her in the face.

Ginny laughed and shook her head at Luna. Luna always had this way of making her feel instantly better, no matter what the situation.

“It’s no trouble,” Ginny said, returning Luna’s smile. “Besides, I wanted to talk to you anyway.”

“Alright.” Luna started skipping again. “But we have to be really quiet in this corridor. There are spies everywhere.”

“Luna,” Ginny whispered, walking faster to keep up with her friend’s brisk pace, “there aren’t spies.”

“Sure there are,” Luna insisted, her voice serious. “They’re in the walls. Watching us.”

“Right.” Ginny let Luna skip a few paces in front of her, and just regarded the vast stone walls of the castle. After so many years of being friends with Luna, she realised that it was just better to go along with some of her bizarre notions rather than argue. Besides, for once, her idea wasn’t all that crazy. She had been back at Hogwarts now for a little more than two weeks, but it felt like months.

After the Battle of Hogwarts, most of the castle had been destroyed, particularly all the protective enchantments around it, so the project of rebuilding the castle had taken a lot longer than anyone expected, more than a year.

The new and improved Hogwarts had finally opened at the start of term, but Ginny wasn’t impressed and didn’t find the new castle all that extraordinary. Rather, it felt cold and almost unrecognisable. From the outside, it was almost the same-other than the army of guards that now reinforced it as well as the clan of dragons that stood guard at all the entrances. Inside, however, was a different story. The castle walls that had once been covered in elaborate portraits, tapestries, and ancient relics were now completely bare, -for their own protection-of course, since the portraits could be used as spies and a way to infiltrate Hogwarts.

The castle that had once been Ginny’s home-that had been warm and cosy-was now just an old building with cold stone walls; walls that were so cold that even in early September, they still emitted a draft. No, this castle was no longer her second home. She did not feel safe here-even with all the Ministry’s new provisions or perhaps because of them-she felt lost, trapped. These impenetrable stone walls were supposed to be her sanctuary. Then why did they feel like a prison?

“Ginny?” Luna asked, her pretty face concerned. “Are you alright? You’re surrounded by Wrackspurts.”

“Yes,” she said slowly, shaking her lose curls as if she could actually feel the Wrackspurts surrounding her brain. “I was just thinking. Can you help me get rid of them?”

“Well,” Luna said, her blue grey eyes, studying Ginny’s face much too closely, “I don’t actually have Daddy’s Wrackspurts siphon with me.” She paused and looked thoughtful. “The new Hogwarts security staff confiscated it when inspecting my luggage.” She sighed wistfully. “Actually, they confiscated a lot of my possessions. But that’s okay. If you take deep breaths and we talk about something else, something pleasant, it should distract them.”

“Sure, Luna,” Ginny replied, smiling slightly at her barmy friend.

“How are classes going?” Luna asked. “I miss sharing classes with you.”

“Not bad, I suppose.” Ginny frowned. “It’s a little weird having classes with the 7th years since they’re all older than me, but they just leave me alone, for the most part.”

“That’s good,” Luna said, nodding enthusiastically.

“Yeah, the first couple days a lot of the girls kept giving me dirty looks and making snide comments about how I didn’t belong there. And-how maybe if they had a famous boyfriend and a war hero as a brother, they could skip a year too.”

“That’s awful.” Luna’s bright eyes widened considerably. “Don’t listen to them, Ginny. You belong there.”


“You do,” Luna reassured her, now grasping her hand. Ginny gasped at the touch; she hadn’t expected Luna’s hands to be so soft or cold for that matter. “They just don’t know that while Hogwarts was closed you studied a year at Beauxbatons.”

“Yeah.” Ginny bowed her head. While everyone else was dealing with the after effects of the war, she had been a coward and run off to France. Some Gryffindor she was. And that wasn’t even the half of it. If anyone found out of some of the poor decisions she had made in France, then she would be screwed.

“Luna,” Ginny said seriously, “I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you then. I-I know it was hard for you. I wish-”

Luna grasped her other hand and pulled her closer, staring at her fiercely; it was one of the few times that Luna looked completely grounded and didn’t have that usual far off expression in her eyes.

“It’s okay, Ginny. We all have our demons. You were just trying get away from the darkness.” She squeezed Ginny’s hands. “I don’t blame you. And you were furthering your education. That’s very noble.”

“Yeah, noble,” she scoffed. Perhaps it would have been somewhat noble if Ginny had actually been furthering her education. What no one knew, including her brother and especially Luna, was that Ginny had not even managed to finish the first half of the year at Beauxbatons. It was a secret that she would hold onto for as long as she could, to the grave if she had to-her only problem was that memory was fuzzy on how exactly she producing passing and acceptable school records to Hogwarts? The Hogwarts School Board had always been meticulous in checking over records, so she doubted that she had been able to forge them. However, every time she thought about them, her ears buzzed and she got a splitting headache. Oh, well perhaps it was better that she didn’t remember the details. That way, she couldn’t accidentally blab them.

They continued walking, a poignant silence between them. Ginny had only been to Ravenclaw Tower a handful of times, but she didn’t realise it was this far. Were they lost, or did Luna know some sort of shortcut she didn’t?

“I’m sorry those girls are giving you a hard time,” Luna offered, breaking the silence. “I know how terrible that can be.”

“It’s fine. Besides, they’ve stopped mostly since Pansy threatened them.”

“That’s great,” Luna replied, her dreamy look already back in place.

“Really? Don’t you find it odd?”

“No, Pansy’s my friend.”

“What? You can’t be serious,” Ginny snapped, not able to keep the disdain out of her voice.

Luna shrugged. “She’s not my first friend like you, but she’s nice. Pansy and the other Slytherins protect me.”

Ginny exhaled deeply. She needed to phrase this delicately, so she wouldn’t hurt the other girl’s feelings. Luna was a sweet girl, but sometimes too naive for her own good.

“I’m sure she’s an interesting person,” Ginny said slowly. There was no way she could call Pansy Parkinson nice with a straight face. “But Slytherins only look out for each other. Don’t you find it peculiar that she wants to be your friend all of a sudden?”

Luna shrugged again and started walking a little in front of Ginny.

“Not really. I assume Draco asked her to.”

“Oh right, I forgot the two of you were friends now.” Ginny furrowed her brow and was now biting on the corner of her lip. This conversation was not heading in the direction she wanted it to.

How could she make her friend see reason? You couldn’t trust people like Malfoy and Pansy.

Although, Draco and his mother had taken care of Luna since she had lost her father. The war had been hard on all of them, but the Malfoys had taking a shining to Luna in the time she had spent as their captive ironically enough; therefore, they had offered her a home, money, and comfort-much more than Ginny had done for her supposed best friend. She bit her lip harder in frustration, almost drawing blood.

“I told you in my letters,” Luna explained.

“I know. I read them.” Ginny couldn’t help but blush at the mention of letters. So many people had written her when she was in France, but she hadn’t read any of them, except for Luna’s letters. She knew that Luna would only tell her the truth, unlike everyone else.

“Oh, good.” Luna smiled sheepishly, looking relieved. “I was worried that they had been kidnapped by a Winged Satyr Fish since I didn’t hear from you. Even though Narcissa assured me they had been delivered. They’re quite friendly really, but also a tad mischievous and have a knack for intercepting post.”

“ Right. No, that didn’t happen. I-I am really sorry, Luna. I didn’t answer anyone’s letters.”

“That’s okay,” Luna reassured her with a smile. “Well, we’re here. Thank you for walking me.”

“Wait what?” They were standing in the middle of the Dungeons’ corridor. Ginny had been so engaged in their conversation that she hadn’t noticed when they entered the dungeons.

“This is the dungeons.”

“I know. I’m staying with the Slytherin girls from now on. They have a few extra beds in their dormitory and Pansy managed to convince the Headmistress that it would be best if I moved in there.”

“But why?” Ginny asked, her face visibly worried. “I don’t understand. You’re not a snake.”

Luna scowled, and Ginny felt her stomach clench. Luna was almost always happy even after everything she had lost; she hated seeing her friend upset, especially since she was the cause of that frown.

“I know you don’t believe me, but deep down Pansy is a good person. I’ve seen her aura; it’s a bright pink.”


“No, listen to me, Ginny!” Luna demanded and Ginny gulped. Luna never lost her temper. “Pansy is my friend and I’m sorry if you don’t like it. You know what it’s like for me in Ravenclaw-how everyone would take my things and play pranks on me. I-I used to just shrug it off,” she sighed loudly, “but I’m so tired this year. I can’t go through that again. Please understand. I may not be a snake, but Pansy and the others have accepted me into their little group. Just like you said...they take care of their own.”

“I’m sorry.”

“You should be,” Luna replied, her bright eyes flashing, “Draco and Narcissa are my family now. The only family I have, so by extension the Slytherins are too. If you can’t accept that, then I’m sorry but I won’t choose. It isn’t fair.”

“No,” Ginny pleaded, “I can understand and I would never make you choose. Just please let me make it up to you. What can I do?”

Luna smiled at her, her most dazzling smile, which reached all the way to her eyes and always warmed Ginny’s heart.

“Well, why don’t you come in and spend some time with my friends? I’m sure they’ll love you, Ginny. You’re amazing.”

Ginny took a deep breath and grabbed Luna’s hand. “Alright, Luna,” Ginny said firmly. When Luna looked at her like that, so trusting and beautiful, she couldn’t deny the other girl anything. “If you trust them, I trust them. You’re still my best friend, right?”

Luna’s smile widened further, if that was even possible. “Always.”

Hand in hand, the eagle and the lion entered the den of snakes.


30 October 1999

“Hello Red,” Malfoy said, as Ginny entered the library and took a seat at a table across from him.

“Malfoy,” she said causally in greeting.

“You can sit closer, you know. I promise I don’t bite...unless asked.”

Ginny rolled her eyes but moved closer to the Slytherin boy. Once again, she had been paired with him as a Potions partner. The universe seemed to be against her. Even if she had been getting along better with the Slytherins, on Luna’s request, that still didn’t mean that she wanted to spend all her time with Slytherins, especially this particular snake. Malfoy had been oddly kind to her these past few weeks, but that still didn’t mean that she liked him. Not really.

She unpacked her bag and pulled out her Potions notes and a quill. Malfoy, however, had not moved an inch and had been watching her the entire time. He sat in his chair, back straight and ankles crossed, looking all prim and proper in a crisp grey shirt and black trousers, his pale hair falling softly on his face. After classes, they were allowed to wear ‘approved’ Muggle inspired wear or Ministry appointed robes. The Ministry robes, however, were so ghastly that Ginny wasn’t surprised that Malfoy refused to wear them. Still, she wished that he would dress more causal for their meetings-that way, she wouldn’t have to try so hard. Not that she was trying to impress him anyhow.

“What are you staring at Malfoy?” she accused as she ran a hand through her hair. “Do I have something in my hair?”

“No,” Draco said smoothly, “I was just admiring you. That’s a lovely colour you dyed your hair.”

Ginny scowled at him. She knew that the ‘nice’ Malfoy was too good to be true. The family insults that she had been expecting were more his style anyway. More than a month of courtesy had finally broken him; she knew that it was only an act.

“Why? Because it’s no longer Weasley red? Since you hate red hair so much and my family!”

Draco sighed and pushed his chair closer to hers. “You misunderstand me,” he said slowly, his voice kind and low. “I am merely paying you a compliment,” he explained. “While your red hair was quite lovely, this dark hair complements your fair skin tone much better and it brings out your eyes. They are so stunningly blue.”

Ginny was dumbstruck. She hadn’t been expecting that reaction at all, and even if the compliment came from Malfoy, she couldn’t help but blush. These days, compliments were rare.

“Thanks-I think, Malfoy.”

“You’re very welcome,” he said bowing his head. “And please, call me, Draco. We’ve been working together for awhile now.”

Ginny furrowed her brow tensely but didn’t argue. She supposed that the more she thought about it, Malfoy had been acting rather polite towards her these past few weeks-not one insult and even a few smiles thrown her way. Perhaps she had been too rash in judgement with Malfoy, old habits and prejudices influencing her. In fact, just because her brothers hated him, it didn’t mean that she had too as well. She was her own person, and if Luna cared for him deeply, he couldn’t be all bad. Right?

“Fine, Dra-co,” she said after a long pause, which didn’t seem to faze the other boy in the least. “Still, you never call be my first name either.”

“Ahh,” Malfoy said with a wide smile. “That my dear is because you never gave me permission.”

He bent over and put a hand on her knee, slowly moving it up her thigh. For some reason, Ginny allowed him to and didn’t shrug him off. This should have felt wrong. Hell, this was Draco Malfoy, the son of the man who tried to kill her-yet, something about his pale, slender hand resting on her thigh felt right.

“Draco,” she said, her voice hitching.

“Ginevra,” he replied, his grey eyes firmly locked with hers and his hand still resting on her thigh. Somehow, she had failed to notice just how handsome Draco Malfoy actually was, or at least denied it, particularly when his face was relaxed rather than all contorted in his usual angry mask. This was not how she had planned to spend her evening, gazing into Draco Malfoy’s eyes, which were such a captivating shade of grey, almost like the night sky on a cloudy evening.

“I-I prefer Ginny,” she said weakly, trying her best to ignore his eyes.

He smiled at her again, this time showing off all his straight white teeth and removed his hand from her thigh. In a way she was relieved, but at the same time, she yearned for the coolness that his soft hand had spread throughout her body. Her skin was always on fire lately, even with the coldness of castle radiating around her, so the burst of coolness that his hand had offered was an unexpected and pleasant surprise.

“Gin-ev-ra,” he said softly, in that slow, elegant drawl of his that used to infuriate her but was now causing her to blush, “is a beautiful name. It means ‘fair’ and ‘smooth’.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Well, it does,” he replied, now taking that same hand which had been resting on her thigh and brushing a stray curl off of her face and tucking it behind her ear. “And I think it suits you quite well.”

Ginny closed her eyes for a second and leaned into his touch, his soft hand once again sending a cool rush through her overheated face. What the hell was she doing? This was Draco Malfoy for fuck’s sake. Of all the boys to be interested in...he was last on her list. Well, maybe not last, since he was quite fit and all, but no one would ever approve.

“Draco,” she murmured her voice much lower than usual and her eyes still closed. “Why are you doing this? Why now?”

He put his hand on her cheek on again, causing her heart to flutter. “Open your eyes...please,” he said, his voice kinder and softer than she ever heard it before.

She slowly opened her eyes and gulped. She didn’t understand what was going on between them, the other boy’s bizarre behaviour, but one way or another, she was going to get answers. She nodded at him and shook off his hand.

“Look, Ginevra,” he said, never breaking their gaze, “I should have said this to you a long time ago.” He paused for a moment, biting down on his bottom lip, and Ginny couldn’t help but notice how full and soft his lips looked-so very different from the last chapped, hard lips she had kissed-Harry’s.

“Go on,” she urged him.

“The terrible, ghastly crimes my family has committed...well, they will haunt me for the rest of my life. I will not pretend that a simple apology will make up for the inexcusable wrongs, but it’s all that I can offer you.” He bit down on his bottom lip again, clearly a nervous habit, and finally averted his gaze from hers, his grey eyes now looking sombre and listless. “I am sincerely sorry for all the wrongs that both my family and myself have ever committed against you and your family. I know that words will never be enough,” Draco explained. “However, actions speak louder than words, and if you give me the opportunity to make it up to you...I will.”

“So all of this is out of guilt?” she asked, narrowing her eyes and pushing her chair away from him.

“No!” Draco protested. “Yes, I feel sorrow for my actions and the pain they might have caused you and your family, but I don’t feel any guilt towards you. Although, I am strongly drawn towards you.”

He ran a hand through his hair and Ginny noticed that his hands were shaking, trembling almost. Blimey, he was actually shaking. Perhaps his actions were sincere after all.

“Why?” Ginny asked in an even tone. She was going to give him the benefit of the doubt and one shot to explain himself. If not, she was going to curse his sorry arse into next week.

“Well,” he said with a small smirk, “other than a few choice words here and there, I never really bothered you during school. My issues, I guess you could say, were with Potter and your brothers...never you.”

“I suppose.”

“And,” he continued, his smirk much larger now, “if I recall correctly, you were the one who caused me an irreparable amount of damage to my reputation and pain with that Bat-Bogey Hex of yours.”

Ginny laughed at that, a real, genuine laugh, as she hadn’t done in ages, and she couldn’t stop laughing the more that Draco frowned and protested.

“Come on, it’s not that funny,” he whinged.

“Oh, but it is. I had forgotten,” Ginny said in between bouts of laughter. She was laughing so hard now that she had to clutch her stomach with her arms.

“Stop it...right now...Weasley!”

“Oh, so we’re back to Weasley, huh?” Ginny teased, still laughing.

“I said...stop it...Gin-ev-ra.”

“Make me, Mal-foy-”

But before she got another word in, strong arms pulled her towards him and wrapped themselves around her neck. Draco closed the distance between them and kissed her, his lips soft and smooth. Her last kiss with Harry had caught her by surprise as well, but it had been hard and rough, desperate even. It had taken her awhile before she even kissed him back, but with Draco for some inexplicable reason, she kissed him back instantly. This kiss was so different from her last one-it was slow and smooth, tender even. Draco kissed her tentatively at first and only softly probed her mouth open with his tongue as if making sure that she was okay with it. He was letting her set the pace and it was glorious and sensual-oh-so different from the frantic, rushed kisses she had shared with Harry. Somehow, she had even wound up in his lap-her hands entwined in his soft hair and her whole body shivering.

“Draco,” she moaned, gasping for air as they finally broke apart.

“Gin-ny,” he whispered, his voice hitching and his eyes laced with desire. “I’m sorry. It just...that I wanted to do that for ages.”

Her heart was racing and her cheeks flushed-her entire body trembling. She hadn’t felt like this in so long. It was as if she had been dead inside since the war, and nothing until this kiss from her former enemy of all people, awakened her. Once again, she was alive.

“But...why?” She asked cautiously, afraid to hear the real answer. Yet, somehow, she knew that Draco would be honest with her. He had no reason to lie or to protect her feelings.

“Ginevra,” he said slowly, “I’ve watched you for ages, but you were always Potter’s girl. I didn’t think I had a chance against the bloody Chosen One.”


“No, let me finish,” he said, attempting to hide behind his loose fringe that must have come undone during their kiss. “I like you, okay. A lot. And in the past...I was a coward and wasn’t strong enough to go against my father. But things are different now.” He closed his eyes for a second and bit down on his lip again. “Look, I’m not my father. And-I know that your father and my father despised each other, but they’re both gone now. Can’t we just bury the Weasley-Malfoy feud once and for all?”

“Yes,” Ginny replied firmly, surprised at how strongly she agreed with the other boy and how earnest his eyes were. She had never seen Draco look so open and unguarded; it sent a pang through her chest.

“And I’m not like my family either,” she insisted.

“No, you’re not,” Draco replied with a nod. “There’s one more thing though.”

“What?” Ginny asked, still feeling light-headed from their kiss.

“I need to know the truth,” Draco said seriously, “the complete truth, okay?” Ginny nodded. “Are you or are you not with Potter? Luna assured me that you’re no longer Potter’s girl, but no matter what people may think of me...I will not steal another bloke’s girl.”

Ginny exhaled loudly, and this time it was her who reached out for the other boy. She took his hand in his, surprised at how natural it felt to hold it, and looked him straight in the eye.

“Draco,” she said gravely, “I’m not going to lie to you. Harry and I were together for a long time...and for so much of my life...the only thing I ever wanted was to be Mrs Harry Potter-”

“And now?” he asked, his eyes concerned.

“Now, I don’t know what I want. I’ll always love Harry in a way...but that girl who was in love with him...that girl he gone. She perished in the the so many others.” She paused briefly. “Can you accept that?”

“Yes,” he said with a wicked smile, “I’m a Malfoy. We embrace the darkness.”

She returned his smile and tried her best not to blush.

“I should get back. Curfews and all,” Ginny said. “We’ll have to leave the assignment until tomorrow.”

“I look forward to it, Ginevra,” Draco said with a cheeky grin.


31 October 1999

“So?” Pansy pulled Draco into the same Dungeon cupboard he had trapped her in previously and pushed him up against the wall.

“So what?” Draco asked, raising an eyebrow a and smirking.

“So...tell me about the Weasleylette!” Pansy cried, grabbing onto Draco’s arms and shaking him. “I need DETAILS! Rumour has it that the two of you were spotted getting hot and heavy in the library yesterday.”

“Hot and heavy...really?” Draco asked with a frown, as he carefully plied Pansy’s tight grip off him. The last thing he wanted were little crescent shaped indents all over his arms.

Pansy sighed dramatically. “Well, alright...I think the word used was cosy...but I like my version better.”


“Now spill!”

He ran a hand through his hair and propped himself up against the door. He had a feeling that Pansy wasn’t going to be easily appeased and he would be trapped in that cupboard for a while. He might as well get comfortable.

“There’s nothing to spill, love,” he said in a bored tone.

“There’s always something to spill! Now, don’t make me tie you up last time.”

Draco blanched nervously. “ drive a hard bargain. Don’t do anything rash...and I’ll tell you!”

“Good,” Pansy said, looking much too pleased with herself.

“We sat in the library-and I gave her this whole sob speech about how sorry I was and how I’ve liked her for a long time....blah blah blah.”

Pansy looked concerned. “Do you think she bought it?”

“Oh, she definitely bought it,” Draco replied smugly.

“How do you know?” Pansy asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Because,” Draco drawled, “I played the dead insane father card, of course, and then I snogged her silly. Twice.”

“Draco Malfoy you slut!”

“I am not a slut,” Draco whinged, pretending to be affronted. “I am a Malfoy. I don’t have to pay for sex.”

Pansy giggled and grabbed his arm. “No, seriously though, did you bang her yet?”

Draco frowned and shrugged off Pansy’s hand. The girl was much too touchy-feely today. “Not yet, love, but it’s only a matter of time.” He rested his head against the door and blew his fringe out of his face. “It’s rather unfortunate that she went home to see her brother and won’t be here for the Halloween party.”

“Pity,” Pansy drawled, not sounding the least bit sorry. “You’ll just have to have wait until she gets back.”

“Yes, but it would’ve been so much easier to just get her insanely pissed tonight.”

Pansy ruffled her hair a bit and grinned at Draco wickedly. “Not my problem. Now, move,” she said, “just because you aren’t getting any tonight doesn’t mean I should suffer too.”

Draco rolled his eyes, but he opened the door for Pansy anyway.

“Women,” he muttered under his breath once she left. “That’s why I prefer to fuck blokes. Less fucking work.”


17 November 1999

“Come in,” a deep voice drawled that sounded quite annoyed.

Ginny gulped and fluffed her hair nervously, her hand trembling on the doorknob. She knew that Draco had told her to stop by any time since he only shared a room with Theo, who was never around, but now that she was actually standing at his door, wearing only a trench coat and clutching a half-empty bottle of firewhisky, she was having second thoughts. It had seemed like a much better idea when she was tucked away safely at Gryffindor tower, feeling much too lonely in her bed.

“Ginny?” Draco exclaimed, his eyes wide and lips only half curled as he saw her enter his room. “I-I wasn’t expecting you...especially so late,” he stammered. “It’s almost curfew.”

Clearly, Draco had been expecting someone else, perhaps one of his housemates and had been getting ready to throw them out; usually, Ginny liked to watch Draco squirm, it amused her to no end to watch the calm and collected Slytherin lose his cool, but right now, it just added to her nerves.

“Erm,” Ginny said, her voice much higher than she would have liked, “I-I was hoping I could spend the night here...with you.”

Draco’s eyes lit up and he looked her over hungrily. “Certainly, I told you to stop by any time.” He still looked somewhat anxious, but his earlier annoyance was completely gone.

She smiled at him shyly and put the bottle of firewhisky down on a nearby desk, hiding her unsteady hands behind her back. Perhaps things were going to work out for her anyhow. Now, all she had to do was relax and be brave. It’s not like she hadn’t done this before, so why was she so nervous?

“I’m sure Theo won’t mind if you sleep in his bed...since he never uses it anyway,” Draco explained; he was biting his lip again and his eyes were clouded. “I can call one of the elves to bring clean sheets for you right away.”

Ginny shook her head and stepped closer to Draco, grabbing him by the arm tightly. “Draco,” she said in what she hoped was a sultry tone, “that won’t be necessary.”

She watched the other boy gulp loudly, his Adam’s apple even more pronounced than usual, and his pale cheeks that looked even more translucent in the low lighting of his room, were flushing faintly.

“Are you saying?’ he asked, his eyes as wide as saucers now and his mouth slightly open as if all of a sudden it was hard to breathe.

“Yes.” Ginny smiled at him fiercely and tossed her hair back, now finally regaining some confidence once she realised the effect she was having on Draco. He seemed to relax now and invited her to join him on the bed. He had a rather comfortable bed, the lucky sod.

Once Ginny joined him on the bed, she ran a hand through her curls again, tilting her had back and leering at him. With each smile, he inched closer to her and finally closed the distance between them, placing a chaste kiss on her lips that was delightful but an absolute tease. “There’s no rush,” he said seriously. “I’m perfectly happy with us just sharing a bed.”

“No,” Ginny insisted, “You’ve been patient with me, Draco. Very much so.” She grinned at him wickedly and planted a kiss on his lips, gently sucking on his bottom lip. “And I appreciate it more than you know...but I’m not some fragile doll you have to take care of...I want this as much as you do.” She licked her lips and winked at him. “Maybe even more.”

He laughed and pulled her into a slow, tantalising kiss, making Ginny melt and heat rush down her legs.

“You are an enigma to me, Ginevra Weasley,” he purred, in his soft drawl. “An enigma that pleases me more, everyday.”

“Good,” she retorted, her eyes amused. “And you’re not so bad yourself.”

He laughed again and Ginny was staggered at how much she enjoyed it. His laughter, a sound so rare from the serious boy, was becoming one of her favourite sounds. It wasn’t that she was falling for this Slytherin boy, because even though he amused her greatly, it had been her, after all, who asked to keep things casual, but he was just so much easier to be around than other boys. He didn’t judge her or treat her like a child, as so many of the boys had done in years past, treating her like Ron’s little sister.

Slytherins were just different, a different breed of boy than Gryffindors, who yearned for a damsel in distress to save, or Hufflepuffs who wanted the sweet, girl next-door types. No, Slytherins, especially this Slytherin, were drawn to darkness and fire. And that’s exactly what Ginny was-a faint fire at the end of a dark tunnel. She just needed someone to ignite her flames.

“So...can I offer you anything to drink? You’re thinking much too hard again,” he said, standing up from the bed. “Hang up your coat, perhaps?”

“I’ll keep my coat for now,” she said with a faint blush, not wanting to admit that she was practically naked underneath just yet. “Oh, and I brought some firewhisky,” she added with a smug look. She had almost forgotten that she had bribed one of her housemates to give her a bottle of his secret firewhisky stash. Like everything else, the Ministry had new laws on alcohol regulation, which included rationing bottles and prohibiting all consumption of alcoholic beverages on school grounds, even for those students who were of legal drinking age.

Draco frowned but didn’t comment.

“What?” she asked. Luckily, he didn’t mention that the bottle was only half full. Even if he had pointed it out, there was no way that she would admit that she had taken a few shots to qualm her nerves.

“It’s not that I’m not appreciative of your efforts,” he drawled slowly, “it’s just don’t you think this special occasion calls for something a bit more high class.”

“Well, that’s all I was able to get,” Ginny snapped, scowling now. “Take it or leave it, Malfoy.”

Draco snorted, even though he tried his best to hide it. “Don’t get your knickers in a bunch there, Red,” he quipped. “We’ll put that firewhisky to good use later. You have my word.” He arched his eyebrows at her suggestively. “However, wouldn’t you prefer a nice bottle of champagne to commemorate this special evening?”

“You have champagne?”Ginny squealed, practically tackling Draco onto the bed and completely forgetting her irritation with the spoiled boy.

Draco gave her a haughty look and reached under his bed. “I have a secret stash, of course,” he answered smugly, “and have saved a bottle of Perrier-Jouet Champagne, especially for you.”

Ginny just stared at Draco, blinking rapidly and completely speechless. It had been so long since she had drunk champagne, not since France she assumed, but most of those nights were still hazy. The last thing she wanted was to think about those dark nights-not now, when she was so close to bathing in light again, even if it was only temporary.

“You’re not pleased?” Draco asked raising an eyebrow, his tone slightly annoyed. “My apologies...but it’s the best I could smuggle into the castle.”

“No, no,” Ginny protested, planting kisses down Draco’s neck. She had never meant to come off ungrateful. “It’s brilliant! One of the nicest gifts anyone has ever given me.”

Draco frowned. “Seriously?” he asked, that familiar haughty expression back on his face. “We will just have to change that, Miss Weasley. Now, take off that coat and make yourself more comfortable.”

“My pleasure,” Ginny replied huskily and removed the trench slowly, so slowly that she could see Draco fret with anticipation as she revealed inches of pale, freckled skin. Who knew it would be so easy to discompose the boy who had once been nicknamed the Ice Prince of Slytherin.

“You...your-” the other boy stuttered, his eyes so wide that they looked as if they could pop out of his head at any moment.

“I know,” she replied cheekily, making sure to move even slower and finger each button seductively as she removed the coat. She doesn’t know if the firewhisky was finally kicking in or if perhaps the carnal look Draco was giving her was building her confidence, but once the coat was completely removed, she just stood there proudly, flaunting her petite figure and bold choice of undergarments-a pair of black lace knickers and a Slytherin green bra.

After the war, she had been much too thin, much like everyone else, and her time in France didn’t help, but in the last couple of months, she had started to regain her womanly figure.

“Merlin’s beard!” Draco cried, eyeing her eagerly as if he were a small child in a candy store. “I think that champagne is going to have to wait.”

“Fine by me,” Ginny said with a smug look on her face, even though her heart was hammering fiercely, and did a little twirl for Draco, so he could get the full experience of her look.

Without another word, Draco pulled off his shirt, revealing his strong and lightly muscled torso, which Ginny had a strong urge to lick from top to bottom, and tackled her onto the bed.

“Damn Weasley,” he growled, “you look good in Slytherin green!”

She chuckled loudly and pulled him even closer by the waistband of his trousers, digging her nails into the small of his back. Much to her dismay, the Slytherin boy didn’t even flinch.

“Too much clothing,” she groaned and moved her hands down his back, kneading it softly and starting to unbutton his trousers with much less finesse than she would have liked.

When she tried to remove his pants, however, he shrugged her off and said, “Not yet. You first, love.”

“What?” she asked confused and not particularly happy about Draco’s teasing.

“Just trust me and lie back,” he urged. His eyes were twinkling at her mischievously, dangerous even, so she decided to give him give in.

“Alright.” She closed her eyes as Draco spread her legs and started trailing kisses down her throat all the way down her stomach, pausing once he reached her navel and massaged it with his warm tongue.

“That tickles,” she complained, and she couldn’t help but squirm, a deep tingling passing down her lower back and all the way to her toes.

“Stop squirming. Or I’ll tie you up and blind fold you!” he badgered, his voice so silky that it was making her melt.

She knew it was a joke, but for some reason, that kinky idea sent a shudder down her spine and straight down to her hips. It sounded strangely appealing, like something she needed desperately and never knew she wanted. She was not a virgin by any means and had sex many times before, but it was always the same-her just lying there, wriggling under a warm body, and trying to please her partner, never giving in completely, never accepting her wildest fantasies for fear of her partner finding her depraved and immoral. But now-what was Draco actually offering her? Surely, he would not accuse her of being shameless since he was the one who had suggested it. She gasped loudly and titled her head back, imagining her limbs restrained and having to relinquish all control to her lover, for once allowing someone to pleasure her thoroughly and being free to act as wantonly as she desired without fear of condemnation. Yes, she needed this and badly.


Draco looked up for a second meeting her lustful eyes; his long hair was drooping in his eyes and frizzing at the ends, which Ginny found strangely enticing, and his eyes were bright and wide, shining fiercely at her. It was obvious she had caught him by surprise, and it wasn’t particular easy to catch Draco Malfoy off guard-that only made it her want it more.

“Don’t tempt me,” he panted, his voice breathy and eager.

“Draco,” she gasped, locking eyes with him and hoping to convey just how serious she was to the other boy. She nodded firmly and watched the other boy’s eyes roll practically to the back of his head in anticipation.

“Fuck Weasley, you really are full of surprises,” he croaked once he regained his voice.

“Just do it,” she pleaded.

“My pleasure.” He carefully removed himself, all pale limbs and elegance, from on top of her in a swift but graceful motion, and Ginny couldn’t help but groan at the loss of contact, the loss of heat.

“Don’t worry, Weasley, I’ll make it up to you,” he teased, his voice so silky that it made her melt deeper into his firm mattress.

Ginny closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She had been dead for far too long. Tonight, she was going to feel alive-in every possible way.

Within moments, green silk bands were enclosing her wrists and restraining her legs. Apparently, Draco kept them on hand and she couldn’t help but smile as she felt that they were comfortably worn in. For the first time in as long as she could remember, Ginny was strangely free, liberated from her depths of obscurity. By the time Draco rejoined her on the bed and started tracing her entire body with his tongue, Ginny was already too far gone, lost in fantasies of latent desires, all involving golden blond hair and pale moonlight drenched skin that she never knew she wanted-making her feel as if she were a million miles away and dancing in the stars. For once, even if it was only momentarily, she was completely above the darkness.


18 November 1999

Ginny woke up a lot later than normal and in a wonderfully comfortable bed. Usually, she was a morning person and was up with the sun, but today she had slept until after eleven. It probably had something to do with the dungeons being so bloody dark, so it was impossible to know what time of day it was. She yawned and stretched out like a lazy cat, feeling more refreshed than she had in ages but frowned once she realised that she was alone in bed.

Draco must have had an early class and left; she had already slept through her first two classes. Oh well, she would just have to ask Pansy for the notes. Pansy never seemed to attend any classes, yet always had all the notes. Reluctantly, she removed herself from the warm cocoon of Draco’s bed and started gathering her belongings-not that she really brought all that much with her-only her under garments and trench coat. The events of the previous night were somewhat hazy since half of a bottle of both firewhisky and champagne had been involved, but she still remembered feeling freer than she had in ages and as if she were finally treading water, rather than drowning in the vast darkness. As images of bondage and wantonness flooded her mind, she was marginally embarrassed, so perhaps it was for the best that Draco was gone.

Pushing aside her mortification of giving into her wildest fantasies with Draco Malfoy, of all people, Ginny put on her knickers and bra. She tied the trench coat tightly around her waist, not wanting to have any accidents on her way back to Gryffindor tower and made her way to Draco’s full-length mirror. She looked like shit, her dark hair sticking up in all directions and her mascara and eye makeup smeared. Thank Merlin that Draco hadn’t seen her like this or he probably would have run away terrified.

Besides, even if last night had been a rather enlightening experience, she didn’t want Draco to think she was clingy. After all, she wasn’t his girlfriend, although he had proposed it several times. She had kindly denied his offer each time and just told him that she would rather just take things slow and not jump into another serious relationship. Well, they had failed miserably on the taking things slow part of the bargain, but at least she could still keep their relationship casual.

She pulled her hair half back and wiped the most mascara she could from under her eyes, scowling fiercely at her reflection in the mirror. Good thing Draco didn’t have one of those enchanted mirrors because she probably would have broken it once it insulted her. She shook his dishevelled bed out, so that Draco wouldn’t come back to a total disaster of a room and noticed that there was a folded piece of parchment on Draco’s pillow. When she was getting out of bed earlier, she must have been half asleep and overlooked it.

Dearest Ginevra,

You looked much too beautiful and peaceful to disturb you this morning. I doubt that you missed anything terribly exciting in your classes. Feel free to stay as long as you like and kick Theo out if he miraculously shows up and gives you any grief.

P.S. Last night was amazing and I can’t wait to see what other secrets you have up your sleeve. My dear, I believe that you are a closet Slytherin indeed. For once, the Sorting Hat must have made a mistake when sorting you-you absolute terror.

- D

Ginny sighed as she finished reading the note. Clearly, Draco wanted to see her again and she couldn’t help but feel exhilarated, the anxiety in her stomach finally subsiding. She was right and her devious behaviour in bed hadn’t scared Draco off. Up until now, all her relationships had involved more drama than necessary and not nearly enough sex. Perhaps keeping a friendly relationship with Draco would be to her benefit. It would be rather nice to have someone as attractive as Draco available to her when she itched for a good shag.

Besides, it would also give her a good excuse not to take Harry up on one of his many invitations to go out for a romantic dinner in Hogsmeade. When he found out she was sleeping with Draco, Harry would probably kill her, but at least she would be off the hook. Oh well, she would cross that bridge when she came to it. Right now, she had to worry about sneaking out of Draco’s room without anyone seeing her. Hopefully, everyone would be in classes right now and no one would be in the common room. Merlin, what she wouldn’t give to have Harry’s invisibility cloak right now.

Part 3 | Part 4 Part 5

pairing: ginny/pansy, pairing: blaise/pansy, pairing: draco/ginny, fic, character: harry potter, character: ginny weasley, 2012, character: draco malfoy, character: blaise zabini, character: pansy parkinson, pairing: ginny/harry, pairing: draco/harry, multi

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