T-24 Hours

Jan 15, 2011 14:13

Hello, fellow dysfuncentine-ites!

This is the post where I tell you that are all awesome, that all the prompts you’ve left on the prompt post are fantastic, and remind you that you have approximately twenty-four more hours to submit more, should you so desire (for any especially astute players out there, yes, that is longer than the timeline originally said. Another astute watcher pointed out that my dates and days were a bit b0rked and didn't match up, so I had to tinker with them a tiny bit to make sure they worked and there was enough time for everything).

So, here goes, then:

You are all awesome!

The prompts you have left are fab!

You have about 24 more hours to leave some more, if you so desire.


And now, a snapshot of the prompt post so far. If you want to see more of something, go prompt it!

Currently, we have:

12 prompts for any characters
11 Character X/Anyone prompts
14 femslash prompts
38 het prompts
8 slash prompts
6 prompts for multi-pairing, threesomes and other

There are:
29 prompts that include characters from Harry's generation
33 prompts that include characters from the Marauder generation
24 prompts that include characters from Riddle's generation and older

Approximately. Obviously, some older characters' generations are a bit of a guess (for the most part, I've included the Hogwarts staff in the 'Riddle's generation' category)

!mod post

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