A few things I obviously need to stress:
I'm a very nice person, but if you piss me off I will become a bitch.
Please add me first, then comment...do not just add me with no comment and vice versa.
I'm very open minded, don't be scared to add me; age, religion, race, sexuality, etc. does not matter to me at all...I don't even care if we have less than one thing in common.
I love giving and receiving comments
Flattery will get you everywhere, just don't say things like "Ur HaWt!1111"
Oh and don't type 1yk3 th1s, I despise that.
And please feel free to whore your communities
Please don't fill my friend's page up with quizzes and giant pictures...it kills my computer
And lastly, remember this is my own personal journal, I can write whatever I want, if it offends you oh well...not my problem. Do not bother making nasty negative comments to me about your own views, I'm not going to tell you how to live and you should have that same respect for me.
♥ Starr