bits 'n pieces of my life

Jul 26, 2005 09:45

Hmm.. I haven't been posting much lately.. not terribly surprising. Here's a rough sketch of what I've been up to recently:

* Played in a golf scramble - tied for 2nd
* Found the leak on my truck WAS the damn gasket. Changing it out as soon as I get a decently temp'd day
* Work sucks, but it's a paycheck. At least I have my senior title back.
* Went fishin' down in Mississippi. My girlfriend whooped my ass 12 fish to my 5 (but 4 of mine were bass!)
* Been playing poker here and there, doing decent at it when I keep my mind on the game. I'm not much good after playing a few hours.
* Trying to find some more fun stuff to do on the weekends. I just can't think of much of anything come Saturday.
* Working on various websites just to try to hone the skills. Also been working on a few patches to submit to the E project.
* Finished (well, mostly) Frankenstein. He still needs a floppy drive and could use a DVD burner as well. I will check on prices this week.
* Been burning (again) all my CD's to mp3 format since all the damn players including my cd-player require 'em instead of .oggs
* Laugh at Frankenstein cause he can encode mp3's faster than he can rip the tracks. It's funny!
* Adding more content to trying to make it more useful so people will visit at least once every few weeks.
* Deciding on how much I REALLY like Metadot. It needs new documentation, fixes on a few gizmos, and a MUCH better forum gizmo (or at least being able to iframe in phpBB and have it handle authing off the metadot db.)

Anyhow, that covers the past 3 weeks, I think. I know I've done a few other things, but I can't remember what they were. I'll post 'em later if my memory decides to catch up.

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