Work, work, work. Work, work, work.. Hello boys! I missed you!

Jun 22, 2005 12:29

Quick update for me. Personal life is going well. Mattresses are far too expensive. Kitchen leak is fixed, though now I have to encourage myself to finish the sheetrock. WoW is cool, still. Only lvl 26, and my Leatherworking is 191 (I make lots of cool stuff I can't wear yet.)

Overall, I'm pretty content with things. I do need to hear from one person concerning an increase in my worldly salaries, but outside of that, I'm in good shape. Vacation money is all but gone (damn incidentals) but if the previous sentence happens soon, it won't really matter at all.

I need to go fishing. I restrung all my poles, so I'm ready to hit the lake with confidence. Now I just need a nice day that I can wake up somewhat early and head out. Ed NEEDS sunlight badly. Reminds me, I need to mow the yard when I get home tonight. Might call Ben and see what his plans are gonna be.

Yay, hooray, and all that jazz.. I'm out, catch ya later.

BTW, if you haven't yet, please toss a link on your journal to if you haven't for your gaming friends to check out. I would be much appreciated. Also, stop by if you get a chance, register and post something. I think I've fixed all the initial problems (there's always something ya miss) so it SHOULD move pretty smoothly. If it doesn't, keep on sending those bug reports. hasturcubed also set up a forum for posting problems/reports if you can at least log in and post so we'll take a look at any issue. Gonna add a Wiki to it probably over the next week or two, but I want to attempt to use the same user/pass as the website to avoid the double login problem a lot of websites have.
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