(no subject)

Apr 14, 2009 20:47

Title: Heaven's Gonna Burn Your Eyes

Author: nyquil_love

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Ryan/Spencer's mom

POV: Third person

Summary: The Ryan & Spencer's mom sequel. This one includes the sex.

Disclaimer: Totally fictional. The title and the cut text belong to Thievery Corporation.

Author Notes: Oh, God, the sequel. I promised a few people that there would be a sequel to A Sin No Gallows Could Atone.
So here it is. This is especially for lolab because I did make a deal with him which included Ryan and Spencer's mom porn.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I know that in real life Spencer's mom looks like this. But, in my story, she looks like this and her name is Stephanie. This is because when I wrote the first one, I didn't know what her real name was.

It had been two weeks since Ryan had been over to Spencer’s house and he couldn’t get the last time out of his head as he got ready. Spencer’s dad was out of town for business and he had been invited over for dinner. They were ordering pizza. He looked at himself in the mirror and tried to place his bangs just right so they fell a bit into his eyes, which he had carefully lined earlier. Spencer would probably give him shit about wearing makeup to dinner, but he didn’t care. He hadn’t put it on for Spencer anyway. Ryan adjusted the collar of his white button down shirt and as an afterthought grabbed a gray tie off of the back of his chair and tied it around his neck. He was sure to leave the knot a little loose so it didn’t look like he was trying any harder than he obviously was.

When he was sufficiently pleased with his appearance, he grabbed his keys and headed downstairs. He could have easily walked over to Spencer’s house, but his dad was already asleep on the couch and he figured he might as well take the car. He called out to his dad, “I’m going to Spencer’s for dinner,” uselessly. His dad didn’t even respond and if he woke up later and wondered where Ryan was well that was his own problem.

The drive to Spencer’s wasn’t long enough and Ryan drove around their neighborhood a few times so that he had more time to think. He kept replaying the kiss in his head and he wanted to work out what he was going to say to Stephanie when he got there. On his third trip around the neighborhood, he decided that he was as ready as he was going to get and pulled into the driveway, taking a deep breath before getting out of the car. He convinced himself that this was just going to be like any other dinner and movie night at Spencer’s and the chances of even being alone in the same room with Stephanie were pretty slim.

He walked slowly up the driveway and climbed the two stairs that led to the front door. Before he could pull the screen door back to knock, he was greeted by Spencer’s younger sister, Jackie.

“Oh hey Ryan. We thought you were the pizza guy,” she said and pulled the front door the rest of the way open for him to walk past her, adding, “nice tie,” as she turned around in front of him to walk back into the living room.

He followed her in and tried to locate Spencer in the room. He must have been up in his bedroom. Just as Ryan was about to walk upstairs to find him, Spencer’s mother walked out of the kitchen.

“Oh, Ryan,” she started, taking in his appearance. “I’m glad you could make it tonight. I hope you’re not expecting anything special. I didn’t feel like cooking so we ordered pizza.”

“Yeah, um, Spencer, uh, told me,” Ryan replied weakly, his confidence seeming to deflate as he looked at her. She had her blonde hair halfway pulled up and she was wearing a white v-neck shirt. He glanced down to find that she was just wearing jeans and no shoes. He looked back up into her blue eyes and all he could think was beautiful. She wasn’t just a pretty girl, wearing too much makeup. She was a woman and she was gorgeous.

Stephanie didn’t seem to know what to say to fill the silence and she noticed Ryan staring at her so she said the first thing she could think of, “I think Spencer is…”

“You think Spencer is what?” Spencer called out as he came bounding down the stairs. He made a sideways glance at Ryan’s outfit, but just rolled his eyes and grabbed Ryan by the wrist, pulling him back into the living room.

Ryan looked over his shoulder as he was led away and Stephanie smiled at him, a little sadly as she turned to go back to the kitchen.

It seemed like forever before the pizza got there. Spencer just kept talking about how exciting Maryland was going to be and how he couldn’t wait to finally be finished with school, but Ryan wasn’t listening, he was just nodding and thinking to himself about how he was going to get Stephanie alone with him so he could talk to her, or maybe not talk to her if that was possible too.

When dinner did finally arrive, they all went to eat around the island in the kitchen. Spencer’s sisters continuously looked over at Ryan and giggled to themselves. Stephanie didn’t say much, but she and Ryan made eye contact a few times during the meal. After they had all finished, she asked Spencer to take his sisters to the movie store and rent them some movies for the night.

“Ryan, let’s go,” Spencer called out to him as he searched the coffee table in the living room for his car keys.

“Actually Ryan, can you stay here and help me clean up?” Stephanie asked as she was combining the leftover pizza slices into one box.

Spencer looked at his mom strangely. They hadn’t even used real plates tonight. It wasn’t like there was much to clean up. “Mom, I don’t think…”

“No, it’s okay,” Ryan said brightly interrupting Spencer. “You guys go ahead.”

“Whatever, we’ll be back,” Spencer answered ushering his sisters out the front door.

They left the front door open and Ryan could hear Jackie and Crystal arguing about who got shotgun and about Spencer being a reckless driver. He laughed to himself as he stood there awkwardly.

“Ryan?” Stephanie called out to him from the kitchen.

He made his way back in to the kitchen and leaned back against the counter as Stephanie finished throwing away the paper plates.

“Doesn’t look like you need any help,” he started and smiled at her. “Was there something else you needed me to do?”

“Ryan, why don’t you sit down?” She motioned for him to sit on one of the stools, but he opted to jump up on the counter where he was leaning.

She lowered the lid on the trashcan and turned to face him fully.

“Look Ryan, I don’t know what…”

“Can I go first?” Ryan asked.

She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back against the island across from him. “Yeah.”

“So, um, I’m sorry that I ran away last time, but I’m not sorry for kissing you. I…I love you.” Ryan wanted to look down with embarrassment, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

Stephanie was the first to look down and she shook her head slightly before speaking. “Ryan, you don’t...” she started before pausing and starting over. “We’re not going to do this.”

Ryan eased himself down from the kitchen counter and walked the few steps over to where Stephanie was standing. He raised his fingers to brush the hair from her eyes and she tipped her head slightly into his touch.

“Ryan, I know you think…”

“Shh,” Ryan calmed her and as he traced his fingers through her hair, he brought his thumb down and placed it over her lips. Her lips weren’t sticky like he was used to and when he leaned in to kiss her, she didn’t taste like raspberry lip gloss. She tasted like the sweet tea that she had been drinking at dinner. Her lips were soft and warm and he desperately wanted her to kiss back. It took a minute, but soon her lips moved with his and she sighed against his mouth.

They kissed there in the middle of the kitchen and it was just as Ryan had wanted it to be last time. He ran his fingers through the ends of her hair and her hands drifted down his back. They felt warm through his thin shirt and when she moved them down farther to hold his ass and pull him closer to her, he broke the kiss momentarily and gave an embarrassing whimper. He was actually wearing boxers this time, but they weren’t doing anything to conceal his dick pressing at the fly of his jeans. He knew that she could feel him and the fact that she wasn’t pushing him away drove him to attack her lips again.

This time, he leant forward and wrapped an arm around her back, using his other arm to reach behind her and push the napkin holder as well as the salt and pepper shakers out of the way. He grabbed her hips and eased her up on to the countertop as she went to undo his tie. She loosened it enough to slip it over his head and dropped it to the floor.

Their lips met again and Ryan felt Stephanie’s tongue slid against his own and he couldn’t describe it as anything other than the greatest feeling in the world. That was until she went for his belt, quickly unlatching it and pulling the button on his jeans open. He looked down to watch her fingers gracefully unzip him and his mouth hung open as frantic breaths passed in and out of his lips. He moved his hands from where they were resting against her hips. His thumbs stroked against her belly as his palms slid up her ribs. He took both of her breasts in his hands and went to kiss her again when he felt her warm fingers dip below the waistband of his boxers. He faltered and missed her lips, instead dropping his head to kiss her neck. He had to brush her long hair out of the way with his nose and he couldn’t help the shiver that ran over him as he inhaled the scent of her skin.

Stephanie wrapped her fingers loosely around his cock and stroked him a few times with one hand, her other hand pressing at the small of his back as he continued to lick and suck at her neck and the part of her chest that was exposed by her shirt. His hands were still on her breasts and he could feel her nipples harden under his fingertips. Her grip on him tightened and Ryan groaned, his hips pressing forward. He felt hot all over and he wanted to push her back and climb on top of her and just fuck her right here on the kitchen counter. He sucked harder on her skin.

“Ryan,” she breathed out as she sped up the hand that was jerking him off, still inside his boxers.

As the word left her lips, Ryan pressed his hips more firmly into her grip and a breathy moan escaped his lips before Stephanie felt a warm wetness spill around her fingers. Ryan had to take a second to catch his breath before he could look up into her eyes.

She looked at him and Ryan couldn’t read the expression in her sapphire eyes.

“I…I’m sorry. I can still…” Ryan spoke quickly so as not to ruin the moment and hurriedly began to unbutton her jeans.

“Hey, it’s okay. Slow down.” She tried to soothe him as she removed her hand from his pants. “Maybe we should…let’s go upstairs.”

Stephanie hopped down from the counter, her bare feet hitting the cool tiled floor, and took Ryan by the hand, leading him upstairs. He eagerly followed her, the hand not holding hers, keeping his undone jeans up around his hips as they climbed the stairs.

When they reached the bedroom, Stephanie let go of his hand to turn on a lamp next to the bed. Immediately the room was flooded in a warm glow. It felt inviting. The walls were a pale peach color and the bedspread was yellow and everything felt nice and comforting, but Ryan couldn’t remember ever feeling this nervous. He hadn’t even been nervous the first time he had had sex. He just remembered feeling anxious and excited, but this time was different.

Stephanie stood at the foot of the bed and slowly unzipped her jeans, letting them slid down her legs and kicking them to the side when they reached her ankles. She took the bottom hem of her shirt in her hands and pulled it over her head. Ryan couldn’t help but stare at her standing there in a pale pink satin bra and black lace panties. She wasn’t shy and timid. She wasn’t afraid of Ryan seeing her like this, wasn’t afraid that her thighs were too fat or that her bra didn’t match her panties. He had to adjust himself through his boxers, his dick beginning to harden again and stick uncomfortably to the cotton.

Stephanie walked over to him and slid her hands up and down his chest a few times before she began to work on unbuttoning his shirt.

“Ryan, are you sure you want to do this?” She asked, tracing her fingers inside his shirt before bringing them up to slide the thin material off his shoulders.

Ryan looked at her, her eyes so beautiful and sparkling in the lamplight. He leaned in to whisper against her lips. “Yes, more than anything.”

He kissed her, softly this time, less urgent than before and reached around her to unclasp her bra. He slid it down over her arms and when his hands reached hers, he held on, just wanting to be in that moment for as long as he could.

It was Stephanie who released his hands first, taking her bra in one hand and tossing it gently behind her to where her shirt was lying on the floor. Ryan wasn’t sure what to do first. He took in the sight of her soft, pale breasts and longed to kiss them, but he opted for pushing his jeans and boxers off his legs first, stepping out of them and stepping closer to her.

He pressed against her then, his lips tracing over her breasts and his hands reaching down to squeeze her ass gently through her silk and lace panties. He walked them over to the bed and climbed on top of her, settling between her legs. He kissed her and let his hips fall down against hers. His hardening cock slid against the wet silk of her black panties and it felt like heaven. He didn’t want to stop, but he wanted this to be good. He refused to think long about how this might be his only chance. He would do anything to make her feel as good as he was feeling.

Ryan sat back on his knees and urged her panties off of her hips, sliding the band between his fingers and pushing them down over her legs. He pulled them all the way off, over one ankle at a time. He looked back up at her, taking in the sight before him. There was so much pale skin in front of him but he couldn’t look anywhere but at her face. She was smiling at him, but her eyes were struggling to stay open and he was transfixed by her dark eyelashes opening and closing against her soft cheeks, which were flushed pink.

He ran his hands up her legs and the inside of her thighs was hot against his palms as they slid higher. He used this thumbs to trace over the wet curls between her legs. As he leaned forward, his thumbs held her open as he dipped his tongue in. He was hesitant at first, not because he didn’t know what to do, but because he so desperately wanted this to be right. He traced her swollen clit with his tongue a few times, just up and down slowly before he started a rhythm. His tongue made light, quick circles against her clit. He pressed it lower, inside her when she arched her hips off the bed. He used his hands on her thighs to keep them apart as he continued working over her with his mouth, pressing his dick down onto the mattress. She panted above him.

“Ryan…Ryan stop.”

He looked up at her, his lips wet and shining.

“That’s…so good. We just don’t have time to…come here,” she pleaded with him.

He crawled back up, his hands on either side of her shoulders and leaned down to kiss her. His lips and tongue were already slick and the kiss was messy, but so perfect. He thrust his hips down gently against her and his dick slid, leaking across her equally wet cunt. And, no, Ryan knew better than this, but fuck that felt good. He continued to slip his erection against her clit until she stopped him, urging him up so she could reach over to the nightstand next to the bed and pull a condom out of the drawer. She laid there trembling under him slightly as she tore the package open and handed the unwrapped condom to him.

Ryan reached down to pull the condom over his erection and sank his hips back down immediately. He glanced up at her briefly, as if to make sure it was okay to continue. Stephanie just smiled and nodded to him.

He pushed inside her, his cock sliding wetly into overwhelming heat. She groaned beneath him and he looked down at her with concern. He didn’t want to hurt her and he knew that it had hurt a couple of the girls he had been with.

“Shit, I’m sorry. I’m sorry; I’ll go slower. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Ryan said to her, his voice showing signs of equal parts pleasure and genuine concern.

She laughed lightly and her face absolutely glowed as she smiled at him.

“You didn’t hurt me. It’s okay…it’s…good,” she said, lacing a hand through his hair and bringing him back down for a kiss.

Ryan kissed her, mostly just with his tongue as his hips thrust into her as deep as he could go. He pulled out and thrust back in, moaning against her lips. She kissed him once more before her hands pressed gently against his chest. He pulled back, still buried inside her and moved to kneel up and take her thighs in his hands. He stroked his hands down the top of her thighs once, then back up again, his hands wrapping around her hips to pull her legs on top of his bent ones.

He kept his hands on her hips to keep her against him as he thrust into her over and over. He was fully up on his knees now, her legs wrapped around his hipbones. Stephanie reached down to rub at her clit with one hand, the other squeezing Ryan’s thigh.

Ryan couldn’t tell if she was close or not. He didn’t really have that much experience doing this. He had fucked a few girls, but he honestly didn’t know if any of them had ever gotten off this way. Stephanie looked like she could though. Her head was thrown back into the pillow, her lips parted, panting breaths causing her breasts to oscillate. She worked her hand quickly over herself and Ryan felt her thighs flex, her cunt tightening around him.

Her thighs relaxed and she let out a shuddering breath as she pulsed around him, tight throbbing muscles pulling him in deeper, and he lost it.

“Oh fuck,” he breathed as his eyes squeezed shut. He gripped her hips tighter, thrusting into her frantically a few times before he lost his breath and came, spilling inside the condom.

Stephanie ran her hands soothingly up and down the tops of his thighs and all Ryan wanted to do collapse on top of her, and just stay inside her, breathe her, kiss her, but he gently took her legs off of his and placed them back down on the mattress as he pulled out. He sat back and carefully pulled the condom off his still semi-hard cock.

Once he had it off, he carefully tried to roll it up without spilling anything on the bedspread. He must have looked a little lost because Stephanie reached out to poke his leg with her toe. She held out a tissue that she must have pulled from the box on the nightstand.

“Let me have it,” she said, grabbing the condom with the tissue and placing it next to her on the bed. “I’ll throw it away downstairs.”

Ryan smiled and went to lean down and kiss her, but she stopped him before he could.

“Ryan, this was…you can’t tell anyone about this okay?” She begged him, smiling, but looking a bit sad at the same time.

He leaned down to kiss her against her protests, just once more.

“Of course, I know,” he began. “But, I mean, was this okay? Did you?”

She beamed at him and pulled him down against her warm, soft breasts, cradling his head in left her hand. She traced his arm with her right and placed soft kisses to the top of his head.

“Yes, Ryan, you were…” she took a breath before continuing. “I…

“It’s okay, you don’t have to say anything,” Ryan said, letting his eyes fall shut and lightly running his fingers over her breast.

They both took a deep breath and seemed contended until they remembered why they were alone.

“We’re back!” Spencer’s voice carried up the stairs. “Mom, we got Narnia for you!”

Stephanie laughed and winked at Ryan when he looked up at her before they both went into panic mode scrambling off the bed and throwing their clothes back on.

“Shit!” Ryan exclaimed after he had most of his clothes back in place. “I think my tie is still in the kitchen.”
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