Discovery Health

Feb 24, 2008 10:37

I want to preface this with the fact that I watch Discovery Health almost non-stop.  I enjoy most of the programming, except for the ones about babies.  Every night they show commercials for their "National Body Challenge."  I decided to sign-up.  It's free and they give you recipes and work-out ideas.  Yesterday was my first day, which was good.  I did the exercise program that they suggested (you can watch the videos online and OnDemand), but I didn't really eat according to the plan.  For me, I'm just looking for more exercise things to do at home before I go to work.  I'm not worried that I eat too much crap, since I cut out all pop and fast food last year.

Anyway, if any of you are interested in joining up head to the website.  I'm doing it for tasty and healthy recipes, plus the at home exercises.  If I lose a bit of weight then that will be an added bonus.

Hope all is well.


national body challenge

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