(no subject)

Aug 23, 2005 22:52

Like the calm after a storm, I begin to survey this damage. A night of marinating, let us see what it has done. Just because you ignore it, does that mean that it isn't there?

So I will pretend that nothing happened, as is becoming my custom these days. I will laugh and joke and love and jest and forget that anything awkward was ever once a part of my life. After all, I can be anything I want to be, right? Therefore, I will be happy.

The wind rushes through my hair. I can't even imagine this without the wind; it is so stifling without. This blackness surrounding me, as tiny pinpricks of light come into focus, flash their slogan, and then vanish. My foot, so lightly playing this pedal, as I slowly speed towards that strange residence which is mine. A melodious tune plays to me "It ignited there like a beacon coming out of the dark./ You can feel it…" And I am comforted by its haunting melodies.

Oh how I am comforted in these moments of simply being me. I am not tan, nor thin, norlong-legged, nor dressed-to-impress, and I smile inwardly as I list these. I am me, simple, indescribeable me, and in these moments of blissful solitude, I am happy that no one needs to understand. I think, I imagine, I create, I fathom. And in these moments, I can just be. I love, I loathe, I listen, I learn.

I pull into my garage, close the door, turn the key, and zip these layers back up.

My return to society.
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