He Said, She Said. (White House style.)

May 26, 2011 19:19

On what she and Obama tell their daughters to help them achieve their goals: "Read, write, read, read. If the president were here--one of his greatest strengths is reading. That's one of the reasons why he's a good communicator, why he's such a good writer. He's a voracious reader. So we're trying to get our girls, no matter what, to just be--to love reading and to challenge themselves with what they read, and not just read the gossip books but to push themselves beyond and do things that maybe they wouldn't do.

"So I would encourage you all to read, read, read. Just keep reading. And writing is another skill. It's practice. It's practice. The more you write, the better you get. Drafts--our kids are learning the first draft means nothing. You're going to do seven, 10 drafts. That's writing, it's not failure, it's not the teacher not liking you because it's all marked up in red. When you get to be a good writer, you mark your own stuff in red, and you rewrite, and you rewrite, and you rewrite. That's what writing is."

-- First Lady Michelle Obama, speaking with students from the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School, London, 5/25/2011

Michelle Obama on her “cute” husband, Hillary Clinton and how she raises her daughters. You tell 'em, guuurlfriend. :)

Matter of fact... everything she says here makes a hell of a lot of sense.

(image courtesy of Reuters)

quotes, good stuff, reading, non-fiction writing, fiction writing

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