Intriguing Friends' Subject Lines. Dun-dun-DUN! (I have removed the -page from the name, seeing as I am also doing double-takes at offsite peeps these days. Ha.)
Let Me Show You My Middle Finger --
jpsorrow Are the U.S. teaching enough about whales --
mdbenoit I have a stuffed-up nose and a tube of Wasabi --
smeddley LJ Forecast Calls for Light and Scattered Jim --
jimhines Cage Fight After Home Ec --
neo_prodigy The Night The Bed Broke, or What Happens To Women With Pink Hair --
peachette48 Is that a zombie in your headline? --
pbray Hell Is Invited To Supper --
kmarkhoover No Sir, Wait...No Ma'am --
ebenstone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --
faerie_writer Lame Goblin: The Haiku --
OxyJen Take a bow, y'all.