Prom 2009 Pictures

Jun 07, 2009 12:48

Prom was just so fun last night, augh. I know you're all dying for pictures of the dress and such, so here you go. I didn't resize them or doctor them up in Photoshop because there's like, 100 of them and I'm too lazy. My camera is a piece of shit and I cannot take pictures at all either. I also make the strangest faces ever and I'm not photogenic at all, orz. Oh well.

Me in the living room.


Getting all Hollywood glam in the T-bird.

Greg putting on the corsage.

Me putting on the Boutonniere.

Greg and I in Greg's backyard. His mom made us take a thousand million pictures.

In front of the koi pond. "DON'T FALL IN!"

Me in front of the T-bird looking FABULOUS!

Greg and I in front of the T-bird. Talk about classy.

We totally posed for this one.

Sunglasses shot. We're stylish.

It was windy at The Crossings!

I went over to talk to my friend, Mike, who is standing to the left of me. My mother must have taken a sneaky shot of us.

We're dorks.

Again, dorks, I tell you.

Greg is obnoxiously tall.

Greg looks content in the car, aha.

1950's flashback.

Lauren and I. Her dress was vintage too.

Mike and I. We have no eyes. No SOUL!

Ali and I wearing almost the exact same color, lol.

Greg, me, Ali and Mike, Ali's boyfriend.

Shane, my AP Chem homeboy.

Jess and I.

Carmen and I. Greg is in the background.

Gabby, my long time friend, and I. We were totally groping each other.

I love this picture. Greg, me, Gabby and her date, Shane. We looked very classy, not gonna lie.

Rachel and I acting like losers. We go way back. "MYSPACE PICTURE!"

A fail picture of Greg and I. Again, we're exciting.

Greg didn't think he'd run into someone he knew, but 'lo and behold, here's Kevin. They decided to go on a "man date" together. I even saw them run off to the bathroom together, those homos.

I was determined to get a picture with Brian.

Take two! God, I'm so short.

Mike and I again.


KEVIN NEWMAN! He's the man, I tell you.

Matt and I.

Fail picture of me and Sean. He ran away before I could get a better one.

A very different Sean. He's a Jonas brother.

Sean as a Jonas brother, Greg as the Jonas brothers fanboy, and Kevin as the other Jonas brother. True story.

I was sitting on his lap, orz.


Not drunk!

Danielle and I. I must say, I really liked the cheetah print on her.

Ed is mean and didn't want to be in the shot.


Darren, his girlfriend who's name escapes me, and Bre. Attractive faces, man.

Darren and his girlfriend.

Gabby swimming in her dress.

Bre with sex hair.

I have no idea.

Bridget and me. Only not really.

Mary, Bridget and I.

Mary, Bridget and I again.


Mary and her boyfriend Brian.

Ali, some people, Mary and Brian again.

Jesse, Ali and Mary.

Celia, Rachel and Carmen. Poor Rachel had her eyes kinda closed.

Rachel dancing. I really love this shot.

Chris and I making faces.

Lots of people dancing The Cotton Eye Joe, I think.

Fail picture of Sam and I. Sam looked gorgeous, I had my eyes closed.

Take two. A little better, aha.

Tricia and I. Tricia was Kevin's date, otherwise known was Greg's "man date."

Kevin and Greg, class couple of '08.

Buttsex. (God, why.)

Just married! Best picture of the night, I think.

And that's it! Phew, I'm tired and I need to shower now too. I also need to clean my room and stuff too.

hey look i have a lifel kinda, prom pictures, i'm a loser, lots of pretty

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