
Nov 17, 2010 22:14

Note to self: Learn to tell when you're actually mentally exhausted so you don't end up stumbling over everything you say when you go out with friends. Haaaa, I have no idea how mistressnaoko and gerai_neon put up with me all through dinner, ahaha. I came back, crashed on the bed and fell asleep for half an hour and woke up going "I DON'T WANT TO PLAY SCRABBLE" when my brother knocked on the door (because he'd asked me earlier and I'd grumbled that I was too tired and didn't feel like it). Aaaaaaa.

I swear NaNo is the one that's throwing my entire body clock out of skew. Once I hit 50k, I'm returning to sleeping at 1 instead of...3. Maybe then I'll stop feeling vaguely exhausted all the time. :|a

In other news, PH 55 is full of badassery (hervictory finally gets her chapter of Gil awesome) and everything is just amazing. But now, I want next month's chapter, and I have a feeling that MochiJun will still try to drag out the whole ceremony thing. Ten whole minutes, man.

lol facial contours.

I'll post this up on teaegg once I have more stuff to post (...like my HnKnA!Julius icon set? idk), but for now, it'll sit pretty here. NEED TO COLOUR MORE LEO....or actually, maybe I should attempt recolouring my icons, like I've been saying that I'd do for the past month or so.

On a totally different note- I've been attempting to master this since I'd heard it. It's so pretty, and the notes really aren't that difficult.

pandora hearts, nanowrimo, graphics, life

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