Sat in for a SMUCE-organised career talk today and...actually had regrets about my decision to opt out of chem eng. It's just somehow really saddening how you have someone telling you in the front with this enthusiasm of what you could be doing and you know that it's not possible for you to work in that particular role because you're....not going to be in that exact field any more. I mean, sure, chances are that if I got into environmental engineering, I could probably try applying,'s just sad somehow. Three years of studying, and most of it is going to be a memory soon, save for the ugly marks on my future academic transcript.
It's a little bitter, really! There's nothing more I dislike than having to look back at stuff and think, "Wow, y'know what? I could be the one in that role. I could be the one churning out ideas, I could've been excellent."
And I'm just not! Part of me wonders that if I'd foregone sleeping at all, would it have helped, if I'd stopped being such a wuss and succumbing to stress during the exam season. I guess it's a question that I can no longer answer.
Ahaha, nostalgia!
Also. officially dropped
sirenspull and
somarium today.
dynast_harmonia has been on a yo-yoing mood lately and it's not good for socialising. Let's not even go into writing in general. I'm down to one game again! The universe's balance has finally be restored!