Some stuff I typed.

May 29, 2005 20:10

Here's an updateroo for all you buckos and buckettes out there.

Pretty much what I do all day is work at Delhi Flower and Garden Center helping people put dirt in their cars and then I come home, take a shower, and go to sleep. Occasionally I have a day off.

I was off today. I went to my cousin Sam's graduation party. I ate a lot of food and pigged out on cream puffs and mini eclairs. I feel somewhat sick.

Last Tuesday I went to see the Reds game that lasted fourteen innings. I went with my friend Heather. Her parents own a lot of the Dominoes pizza franchise restaurants around here, so The Enquirer (one of the city's papers) gave them four tickets to the Diamond Club, and since Heather's brother couldn't go, I got the ticket. Now the Diamond Club is a big fancy deal for businesses to schmooze clients. That means a lot of good, free food. I ate steak with shrimp on it, pork, a banana, a hot dog, a chocolate frozen malt, peanuts, a red slushie, a soft pretzel with cheese, hot chocolate, nachos, and probably more that I can't remember. We sat right behind home plate and we had an awesome time.

So, I'm working at Delhi Flower and Garden Center (The Center for future use) and it's nice work. I help people load bags of dirt in their cars and I make sure the carts aren't all over the parking lot. There are some more tasks that I have to do, but those are the two main things I do. It gets frustrating though, because while I can get all the dirt into the people's cars, I'm definitely not the fastest at it. Also, when we have to move foutains, I can tell that there's more work going on at my end than by the other people. When we throw out dead trees, I always get the small ones and the other guys get the big ones. The other guys also get to do the big heavy work moving trees, while I just get to pull the bushes out of the ground when someone buys it. I feel so small and weak compared to all the other guys. They're also mostly younger and in high school, so....yeah. Which is another frustrating thing. I move all this dirt, and I can definitely move more dirt than I could before, when I went to the Rec at school I was moving increasing weights on the machines, but where are the muscles? I can't see any of them, I'm going to be lanky until I die. It's not impressive to be lanky, my arms look like sticks and I can tell you that there won't be many opportunities to pick up big bags of dirt in front of the ladies. Even if I did, somebody would probably walk by with a tree. Usually at work I hang around with the ladies at the register. Wer'e not talking about "ladies" here, but actual ladies who are old. I have more in common with them than the high school crowd. Most of the other guys don't really talk to me, which makes me feel even more isolated, besides the fact that they can all pick up trees and fountains without any help or visible exertion.

But you know what? I get paid six bucks and get more hours because I'm in college, and they make minimum wage and have less hours because they're in high school or weren't on the college path. So they can have their muscles and move their trees, I'll rake in the cash.

On a lighter note, I'm working on a story involving four characters
Robin Dragold - An ordinary alchemist with not-so-ordinary friends.
Sylvester - A small red dragon who can turn lead to gold using his fiery breath.
(No name yet) - A wolf-man who is unable to transform to a wolf, because of a slight allergic reaction to dogs.
(No name yet) - The girl.
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